Creating the Perfect Youtube Marketing Video by Ivan Philipov - HTML preview

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Create the Perfect You Tube Marketing Video-5 Tips To Get it Right

You can use You Tube to market your business, product, or services. However, you need a good video in order to draw traffic and make people want to visit your website after they have finished watching.

So what goes into the perfect You Tube marketing video? Creativity always counts, of course, as does professionalism. Still, there are other things to take into consideration as well. The following is a list of 5 tips that will get you started.

  1. Make your video creative. With all of the videos out there, yours needs to stand out in the crowd. Use fun music, great shots, and try to find an angle that hasn't already been done. People generally turn on to You Tube to be entertained and your video needs to be able to do this.
  2. Give some tips or solutions to common problems that are associated with your particular product, business, or services. This is an informational type of video and the audience will like the fact that they are learning something. Try to make the tips unique enough that most people can use them but haven't necessarily heard of them before.
  3. Make your video educational. People like to learn things when they watch video. Your perfect You Tube marketing video doesn't have to be all about how to find your website and what the cost of your product is. For example, if you are advertising your mechanical business then why not give a demonstration on how to change a tire? People will watch your video, learn something, and then visit your website. These how-to videos are a lot less threatening than standard commercials or advertisement that you see on television. Plus, they are entertaining.
  4. Add some realism or “behind the scenes” in your video. You can do this by introducing your staff, introducing some customers, or even giving the audience a “behind the scenes” tour of the office, factory, or place of work. People appreciate this and it gives your product or business some authenticity.
  5. Add closed-captions to your video. Keep in mind that not everyone is able to hear and that those audience members might be the very ones that want to order your product. It's very thoughtful to keep the hearing impaired in mind when creating a video, even a marketing video, because most people rarely do.

You Tube Video Marketing Tips-Join the Community

Do you want your You Tube marketing video to be seen? Are you running out of ideas as to how to market it for little to no money? Well, one of the best ways that you can promote your perfect marketing video is to join the community.

Once you have uploaded your video, chosen your categories and video tags, and let it settle into the website, you can't just sit back and hope that traffic comes to it-you must market it as well.

One of the easiest ways to market your video is to send emails to other users and to produce bulletins, similar to a Facebook status or Myspace bulletin, from your profile or other pages.


You Tube is a social utility site, the same way that Facebook and Myspace are. You should keep this in mind in your marketing scheme. Therefore, feel free to advertise it to other You Tube users. Of course, you don't want to send people spam. Spam is unwelcome and gives the entire process bad name. What you can do, however, is send out fairly personalized emails discussing your video and a little bit about your product. Entice people to watch your video without putting to much pressure on them. It helps if you send your emails to people with tastes that are similar to yours or to what your video is promoting.


You can also utilize You Tube bulletins for your marketing purposes. These are even faster and simpler to use than emails. You can theoretically reach more people at once, too. You can send out a bulletin on your own channel profile or leave messages for users on their pages, too. A bulletin is simply a short message, asking people to check out your video or playlist. (A bulletin can also just give people random news, too.)

Another reason that bulletins can be good is that while they are short, they are also informative and can give your viewers news on what is going on in your world, including your company. It is a non-threatening way of inviting people to check out your video because they can see the bulletin and either choose to read it and watch the video or not. It is less invasive than an email in some aspects.

In short, using these two forms of marketing within the You Tube community itself is a great free and easy way to market your own marketing video. It takes little effort and time and could yield great results.

You Tube Video Marketing-The 3 Categories of Videos

When it comes to uploading your videos onto You Tube for marketing purposes, there are actually three categories of videos that they can fit into. These three categories of videos are the kind that generate traffic, which is essentially what you want when it comes to posting your videos on You Tube to begin with-especially if they are meant to market your new product or business.

So, what are the three categories of You Tube videos? The are the educational videos, entertainment videos, and the informational videos.

1. Educational Videos: these videos are meant to show you how to do something. For instance, a girl I know just had her hair done in a 1920's 'do for her wedding by having her hair stylist watch an educational video on You Tube. Educational videos might also show you have to change your car oil, change the vent in your heating unit, or even hang a picture correctly.

