How to Build Your First Email List in Only 3 Days by Mike Mercadante - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Campaign Schedule

Let's get started!

It's time to get busy building your email list! I broke the process down into 3 days to make it easy and take the guesswork out of the campaign. Just follow along with each day as written.

I selected a day to start, but it may not fit your marketing model. It doesn’t matter. If Tuesday is the real start day because the audience is more receptive to that day, it doesn't matter. Just follow the formula and adjust the weekday to fit your schedule.

All the work is in the beginning, once this gets going it will become easier. You will rinse and repeat over and again. Use the formula exactly as it's written. At the end, it's possible to go back through and make some tweaks and changes. Changes that will produce better results. Try another new campaign with just a different subject about another item.

There is both an art and a science to marketing to a list. How well you know your target audience will determine how well they receive your reports.

I can't stress enough how important it is to know your audience!


-Here is a fantastic bonus to this formula-

Bonus - This formula is capable of growing your email list as large as you want it. You can repeat the process over and again.


Complete Your Avatar

Day 1-Friday Evening

You will start with your model customer profile or avatar. With a cup of coffee in the office after dinner, you need time alone without distraction. It's important to dig deep and think about who this person is. You want a clear vision so you can describe your avatar to a tee. As if they are sitting right across from you carrying on a conversation. Get ready to do some heavy thinking. You need to get crystal clear on your audience’s needs, wants, fears, and desires. A clear vision of who your target market is. You will know where they are and how you should communicate with them. This will be clear when you complete this avatar profile. I have provided a worksheet for you in the back of the book.

Tomorrow it's time to complete the problem/solution worksheet. You will create the three (3) solution reports. Use the information you got in the problem/solution worksheet.


Complete Problem/Solution Worksheet

Day 2-Saturday Morning

Grab the blank Problem/Solution Worksheet from the back of the book. Let's sit down with a pen or pencil, and get a crystal clear vision of your audience's problems.

Now in the Problem column, you need to write at least 3-4 major problems that your target audience is facing. This will be the information you gathered from your friends, contacts, and members. You asked them what their biggest problem they have facing them today and they answered. Like we talked about in the "How to get email addresses" above

In the Solutions column, you need to write as many quality solutions to each problem as you can think of. You want to give them real content that they can put to work immediately as soon as they're done reading. When you have completed the worksheet, it's time to write the reports.


"The Real Money is in

Identifying Every Situation

That could be causing the Primary Problem

Then to attract leads offering

Solutions to that specific Situations"

- Frank Kern


Create Solution Reports

Day 2-Saturday Afternoon

Today it's time to use the information you gathered on the problem/solution worksheet. Use this information to write three (3) solution reports.

These are also known as “Lead Magnets” to help get email addresses. The more reports you have, the more you can send out to build your list. You're going to start with each problem and write a report that's informative. It will include easy-to-follow solutions to that problem.

You want to give your audience a solution they can use immediately to a problem nagging them. A problem that is causing them some actual pain. It's important to do thorough research! You are not going to Google the subject and cut and paste the first crap you find so you can finish fast. These reports you will create will be assets in the future that you can use to get more clients or make money. If you do a good job, they will stand the test of time.


Email AutoResponder Service

You will need to have an email service. This is so the interested person’s email address will be added to a master list. Then it will be stored so it is ready for your upcoming campaigns. There are email services like Aweber, MailChimp, and others. They have an autoresponder system, segmentation, and more. I like MailChimp for many reasons and chose them. If you're like me, starting bootstrap style, I recommend them. That's because they are easy to get going and grow with. They are user-friendly. Once you set up an email service, then you'll need a landing page with an opt-in form. This is to capture email addresses.

The opt-in form will serve two purposes.

1. It will collect email addresses for your list.

2. It will engage your visitor into taking action.

You will then need to upload the solution report to a website server for downloading so it doesn't bog down your website if too many people try to download at the same time.

Note: A webmaster may need to help set up a landing page, opt-in setup, uploading reports, and an email service autoresponder system if you don't have the resources available to use.


Email First Solution Report

Day 3-MondayMorning

Good Morning!

This is where the rubber meets the road. Today is why I've been adamant about creating the absolute best solution reports. I think of it this way, When I send someone a gift, why wouldn't I want to send them the best I could find? This is our handshake to our audience; we can't make it weak! Let's get this list building campaign going. Let's sit down and email one of the solution reports that you wrote earlier.

Now it's time to send your report to everybody you know and can think of. All your family, friends, Facebook fans, LinkedIn members, Twitter followers. Any other social media or person contacts you have access to. Can you think of anywhere your target audience would hang out like forums, clubs, etc.? Knowing your target audience pays off here. When you finish the customer profile, you should have a good idea where your ideal audience is. You will also know what their needs are.



Well, how did you do?

How many people said, “Yes, I'm interested” to see your solution to their problem. How many opted-in? Did you offer a solution people wanted? If your first response is low, write another article and post it. Do the exact same thing you did the first time.


Worst Case Scenario

Now if you received under 50 opt-ins don't worry. There's no need to concern yourself with starting any goodwill funnel campaigns yet. That's where you can start to make money. Let's build up a good foundation. A solid list first of at least 100 to 150 people. That will give you a better chance of getting as many opt-ins, from as many people as possible.

Here's our backup plan. What you're going to do at this point is grab the second solution report that you made. Do exactly what you did the first time. Do it to the people who did not opt-in, and any new contacts and social media that you made.

It's important to build a solid foundation of targeted and interested customers. People who need your product. Do not get into a rush! Now do you see why you had to make at least 3-4 reports? I would love to guarantee that when you fired up your email, there would be thousands of addresses. That's just not reality. The more quality reports that you create, the more chances you have to grow your list. You will grow it with practical assets you offer to your audience.