How to Manifest Mini - Miracles by Gary Evans - HTML preview

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Thoughts become things

It is often believed that it is our thoughts that have all of the attraction power to create the things we want... we drop thoughts, the universe picks those thoughts up, and responds to them by giving us what we want.

00004.jpgYour thoughts do play an important role in the creation process, however it isn't your thoughts alone that are causing the attraction process.


It's actually your vibration.



Everything in the universe is made out of the same substance. Energy. If you observe anything on planet Earth through a powerful microscope, you will see a dance of energy vibrating at incredible speeds. Every single thing on this planet has a different vibrational range.

My arm and your arm would have a similar vibrational frequency, yet the vibration would not be identical. And if we observed a rock vs. your arm, you would notice two very different vibrational frequencies altogether.

Your hand has a specific vibration, a sound has a vibration, light has its own varying vibrations, a stone or a rock has a vibration. Everything has its own unique vibration. Some things vibrate faster than others, for example a rock has a slower vibration than your hand, yet the rock is still vibrating energy.