How to Manifest Mini - Miracles by Gary Evans - HTML preview

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Quick recap

With the wisdom within this report, you should now have a clear understanding of what you need to do in order to create the life you deserve to live.


Let us recap the key take-away points of this report...

Ï Letting go is vital to your success as a deliberate creator of your experience. You let go by releasing the wanting for your desire. Wanting is the opposite vibration to having.

Ï There are two methods of getting into alignment with your desires. Give your attention to the having and experiencing of your desire as if it is already here, or feel good about anything that makes you feel good. When you're in alignment, your work is to stay there and to enjoy the experience.

Ï Ensure that you pay your feelings a lot of attention. When you feel good, you're moving towards something joyous. When you feel bad, you're moving towards something that you will not want to experience.

Ï Identify your limiting beliefs using the limiting belief detector sheets and do whatever is necessary to change your beliefs around that subject. If you feel that you do not deserve money, look for reasons as to why you do deserve it by talking your way into abundance whenever you notice those repeating thoughts pop into your mind.

Ï Never spend time visualizing or doing manifestation processes in order to manifest something that you want. If you do, you will likely never create what it is you're wanting because you will be sending two conflicting vibrations... on the one hand, you're sending a vibration that you do not already have this thing you want, and on the other hand you're sending a vibration of experiencing what you want. These two vibrations cancel each other out.

Instead, see your desires as if they are already here for the sheer pleasure and joy that it brings you to do so.


Ï Feel good as much of the time as you can by doing only things that bring you more joy.

Ï Consistency is key to your success. Form positive habits and repeat processes that feel good every single day. By maintaining a high vibration, you will remain aligned with your desires and so they will materialize into your experience.