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How to Cheat at Meditation

By Lee Benson, co-creator of the Brain Evolution System

Everybody in the world of self-development agrees on one simple thing: Meditation is good!

The benefits are truly enormous: improved mind power, increased IQ levels, greater energy, self-enlightenment, less required sleep, and more.

But how many of us really indulge in a strict meditation schedule? And remember, you're talking hours each day if you want the greatest benefit. Let's be honest: in the modern world, people just don't have time. Until now, that is.

We've all heard about brainwave meditation CDs before. Brainwave meditation CDs contain specially-created sounds. When listened to with headphones, these sounds help to influence your brainwaves - a process known as "brainwave entrainment." These sounds take your brainwaves down to a low frequency state - similar to that achieved after years of meditation practice.

By listening to these CDs each day, you can begin enjoying the many great benefits of meditation - yet without the need for endless years of strict practice.

Meditation for cheats?

The problem, however, is that most brainwave meditation CDs simply don't work.

I've tried Holosync, Optimindzation, Hemi-Sync, and many others. Yes, the science behind the technology is infallible. However, each of these uses boring-sounding audio recordings, and require at least one hour listening a day. Many, especially Holosync, also cost thousands to complete the course, and require many years of practice.

Technically, they also only employ one mode of brainwave entrainment - a fatal error in the world of brainwave technology.

But among the rubble, there's one diamond that stands out - at least for me - above the crowd. It's called the Brain Evolution System - or "BrainEv" - and it's been causing waves in the industry since it's launch back in 2006. It brings about all the benefits of true meditation - greater energy, increased IQ, emotional mastery, sharper thinking, heightened creativity, better relationships, improved memory, less required sleep, greater relaxation levels. And it does it without the shortcomings of its competitors.


BrainEv is a 6-CD system that contains perhaps the most beautiful audio recordings the self-development world has ever heard. It only requires 30 minutes of listening each day, which you can do as you fall asleep, or by waking up 30 minutes earlier than normal - meaning it doesn't impact on your schedule. You also only need to listen 6 times a week. The entire program also costs just a fraction of its competitors.

Most importantly however, BrainEv has proven itself the most technically superior product on the market. It employs something known as "3P DEAP" technology, intertwining three different methods of brainwave entrainment together - to produce truly industry-pioneering results. That essentially guarantees you'll experience the most profound benefits around -

such as a boost in your mind power, full body relaxation, enhanced creativity, and greater energy levels.

In short, my experience has found only one true leader in the world of brainwave Cds. It is -

quite simply - the Brain Evolution System. It stands head and shoulders above the rest - and truly delivers the most powerful benefits of meditation, usually within days of starting the program. It'll revolutionize your life - and help you enjoy the advantages of what would usually take years of strict, regimented practice to achieve.

Is BrainEv cheating? Possibly. But this is one sneaky little shortcut I'm sticking with!

By Lee Benson, co-creator of the Brain Evolution System. Enjoy Limitless

Energy... Rocket Your IQ... Master Emotions... Think Faster... Improve

Relationships... Sleep Less... Release Stress...

How A Secret Word Changed My Life

By Chris Cains, Creator of The Miracle Mind Method

What I'm about to share with you took me YEARS to figure out. Several agonizing, gruelling years that I'll never get back! What I discovered has changed my life (and hundreds of others' lives) around.

Here's my story: Just 3 years ago, I owed over 50k in debt after my business venture failed.

I was in a very dark place. I was absolute miserable. I had no money, no friends to turn to for support. I'm not kidding when I say suicidal thoughts were crossing my mind.

Fast forward to today, I made over 500k in the last 2 years but I don't even have a job (and it all began with a seed I planted in my mind!)

So, how did I finally do it? My formula is simple, I call it the Miracle Mind Method. First, I tapped into the power of my subconscious for an idea to make money.

Let me explain. You see, I struggled for years trying to make money in my business. Nothing seemed to work but I was working 12, sometimes 14 hours a day! I wasn't looking to get rich quick… I was willing to work and do whatever it took. Yet I failed miserably. Why? Because I did not have the right idea!

So I gave my subconscious mind a crystal clear target to hit by constantly repeating a

"secret word" out loud and silently to myself.

This is the absolute truth: I cannot account for any other thing that I may have done to change what I thought except for one thing: I constantly repeated the "secret word" day and night, silently and out loud for several days.

On or about the 3rd day after repeating the "secret word" non-stop, I had an idea that catapulted my business from doing $1,000 a month or less to $10,000 the first month I put the idea into action! Since then I have never made less them $10,000 a month in my business!

Now even though this course is not about making money, I cannot attribute the change that occurred INSIDE ME to anything else except the constant repetition of the "secret word.” I had plenty of desire to succeed before I started using this technique, and I had more than enough motivation – I was heavily in debt and had a family to care for!


I didn't change my diet... I didn't do anything different for those 3 days than I normally did.

But what I did not have was any idea how I was going to make more money...

… until I used the "secret word".

Now, if you're skeptical let me say this:

I think that the key to why this worked was because it focused my mind on what I wanted so intensely that it forced me to come up with an innovative idea. It really worked like nothing else I have ever tried.

And even if you don't believe my explanation why it worked, it will still work for you! That's the great thing – you don't even have to believe it will work!

Why? Because it's just like turning on the engine in a car – you don't need to see or understand the miracle of automotive engineering or know how it works in order to drive it!

You just put the key in, turn it and start moving!

It's the same thing with the Miracle Mind Method - there's a lot under the hood going on but you don't need to know how it works to take it for a test drive and experience the benefits and results!

It has made a tremendous difference in my life, and I hope it does the same for you. Are you ready to make a change in your life? Are you ready to get that right idea?

If you have NOT read my program "Miracle Mind Method" – The One Secret

Method to Living a Good Life that School, Friends and Everyone Else… Failed To

Tell You About! Then you need to go and watch this FREE video training now.

40 Ways to Increase Your Brain Power

By Steve Gillman, Author of A Book of Secrets

You Want More Brainpower - Not Higher IQ Scores!

Okay, maybe you want higher IQ scores too. The American Heritage Dictionary defines Intelligence Quotient as "The ratio of tested mental age to chronological age, usually expressed as a quotient multiplied by 100."

Basically, it's a test of intelligence, with 100 as the average score. There are some problems with IQ tests however.

A recent IQ test asked which of four fruits was different. It was the one with more than one seed; but what if you were not familiar with these fruits? Obviously this test is culturally biased. You are assumed to have certain knowledge, yet you are being tested for intelligence, not knowledge.

Now look at these letters: "ANLDEGN." Rearrange them and you'll have the name of a(n): Ocean, Country, State, City or Animal. This is from an IQ test I took. Hmm... There are very few oceans, so I could eliminate those - but wait a second! That's a test taking technique.

An intelligence test shouldn't be testing your test-taking ability. I'm bound to score higher than a person of equal intelligence who hasn't learned simple techniques for scoring higher on multiple - choice tests.