Blog GPS by Carolyn A. Smith - HTML preview

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For this eBook I am going to show you how to use free hosting; but will touch on the difference very quickly of what a paid hosting service can provide. Have you ever heard the term “Nothing in life is for free”? Well there are advantages and disadvantages to using a free hosting service for your blog.

The downside of using a free service is that you maybe limited to the full features the host can provide a paying user. Some services will only allow one author on your blog but will allow unlimited authors if you pay for the service. A free host will place advertising in or above your blog. Why would they do that? Why wouldn’t they? You are using their hosting site for free; so they will help keep it affordable by showing their clients advertisements on your page to your viewers. This advertising may be in the form of a banner over the top of your site or along the side or bottom. Using a free host your domain name will be part of another domain, perhaps vs. this is known as a subdomain. We will cover domain names later in the eBook.

The obvious advantage is it’s FREE! As a beginner this is a great way to start blogging because you can try it out and see if you have what it takes to be a blogger. If you find it is not something you like, what have you lost? Nothing except a few minutes of your time. If you become a dedicated blogger, you can upgrade your service options when you feel more comfortable.