Blog GPS by Carolyn A. Smith - HTML preview

PLEASE NOTE: This is an HTML preview only and some elements such as links or page numbers may be incorrect.
Download the book in PDF, ePub, Kindle for a complete version.


Jeff Johnson created a FREE plugin and it’s highly recommended. Click here to get it, install it and then set it up and install ALL the plugins recommend within the plugin itself.

They’re all FREE!


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Join Traffic Voodoo :
Ì All-in-One-SEO pack
This plugin is an important part of SEO. This plugin sets up your blog's title tags and Meta tags to include keywords and descriptions.

Ì Google Sitemap Generator
Search engines give priority to sites with optimized sitemaps.

Ì Sociable
Truly a favorite plugin adds links to the bottom of every article allowing your viewers to share your articles with their favorite social networking sites such as Digg, Technorati, and Twitter. The exposure this can generate for your blog is baffling!


Ì Ping Optimizer
Blog pinging notifies blog servers that your blog has recently published new content. Your new content is shared across other networks, increasing your blog's exposure. Abuse of the ping can get you flagged and you do not want to have that happen.

Ì TweetMeMe
TweetmeMe Plugin (FREE) - The TweetMeme retweet button easily allows your blog to be retweeted and it shows a live count of the number of times your blogpost has been tweeted.

Get your blog/website indexed at Google
Go to Choose “Add new site” – then enter your url address


E. By utilizing all of the plugins you are maximizing your blogging efforts and should see a tsunami of traffic.