So you want to market your business, not show someone how to change a light bulb? Well, you can actually market your business using an educational video. Let's say, for instance, that your business is selling Mary Kay products. You could create a video and show the world how to complete a perfect at home Microdermabrasion. This would pique interest enough to draw visitors to your own website where they could purchase your products. People like to learn how to do things, after all, and this way it feels less like an advertisement if they are actually getting something out of it by watching.

2. Entertainment Videos: these are the videos that a lot of people tune into You Tube to watch. The entertainment video's main purpose is to entertain people while they watch it. You can also use this in your marketing techniques as well. Similar to using the educational video as a marketing ploy, if you can get people watching then they will remember your product and possibly check out your website as well.

Your marketing video shouldn't really be a commercial-not when it is on You Tube. With the thousands of videos that are already on the website, you need to stand out from the pack.

3. Informational Videos: the information video gives your viewers...information. Still, you want to ensure that you don't forget the entertainment value of your marketing video. You can give information without it being dry or technical, or sounding preachy. Do your best not to sound like a late-night infomercial.

5 Tips for Making a Great Marketing Video for You Tube

You Tube can be a powerful marketing tool for your business or products that you are trying to promote. Most of the You Tube videos are shot by amateurs and are low-budget. That doesn't mean that a lot of work didn't go into them, however. Still, the videos are mostly done on a low budget.

There are ways to make your video great, nevertheless. The following tips are things that you should keep in mind when you are making your perfect You Tube marketing video.

  1. Try to do something a little bit different. To make your video stand out, you need to stand out yourself. Don't just film yourself sitting on a couch, talking. That's boring and it's been done before. Instead, try to find an interesting background. Use some interesting music that goes along with your video. Even if you are making an informational or educational video you should be able to find ways to make it entertaining. The last thing that you want to do is to stand in front of the camera and talk as if you are giving a speech.
  2. Make sure that you dress for success. If your going to make a professional marketing video, dress like it. Tee shirts are not professional. It's okay to appear casual and relaxed because people can identity with that. However, to look like an expert in your field, you actually need to look like an expert in your field. If you are a mechanic, it's okay to wear your uniform. If you are an executive financial planner, wearing a T-shirt and cutoffs isn't saying a lot about your expertise.
  3. Don't just advertise. People don't come on to You Tube to watch advertisements. They have regular commercials and late night infomercials for that. For You Tube, you need something entertaining.
  4. Your video doesn't have to be professional looking, but it shouldn't be shoddy work either. The audience must be able to hear the audio and actually see the people that they are looking at. This means no bad lighting.
  5. Keep it short. Most successful You Tube videos are less than 5 minutes long. Even if your marketing video is educational or informational, make sure that it isn't needlessly long. For this reason, it might be helpful to write out a script first and then time it.

Marketing Your Product On You Tube: 10 Reasons Why You Should Do It

You Tube can be a great place to upload your marketing video for your business or product. Millions of people get on You Tube everyday to watch videos and ours can be one those that people watch. If you include your website address and other information then hopefully people will then be driven to your website and purchase something.

The following list are 10 reasons why placing your video on You Tube can be a good marketing ploy for your business, products, or services.

  1. You can produce short videos of informative tips that can help show off your expertise in your specific area of business. In turn, this will make people interested in visiting your website.
  2. You can interact with the YouTube community by leaving comments on other people's pages and uploading video responses to videos on topics that are related to your business or product. Above all, You Tube is a social utility site and the more your name is out there, the more hits your marketing video is going to receive.
  3. You can add your You Tube channel's website address to marketing collateral and other social networking profiles.
  4. You can upload customer video testimonials in order to add to your believability. Try not to make them too infomercial like, however, or else they will appear insincere.
  5. You can show the results of someone using your product or services. This is a great way to bring your product to life.
  6. You can let others use your product in their videos and vice versa in order to cross-promote each other. This equals product placement.
  7. Use your video to advertise your business or product by including your company information like your name, URL, phone number and email address in every video. After all, you want people to be able to find your website.
  8. You can answer questions using your marketing videos. Some people are visual creatures and would appreciate being shown a video instead of reading a FAQ.
  9. Make sure that embed your marketing videos on your company's website on the right pages so that people can find them. You can upload them to You Tube and then use them directly on your own website.
  10. You can even earn money from your You Tube marketing videos by entering into a partnership with YouTube.

