Blog GPS by Carolyn A. Smith - HTML preview

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You may be wondering what the big deal is about blogging. I believe that anyone who feels they have something to say have now found by creating a blog the way to say it. Bloggers do not face the negativity of “trying” to share what they think and hope it’s received properly. They just do it! (Looking for my Nike endorsement)
A blog can be therapeutic, it can be informative, dramatic, entertaining, or it can be a daily ranting that you personally don’t have an audience for. The Internet is the perfect venue that allows you to share your voice. You would be surprised by how many people who may feel just like you!
Bloggers have the opportunity of reaching thousands globally each and every day. Blogging has become a popular hobby with the average person on the internet just like you and me. The range of blog topics runs the gamut from how to clean a fish tank to understanding science formulas. I do not personally suggest blogging about your personal life in “detail” because of obvious reasons; but to share a passion, opinion, or hobby is the safest idea. At this point you know what a blog is and that average people all over the world are reading and writing blogs of their own.