Fire Your Boss and Join the Internet Marketing Revolution by Marzell - HTML preview

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Online Network Marketing


If network marketing is your cup of tea, then you must learn to explore new opportunities by promoting network marketing programs on the Internet.


Strengths: Similar to affiliate marketing, you don’t need to see anybody and promote your programs online. You have the entire world’s Internet users as your prospects for your downline groups.


Weaknesses: Building a network marketing business online is prone to being impersonal. Make sure you do not adopt a ‘build and burn’ mentality.


Opportunities: You can easily recruit more people online compared to doing something offline (where you are limited by time and space)


Threats: Globalization – downlines are not as loyal as they used to be due to the abundance of opportunities available on the Internet.


Suggested Course Of Action: Sign up for a network marketing prospecting system that will help you to generate lots of fresh leads while making money at the same time.


Niche Marketing


Niche marketing is a term people use to refer to niches that people can target to make money online without focusing on ‘business opportunity’ or ‘make money’ niches (like Internet marketing or network marketing).


It targets niches such as self-improvement, dog training, gaming, movies or other things that do not fall into the category of money making niches.


Strengths: You can focus on your passion and become an expert in it. Let’s say you are an expert at mountain biking, then talk all about it and monetize from this niche alone.


Weaknesses: You have to be plan everything and make sure your traffic is quite targeted and an expert at it. Different niches yield different results.


Opportunities: Niche marketing opportunities are ENDLESS. All you need to do is find a niche you can excel in that nobody else is targeting (of course, this is very rare but a lot of niches are not that congested).


Threats: An untapped niche is rare – so most people go for rarer sub-niches


Suggested Course Of Action: Do a search on Google for “YOUR NICHE” FORUM (Example: if you are targeting the gaming niche, type in “gaming forum”) this will be your market!


Freelance Services


The fastest way to make money online – offer your services as a freelancer based on your core competencies and earn money immediately by cashing in on your expertise!


Strengths: Fast and good money if you have the right clientele. In fact, this is one of the fastest ways to quit your full time job – just become a freelancer and be the boss of your own time!


Weaknesses: You need to have a skill and market your services. You have to build up your clientele as well and have them recommend more business to you.


Opportunities: Writers, graphic designers and other talents are in demand especially on the Internet.


Threats: You are competing against other freelancers, many of them sell their services TOO CHEAP!


Suggested Course Of Action: Go to E-lance  and look for work there.


Internet Marketing


The most popular niche online – mostly related to teaching others how to make money online or business opportunity niches.


Strengths: There is a huge hungry market here looking to find the holy grail of making money online. If you have a product that can help them to make money, save money, save time, save effort or generally run their business for them, then you have a huge market here.


Weaknesses: This is one niche that you must make sure you produce results for your prospects. Don’t be a hypocrite by telling others you can teach them to make money online but you haven’t made a single cent!


Opportunities: There are lots of niches like resell rights, private label rights, product creation, search engine optimization and many more – you just need to find which market you are more comfortable with.


Threats: This is the MOST COMPETITIVE niche online – everyone is fighting for the same pie – but people are also willing to buy…


Suggested Course Of Action: Go to Make Your Living Online  and learn all about it.