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Migraine Relief: 7 Undeniable Ways To Shatter Your Migraine Naturally

Successful natural treatment for migraines must first determine the cause of the pain. Some migraines are seasonal, can be caused by changes in atmospheric pressure. Those with allergies may experience seasonal migraines due to allergy flare ups. The appearance of a bright sun after days with little or no light can also be a trigger.

Whatever the causes are however, they can all be traced back to the root cause of all sickness and ill health the body goes through. The simplest way to explain this is: your immune system is weak and toxins are successfully attacking your body.

The solution therefore, while some methods treat the signs and symptoms for temporary relief, it is better to treat the causes. Here are seven simply natural ways to get relief.

1. Magnesium: Properly nourishing the cells of the body daily with the adequate amount of nutrients is by far the most crucial method of combating migraine. Vital Vitamins and minerals are usually missing from our cells mainly because of our lifestyle. One mineral that can prevent migraine is Magnesium. Its effectiveness has been studied for migraine relief and results received are very promising.

2. Omega-3 fatty acids: The consumption of enough fish containing omega-3, or substituting it with salmon oil plus omega-3 fatty acids capsules have shown to have encouraging results in the treatment on migraine. All cell need the chain of eight molecules in the family of omega-3 fatty acids starting with ALA (alpha linolenic acid) and ending with DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

3. Some natural compound substances produced in the cells when the body is functioning effectively that are showing increasing positive results in the prevention of migraines. A. Coenzyme Q10 is found in every cell of the body. It is responsible for the production of energy in the mitochondria. This compound has been proven to be effective for both Classic Migraine (with aura) and Common Migraine (without aura).

B. 5-HTTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a compound produced in the body from the amino acid tryptophan. It is used in the body to make the
neurotransmitter serotonin and the hormone melatonin. Researches have shown 5-HTTP to have significant effect in reducing the severity and duration of migraines.

4. Herbs and Roots: The use of some herbs and roots have been found to have increasing effect in preventing migraine. Butterbur: Extracts from this herb have been used in the treatment of migraines and other ailments. Feverfew: has been in use for centuries to treat migraines and other conditions like arthritis and fever. Ginger: A study done in the UK with thousands of migraine sufferers found that ginger has helped relieve symptoms in 63% of the people studied.

5. Massage Therapy: This works by massaging the muscles to relieve tension. Massage therapy improves circulation by bringing oxygen and other nutrients to body tissues. It relieves muscle tension and pain, increases flexibility and mobility, and helps clear lactic acid and other waste, which reduces pain and stiffness in muscles and joints.

6. Acupuncture: Acupuncture is the procedure of inserting and manipulating very thin, stainless steel needles (filiform) into various points on the body to relieve pain.

7. Chiropractic: This method employs a holistic approach to pain relief through massage, spinal manipulation and periodic adjustment of joints and soft tissue. Some migraine sufferers have not received the require results from chiropractic treatment, while others have quite positive results.

It is therefore necessary to allow you to explore all non-drug option with an open mind. If you enjoy positive results, wonderful, then stick with it, but if not, just move on!

Health Conscious Living (HCL) is the place to find information to change the way you think, look and feel. Your health is your greatest wealth and 100% your responsibility to manage. How and what you think about yourself will come out in the value you place on your health. The value you place on your health will determine how proactive you are to prevent rather than cure.

Total health is more than physical; it involves body mind and spirit. At HCL, we show you how to put the broken pieces back together and turbo-charge your health to the next level. To prevent is cheaper than cure. Either way, the answers are here at HCL.

Your health is like precious metals on the auction block, only you can price it