You Tube Marketing Tips-Promoting Your Perfect Marketing Video

Congratulations! You have succeeded in creating the perfect You Tube marketing video for your business or product. You know that people are going to love and it and might possibly watch it over and over again. Now, how do you direct people to it?

Ah, that is one of the issues that people face once they have completed a project-the marketing. Except now, you have to market your marketing materials. Do how do you promote your prefect marketing video?

First, make sure that people understand what it is that you are trying to promote with your video. Although some very popular videos seemingly have nothing to do with the products that they advertise, they do eventually try to make a point out of their video. You should do the same. At the very least, you need to include your URL within your video or else people won't know how to get to your website afterward.

Secondly, you should also try to make your video entertaining. By doing this, people will want to watch it. They will also want to tell their friends about it. They might even post it on their blogs, Facebook page, and Myspace page. This is great free promotion for you and your website. Word of mouth is one of the great marketing tools out there-and it's free!

Unless you are promoting your magic act, try to make it as realistic as possible. People watch You Tube videos to be entertained, but they also like seeing real people in real situations. This is not the time to bring out your CGI and big budget special effects.

Make sure that you use tags and categories in the right way. Tags is what search engines will use to find your video. Don't just use random tags, either. Make sure that they actually have something to do with the video that people are watching. With that being said, make sure that your tags cover all aspects of the video, too. For instance, if you are marketing your real estate business in Dallas, then make sure your tag words have something to do with real estate, houses, buying property, and Dallas.

Lastly, never underestimate the power of promoting yourself. Add your URL to every outgoing email that you send. Also, if you belong to any group, make sure that your URL is part of your signature. Your presence will help drive traffic to your site.

5 Unique Things You Can Do with Your You Tube Marketing Video

Your You Tube marketing video doesn't just have to contain information about your product or services. In fact, there are scores of different things that you can do with your video to make it the perfect marketing video.

As a matter of fact, most advertisements on You Tube, unless they are especially unique, actually turn people off. Why? People people go on You Tube to be entertained and to learn information-not to try to be suckered into buying things.

So what else can you do with your You Tube marketing video?

  1. Interview someone who is an expert in the field that you are promoting. For example, let's say that you own a garage and you're trying to get customers interested in taking their cars to you. Go down to the local mechanics school and interview one of the professors. Get him to give you tips on car maintenance in the wintertime. By doing this, your viewers are learning something valuable. At the end, you can still include your contact information. In essence, you are still marketing your business or product, but you are also giving people something to remember as well.
  2. Give your audience a tour of the facility. This is a good idea if you own a restaurant or a small factory. Take your audience of a tour of it in order to give them a “behind the scenes” feel. A restaurant would be particularly good because people like to see how a restaurant runs. It will also give you a chance to show off your staff.
  3. Actually show someone using your product or services. This is akin to customer testimonials, which can also be good. One of the reasons that infomercials are so successful is because they are very good at showing seemingly “real” people using the services. They make it appear easy, too. Instead of just showing off your product, try to record someone really using it.
  4. If you are promoting an event, show clips from past events. Be as creative as possible. Add music. There's nothing like showing people having a good time to get others interested in doing the same.
  5. Use product placement by working with other people. Use their products in your videos and do the same for them. Make sure that you mention what the other product is, though, or else your audience might just think it is a prop.

Using You Tube to Market Your Product-Should You Hire a Professional?

By now, you have probably heard that using You Tube can be a great way to market your product or your business. But now you're probably wondering how you should go about making a video. Should you hire a professional or do it yourself? What if you don't know anything about making a video-much less one that will make people visit your site? The following article will look at the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a pro or going at it alone.

Advantages of...hiring a professional for your You Tube marketing video

  • they presumably know what they're doing
  • they can get the video completed in a time-sensitive manner
  • you won't have to do much more than give them direction as to what you want.

Disadvantages of...hiring a professional

  • the cost-pros can be very costly if they know what they're doing
  • time frame-they might not be able to get to you right away
  • sleekness of the video-You Tube is primarily known for its laid back/personal video camera look

Advantages of...doing it yourself

  • it's virtually free so if you're on a budget it can be great
  • you have total control of everything
  • you can change things as you see fit without taking up other people's time

Disadvantages of...doing it yourself

  • a video that comes off looking amateurish-even by You Tube's standards
  • having no idea what you are doing
  • creating a video that just doesn't keep people entertained

What you can do is write out a script, come up with a concept, and then hire a professional to shoot it. If you have everything together that you need then you it might save you money since you will hopefully not be taking up too much of their time.

