Easypreneur 101 by Easypreneur.com - HTML preview

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Bonus: Expect Success

What’s the situation like in the world right now?

  • The war is dragging on.
  • People are getting laid off.
  • The cost of living is going up.
  • Gas prices are getting ridiculous.
  • Food prices are going out of control.
  • The economy seems to be slowing down.
  • More and more people are getting into debt.
  • Etc.

People are really at their wits end out there.

They have problems (real or perceived) and anyone with a problem they think is bad enough wants a solution.

As a marketer it’s your job to provide those solutions and put cash in your pockets.

Most of the people in this world who pay attention to the media get caught up in talk about the cost of living or gas prices.

Because of that, they either want to make more money to help ease the strain of how much things cost or… they’re trying to find ways to save money to make their dollars stretch farther in tough times.

As a marketer you’re in a position to help people do both and make money at the same time.

It just takes a little bit of initiative.

Pay attention to the news and current events.

News outlets spend a lot of time and money advertising certain issues. Issues you can quickly profit from. They also spend a fair amount of time using fear to get their stories read.

Pay special attention to the things the media is getting people all worked up over. There is always money to be made whenever people get uncomfortable and the news outlets are masters at making people uncomfortable even if they shouldn’t be. People will always pay good money to be comfortable again.

Your job as a marketer is to sell products period. It’s not your job to worry about if people really need the products you’re selling. If you see a situation where people will buy something then sell it to them and get your money.

It’s up to each individual person to decide if they should buy something.

Never feel bad about making money.

People have the right to exercise their own personal responsibility. If they don’t and they buy something they really don’t need, that’s not really your concern. Make your money and let people sort the rest out for themselves. You’re not a babysitter.

You’re a marketer.

I say this because one of the main things that keeps marketers from making money is the feeling that they need to personally take care of everybody and only sell the best of the best products and services and really there’s no such thing.

What you’re really doing is making things hard on yourself because you’re scared of being successful on some level. Telling yourself that you won’t sell a certain product because you don’t think people should buy it is a way to self-sabotage yourself.

Your job as a marketer is to present products in a way that makes them appealing to people so they buy them. That’s it. If a person really believes later that they shouldn’t have bought something from you or though you, that’s what refunds are for but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have sold it to them in the first place. Your job is to sell.

Make your money and don’t feel guilty about it.

I’m not saying that you should sell people just anything to make a few bucks.

No, all I’m saying is that you should create or find a product to sell and sell it without trying to become the self-appointed chancellor of consumer satisfaction and well-being.

What I just told you is the reason why some marketers are happy and well fed while others are bitter and living off top ramen.

Make your money. Feed your family. Live the life you want to lead and make NO excuses along the way.


When you expect success you will start to see opportunities to make money while other people only see obstacles that can’t be overcome in front of them.

Whenever you see someone online complaining about not making money, it’s because they’ve given up their power to circumstances outside of their control.

Forget what you see on the news about the economy being slow or that people aren’t spending money right now.

While that may be true to a certain extent, believing what the news media tells you about the state of affairs in the world can seriously affect your income in a negative way.


Well, believe it or not, the life you lead right now is a direct result of the life you expect yourself to lead. In other words, the world works based on your perception of how it works.

If you believe the economy is slow and that people aren’t spending money; that can stop you from doing the things you need to do to put more money in your pockets because you might believe that your products won’t sell. There is always money to be made regardless of how the economy is moving.

I choose to perceive the world as one giant opportunity. While other people struggle because they believe that a slowing economy dictates that they must struggle, I can wake up, sit in front of my computer for an hour or two and create money out of thin air.

That’s not bragging.

I just expect to make money from the time I spend working on making money. If you expect to make money and take action on the opportunities that present themselves (because you expect opportunities to pop up) you will profit even when others around you couldn’t generate a sale if their lives depended on it.

If you believe the economy is tight and by extension money is tight, you’re setting yourself up to struggle because the world will show you a reality where money is tight and out of your reach if that’s what you expect.

This isn’t some mystical hocus pocus.

Your own mind determines whether you add money to your bank account today or sit at home in silent desperation hoping the outside world will change.

The outside world (everything outside of your own mind and body) will do what it does. You have no real control over that.

What you do have control over is how you move yourself through this world. The world will always (in one form or another) show you exactly what you’re expecting to see.

That’s a scary thought actually so be careful about what you expect to see because you will see it in one form or another. What do you expect to see every day? Do you expect to see opportunity for profit or reasons to struggle?

By the time you’re done reading this report you should be able to start seeing ways to put money in your pockets every single day instead of just crossing your fingers and hoping your boss doesn’t lay you off, or that food prices don’t keep going up or that gas prices don’t hit $7-$10 a gallon.

You have no control over those things.

Concentrate on what you can control and start expecting better things to happen to you. You are not a victim so don’t act like one and put yourself at the mercy of the outside world.

Start acting like you’re entitled to good things and do what you know is necessary to bring those good things into your life. And when good things start happening to you don’t act surprised.

Say to yourself… “This is happening to the right person. Me.”