How to Create & Profit From Your Facebook Fan Page by Jean Meyer - HTML preview

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products, contact information, and links to other Coke communities and initiatives.

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00018.jpg00019.jpg00020.jpg00021.jpgAdditionally, if you click on the side tab on the top bar of Coke’s page you’ll see a long menu list of pages, applications and tools people can visit.


00022.jpgNotice that everything on the Coke page is designed to provide value to visitors.

As you’re planning your Facebook fan page, consider what content you can offer that will provide the most value to your prospects and visitors.

Provide content that:

• Is relevant to your industry
• Is insightful or entertaining
• Motivates people to interact, comment and take action.

Add tabs that offer value to your prospects and customers. For example, if you’re a professional coach you might have a tab that offers assessments and quizzes.

If you’re an information marketer, perhaps one tab will be dedicated to “reviews.” Contests and sweepstakes are also a great way to motivate people to participate on your page and become part of your community.

Create an outline for your Facebook page. Include all of the tabs you’re going to have on your page. Note that you don’t have to create all of them before you launch. Part of creating an engaging page is adding content and that includes adding new tabs as your page grows and evolves.

Start with a plan for what you want to launch your page with. Make sure your page and subsequent tabs support your goals. For example, if your goal is to build your list you’ll likely want:

1. Welcome page with an opt-in form 2. Info/About page


Once you have your plan, it’s time to get on Facebook and start the creation process. Page 7 of 15 00023.jpg00024.jpg