Another option, to save money, is to go to a local college or university and talk to a media student about helping you out. They might do it for less.

If you really want to save money and go at it alone then there are hundreds of websites that can give you pointers on how to make a good video, as well as how to market it once it's up on YouTube. Likewise, the You Tube community itself is a good place to learn valuable information and tips on how to proceed with a video that will get people's attention.

Niche Targeted Playlists-Boost Your You Tube Marketing Video

So what is a niche targeted playlist and how can it help you with your You Tube marketing video?

Making a playlist is actually a very simple thing to do. This article will read as though you are using your own videos, as opposed to gathering together other user's videos. After all, if you want to market your own products or business then it would presumably be your videos that will point your audience to your external website.

First, go to your “My Videos” feature. Once there, you can select videos from your account that you have already uploaded and then add them to a new playlist.

There are several advantages to creating playlists. For one thing, you can get individual clips together into a niche-targeted context so that they are all relevant to one another. Why is this important? Well, if visitors are looking for something specific, they can find related content all in the same playlist without having to go searching around for it. This makes your channel a little bit more user-friendly to your audience, which is especially helpful if you have more than a few videos uploaded.

You can also use your own videos and group them together by topic or theme. If you have a long video, you might want to break it down into several clips. Each clip should contain a specific title. This way, your audience will be able to skip over to the parts that they want to see within your video without having to watch the entire thing.

In essence, you are taking out some of the work for your targeted audience and helping them locate the information that they are searching for. This might even help them watch more of your videos since most people don't like weeding through a bunch of other stuff to get to what they are looking for.

How does this help promote your own videos? Well, let's say that you own a car maintenance business and that your videos all show people how to do different things to their car. Perhaps some of your videos show the right way to apply wax to the car while others might be dedicated to changing the tire, changing the oil, or adding various fluids. You can group all of these together by themes, making it easier for people to find what they are looking for. As a result, they could end up watching more videos and will hopefully visit your website.

Promote Your You Tube Marketing Video-Join or Create Groups

Don't underestimate the power of joining or starting your own group on You Tube if you wish to promote your marketing video for your business or product.

When it comes to marketing, that can be one of your businesses largest expenses. Therefore, it helps to cut corners ans save money however you can. One of the best ways that you can do this is to create a video that is relevant to your business and then post it on You Tube with links to your own external website.

Once it is on You Tube, however, you also have to promote it to let people know that it is there. There are several free ways that you can do this and one of them is to join or create your own group. Why?

Because You Tube has a strong community of groups. The people within these groups share videos with one another and talk about their similar interests and topics. It can be a great place to interact with like-minded people and perhaps gain followers for your business or product.

So how do you find groups that are suitable for your needs?

You can browse groups by category or, if you don't like what you see, you can even start your own group. Make sure that you check out each group in in order to determine if they are right for you. Don't just randomly click on a bunch of groups to join. It's better to have a couple of groups that really fit your needs then hundreds that don't.

What are the advantages and disadvantages to starting your own/joining an existing one?

If you join an existing group you can be a member right away and instantly begin sharing information and learning valuable information and tips. You can also leave comments and start promoting your marketing video. However, you need to do this in a non-spamming way. After all, people are on there to share, not bombard one another with videos.

If you start your own group, it might take longer to build up members. However, you have the potential to control the direction that the group takes and that could be appealing to you. You can also make it possible that you have to give the go-ahead for something to be posted. It's better to make your own group public rather than by invitation only since you want people to see your videos.

Video and You Tube Marketing-4 Great Tips

A lot of the great videos on You Tube that have become popular have done so by word of mouth. It wasn't because some great marketing plan or promotion scheme went on within them or that the makers were brilliant people and knew how to get the word out. No, it was because someone saw it, thought it was great, and spread the word.

Unfortunately, no matter how good your video is, this doesn't happen very often. After all, there are millions of videos out there and only a handful become really popular. So if you want your marketing video for your business or product to get noticed, you're going to have to put some work into it.

While You Tube can be a great place for your marketing video, if nobody ever sees it then it's not going to do you any good. Here are 4 tips that you can use for your video and You Tube marketing experience.

