Blog GPS by Carolyn A. Smith - HTML preview

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Monetizing Your Blog
In my personal opinion, if you have given the effort to read this eBook to this point, chosen to implement the tools and systems provided; then you should take my advice and turn your blog into a commercial enterprise.
Maximize your R.O.I., I know you think you don’t have an R.O.I. to be concerned about, but you do. You have invested your time into building your blog and you should make it profitable. The opportunity is there so why not create income with it? Search engines favor websites that are updated regularly, have great content, and blogging regularly is a great way to make sure that your content is always fresh. The effort of maintaining your blog will be easy to do if your blog is generating additional income.
One of the best ways to monetize your blog is by incorporating Adsense, this advertising program works within any blog and it can generate a lot of money for you. Adsense shows ads along side your blog which are compatible with the topic you have written about. To get started with Adsense, go to and sign up for your free account.
You then choose what type of ads you want displayed on your blog. Adsense is a cost per click advertising program, which means that every time a visitor clicks on an ad shown on your blog you get paid. Cha-ching!
Google does not disclose exactly how much you earn for each click before you sign up, but you can track your earning daily, once you have started running Adsense and calculate how much you are making per click.

I sincerely hope you have enjoyed the book. If you do the above steps, rest assured that your blog will receive lots of unique traffic and you’ll be generating income in no time.


To be successful in your affiliate marketing/internet marketing business and you don’t have a lot of money to invest in your business but time. Follow these steps to maximize your blogging efforts.

1. Set up your blog. At this point you already know how to do that.
2. It is very important to post regularly on your blog; three times a week is a good start. When you reach 100 posts you will see the difference in your blog traffic.
3. Begin to turn your blog posts into articles. Submit one article a week to “top ten article directories”.
4. Join a credible Affiliate Program and post a link into each of your posts. Be sure the link is relevant to the topic or at least matches your niche market of viewers.
Here is an example:
Your blog topic is about a motivational book you have just read
“Napoleon Hill’s Keys To Success” and how everyone should go out and read it.



You give your raving review then you monetize your blog by providing a link from Amazon (affiliate program) directly to the book title. Your blog can now generate income for you based on your content. You have also provided the ease of purchase to your viewer making their experience on your blog more valuable.