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Events And Launches


What are Events and Launches?

Most MLM companies have their own events and launches periodically which are mainly targeted for people from their fold and prospects. These events and launches usually revolve around a theme. If it is an event, it could be a simple motivational talk event or a seminar for training people on how to do something better. Launches are held when a new business idea is to be released to the general public. In either case, the functions are quite professionally organized, which could be a very good way to reinforce existing reps that the company still works well and to dazzle prospects into coming over to the fold.

MLM events and launches are organized by their parent companies or, if a sponsor has become big enough to host his or her own event or launch, they are financed by the parent company. Despite that, the MLM reps who attend these functions will need to spend money on travel, preparing themselves for the occasion, advertising the event or launch to their down line and prospects and promote the idea during the event or launch. But it is still a very good way of consolidating the  position of the company and getting more people interested in the idea.

 What are the Pros of Events and Launches?

Since many of these are  big money events, they do get press coverage sometimes. This publicity can be leveraged by reps to interest more people into joining the activity.

As these events or launches are organized on the home turf of the MLM company, they are quite able to impress the prospects well. When the prospects see the large number of people working with the business, they will also want to be in.

If the MLM company is doing really well, an event or launch could be a great way of publicizing this fact to the general populace and get more networking done.

What are the Cons of Events and Launches?

Being expensive, companies will organize such events very occasionally. Also, the invitees will need to spend, especially the reps that will be looking at promoting their networks during such occasions.

Consistent efforts are needed to make this kind of prospecting fruitful. A lot of pitching is needed to get prospects to attend and even after the day is done, follow-up methods are needed.

It is necessary that the rep prepare well for promoting the opportunity to the prospects that attend. For that, it is vitally important to get fully educated about the MLM company that they are working for.