  1. If you want people to visit your website, then you need to include the address within the video itself. You might have a great video that everyone talks about. However, they need to know how to find your product and business afterward. Going to Google, typing in a phrase, and then sorting through the choices is just sometimes too much work for people.
  2. You can also include your URL at the bottom of the entire video. This is a good idea because if people clip it or make mashups you will still get credit for the video, as well as traffic to your website.
  3. Keep it simple. Don't think that your marketing video has to be extravagant, expensive, polished, or complicated. As a matter of fact, it's better if it isn't any of these things at all. Try to keep it fairly short, too. Most of the popular videos are well under 5 minutes long. An entertaining video that has people talking is a lot better than an expensive video that is simply boring.
  4. Think about adding some humor to your video. People like to laugh and many people come to You Tube expecting to be entertained. So you're not a comedian? That's okay. You can also try adding some music, some interesting clips, or a gimmick. Just keep your audience in mind.

You're not looking to impress executives or win a presentation award-you want people to be entertained and to then visit your site.

Promote Your Perfect You Tube Marketing Video For Free: Here's How to Do It

Many business owners are creating perfect You Tube marketing videos and using them to promote their website, business, or products. It's a great way to get some recognition, as well as to drive traffic to your website. When you combine social networking sites, you pick up traffic that you might not have ordinarily received on your traditional website.

So how do the videos of hamsters staring into the camera translate into perfect You Tube marketing videos? Well, those don't. However, If you create a good marketing video then you can drive traffic to your site. Here are some things to consider...

  • Try creating the perfect You Tube marketing video to fit your niche. If you own a car detailing business then you might want to make some videos aimed at people who would like know more about cleaning their cars a particular way. If you are a party or event planner, you might want to show some clips of recent parties that you have planned.
  • You should also keep your tags and categories in mind when you are uploading your video. People will find your video through the tags, which are essentially keywords, so be wise about choosing them. These will also help your video show up on Google searches, too.
  • Consider offering the people an incentive to visiting your site at the end of the video. Offer them a free consultation, promise of a free coupon, MP3 download, etc. People like freebies, after all.
  • Remember that while they are watching your video, you have them hooked. Therefore, you need to reel them in while they are still interested. That is why it is imperative that you include your website address, as well as give them a reason to visit your site. You want them to visit it now because later, after they have watched more videos, they might forget about yours.
  • Don't just count on your video being shown on You Tube. You can also include it in your blog, on your Facebook and Myspace pages, and in your company's website as well. You Tube will give you embedded links that will allow you to do this with just a few click of the mouse.
  • Don't treat your video like an advertisement. People get resentful of advertisements when they are on the internet. Instead, make it entertaining.

Viral Marketing Tips for Your You Tube Video

If you do a random search on the internet right now for viral marketing tips, you will find scores of websites with information available for you to peruse. Why? Because it is a hot topic these days. It's no wonder, either.

Viral marketing can be used in many different ways, from videos to even e-books. If you are trying to promote your own business and you want to create a top-notch video for marketing purposes then you really cant go wrong with viral marketing. Viral videos are most one of the utilized forms of marketing today.

Of course, there are some guidelines that you should follow when you are using viral marketing. Although it is similar to other forms of marketing in some respects, there are still some things that you should keep in mind when creating a video. The following is a list of tips that will help you get set on your way to producing a top notch video that is bound to bring forth good results.

1. Make people remember it.

There are literally thousands and thousands of marketing videos out there right now. In fact, most businesses are using them these days. For that reason, your perfect marketing video must be memorable. If it's not, then people aren't going to remember your product. Have you ever seen a commercial that has seemingly nothing to do with the product that it was attempting to sell? Well, do you remember the video itself? That was kind of the point. Although it might not have had a huge connection to the product, you do, in fact, recall the video. In turn, that makes you think of the product. Remember that when yo are making your video.

However, this is not an excuse to make your product substandard. You must still have an excellent product, too.

2. Make it look professional.

It can be low-budget and still look professional. It can be very annoying when the audio doesn't match up with the video or when the camera is too shaky. Likewise, bad graphics or poor quality can make the video appear unprofessional. People might get the wrong idea about your product in these instances. Don't rely on your friends and family to provide unbiased feedback on your video, either.

3. Make it resistless.

This goes along with making it

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