Home Business School Guide to Home Business Basics by Deano Sharples - HTML preview

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As a PSA you have your own personal Tripleclicks store which is home to thousands of products that you can buy for yourself or earn money when your downline team or Tripleclicks customers buy something from the store. Each time you or your downline makes a purchase you earn Sales VP and (in most cases) a commission. You need to earn at least 1500 Sales VP each month to qualify as an EA which opens up other lines of commission for you. See the SFI compansation plan for more details.


You can open the Tripleclicks store by clicking on “TRIPLECLICKS” on the menu bar in the affiliate center or you can go to the following URL. https://www.tripleclicks.com/


Along the top of the screen there are various links such as “DEALS, PRODUCTS, AUCTIONS” and so on. The link we are interested in at the moment is PRODUCTS so click on that. This will give you a list of categories of all the different kinds of products you can buy. See the screenshot below.


Moving your mouse pointer over each category name in the list will often give you a submenu which makes finding what you want much easier. You can also search for something by entering words into the search bar at the top. You will find items that appear on a regular basis and some that are sold as a one off. The general idea is that Tripleclicks members list unwanted items from their homes and offer them at a bargain price. Once sold that item is gone for good. But a lot of items are more permanent.

Let us take a closer look at one of the items. Select “Magazine Subscriptions” from the list and select “Family” from the sub menu. You now have a list of family magazines. The first one I see is called “Family Fun” so I am going to take a look at that by clicking on the name.


Notice the information on the right hand side that says an SFI affiliate earns 493 VP (Sales VP) by buying this product? Buying products for yourself is the easiest way to earn Sales VP. You can also earn MRP (Member Reward Points) which can be traded in for items. For example you can buy this product with 708 MRP which will save you the $9.95 asking price. So the more you buy for yourself the more MRP you can earn which means you could get a lot of free stuff in the future.


Notice the tabs at the bottom of the screen? Click on the “SFI AFFILIATES” tab and you will receive all the information you need such as how much commission you earn (Direct Commission) on this product, how many Sales VP and a direct link to the product if you just want to promote that one. Note you will need to log into Tripleclicks with your SFI user ID and password to see this tab.

Most affiliates purchase items totaling up to 1500 Sales VP in order to become an EA and reap the benefits such as shares in the Tripleclicks pool. The best thing to purchase is a TCredits pack. TCredits can be used to purchase items at Tripleclicks instead of money. I personally have set up a standing order for a 125 TCredit pack which means I qualify as an EA each month, even if I get no sales.


Anything you purchase will appear on your Sales Report which you can view here.


You can also view your current commissions earned and VP score on your scoreboard.


Referring people to the Tripleclicks store alone with your Gateway Page can earn you commissions for years to come as there are thousands of products to choose from. They can also pick up great deals for a low price and even pick up items up to 90% of the retail price by bidding at the auction.