Create Your Own Product in 6 Easy Steps in 7 Days! by Arny McCleary - HTML preview

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Step 1: The Right Mindset Means Evervthing!

Welcome to Step 1

The reason I thought I would include this step, which you may think has nothing to do with product creation, is because you will need the right mindset to get the most out of this book. This is absolutely crucial! Get your mindset right first, and your chances of succeeding will increase massively.

The hardest thing that I have found, and probably many other people do when getting started with any aspect of Internet Marketing, is the hard work that it involves. Forget about all these claims about making millions in 7 days, and all on autopilot. That is garbage! You will have to put the legwork in but, believe me, it will all be worth it.

Just think about it this way, if it was as easy as some people claim, every loser would be doing it. It will be probably be easier than you think, but it won't be easy! You will need to work at it.

Don't get me wrong, it is indeed very possible to make millions in this business, but in my experience, not when you are starting out. It is certainly a reality that if you have a list of, say, 20,000 responsive buyers that you can send out an email that will make you loads of money within a few days. However, to start off, you will need to create that product, and build that list, and that will require some good old-fashioned elbow grease!

So let's get that mindset correct right from the start. I am not going to write pages and pages of motivational stuff for you, except to answer the top questions that stop people taking action, or makes them give up before they even start!

I know these questions come up time and time again, and can be very hard to overcome, because I asked myself the very same questions plenty of times when I was starting out in Internet Marketing.

Here they are:

•  Is this going to work?

•  Is all this work worth it?

•  Will my product sell?

As I say, these are the three main questions that I found myself asking when I was creating my first product, and I bet you will be asking yourself similar ones.

Well, take it from me, the answer to all these questions is "Yes, it really does work!" You bet  it does!

If you follow the steps within this book, you will see that Internet Marketing is not some big scary thing that only a few blessed souls can do! It is most definitely not! People of all ages, abilities, and what-have-you are succeeding BIG TIME in Internet Marketing.

All you have to do is to see things rig