Big Book of Home Business Lead Generation Methods by Ian Koch - HTML preview

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Publish A Book


Why does Publishing a Book work for MLM?

Not just for MLM, having a book published in your name works for any business, provided the book has to do with the business. Every person approaches MLM differently and sure you will have your own methods. You can write a book about these methods or simply you could put in some of your experiences – the teething problems, the prospecting you did, anecdotes, etc. – and write a book on those. People who are into MLM love to keep reading matter about it. If they read your book, you are garnering some good publicity there.

It is right to say that every MLM sponsor must consider writing a book about their networking exploits some day. This could go a long way in furthering their business and establishing their credentials.

What are the Pros of Publishing a Book?

The benefits are immense. You become popular and there is no extent where this popularity will lead you, depending on how nicely you have penned the book. You can cash in on this popularity quite emphatically. You could actually carry a copy of your book when you go prospecting and let your prospects take a look at it. The impression this creates upon the prospect is awesome and they will not just brush you aside. Published authors have a reputation and you will be entering that hallowed league with your book.

Whether your book is a bestseller or not, the fact that you have written a book means that you know about the business. This helps immensely in prospecting.

What are the Cons of Publishing a Book?

Writing a book takes a very long time. You have to invest a few hours each day to writing. You will need to rummage through a lot of existing information to make your book interesting. You might also need to take interviews from people and even seek their quotes. All this takes a lot of time. If you are looking for something quick, writing a book will not be a solution for you.

The very process of getting the book published can be harrowing. You will need to meet with publishers, give your manuscript for review, then edit it according to their guidelines, etc. Most new writers find this process quite off-putting.
