How to Create & Profit From Your Facebook Fan Page by Jean Meyer - HTML preview

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Creating and Profiting from Your Facebook Fan Page


You have created measurable goals for your Facebook Fan Page including but not limited to: (Check all that apply)

Drive more traffic to your website
Build your email list
Sell more products/services
Announce special offers and promotions
Announce events
Share news
Provide value to your prospects and customers
Share photos and videos
Get feedback from clients and prospects
Improve your relationships with your prospects and customers Improve Search Engine Optimization

You’ve identified and researched your target audience.


You know who they are and what problems they have You know they’re present on Facebook because you’ve:

Interacted with them on Facebook already
Utilized published research found online. For example graphs and charts.
Utilized the Facebook Ad creation process to study the actual numbers of potential prospects.
Been using Facebook successfully and know it’s time to add a fan page.

You’ve create a short term plan for your Facebook page that includes but is not limited to: (Check all that apply)

Welcome tab
Opt In tab
Product/Services tab Questionnaire/Survey tab

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Video tab
Promotions/special offers
Twitter and other social networking links Other______________________

You’ve created a long term plan for your Facebook page that adds content and value on a regular basis.


You’ve logged into Facebook and created your page. (Or hired someone to create a custom page for you.)

You’ve used your real name instead of your business name You’ve uploaded a photo of yourself, not a logo or other business related graphic
You’ve created the tabs you want to launch your page with and each tab supports your goals.
You’ve proofread and edited the content on the page to ensure it accurately represents who you are and what you want to accomplish with your page.

You’ve created a long term plan to maintain your Facebook fan page. This plan includes, but is not limited to: (Check all that apply)


Networking - you’ve integrated your fan page into your existing marketing tactics and strategies. Including:

Email signature
Other social networking sites Information products

You’ve invited all of your current Facebook friends to your page.


You’ve invited all existing customers and subscribers to your page.


You’ve connected with industry leaders on Facebook and invited them to become a fan.


You’ve connected with your competition on Facebook and invited them to become a fan.


¡ Content and value - you’ve created a plan to consistently add value to your Facebook page. (or you’ve hired someone to manage and maintain your page)


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¡ Analytics - you’ve created a plan to consistently analyze and study your page results to ensure you’re on track to meet your goals. You’ve created a plan to analyze:

The number of interactions you have had with fans each day or week. The number of comments you had on your posts.
The demographics of your fans
The tabs, content, or applications that receive the most interest and interaction

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