How to Write Your Own Killer Sales Letter by James Craven - HTML preview

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Writing Your Sales Letter

Now, we will cover each and every component of your sales letter – from top to bottom, chronologically– in detail.


You must have something at the beginning of your web page that you do not see on majority of the web pages out there – a headline!

This is a hard and fast rule: your sales letter must have a headline. That is the first thing your prospect is going to look at when he visits your web site. Not having a headline is like looking at a headless person!

Your headline serves as an advertisement to your prospects. Your headline must grab the attention of your visitors or else they will not read the rest of your sales letter. This is very crucial– the headline will make or break your sales letter!


The size of your headline should be bigger than the rest of the text in your sales letter (like the screenshot above). You may want to color and stylize (e.g. underline, bold, italic, highlight, and strike-through) your headline text.

Since your letter’s headline is the first contact your prospect has with your message, it must reach out to him. Promise him a benefit. Tell him how he will be better off if he reads the rest of the letter.

Headlines can be classified into the following 5 basic types:


[1] News Headlines

This form tells your prospect something he did not know before. "Now – a copy machine that copies in color" is an example of this type headline.

[2] Promise Headline

Here, you are promising something if the prospect follows your advice. For example: "Switch to XYZ Abs Flex and you will no longer see those spare tires in 6 weeks– guaranteed!"

[3] Selective Headline

Headline such as “To all who are suffering financially” or “Bald men – lend me your ears” limits to a specific group of prospects. Caution however, that this type of headline can eliminate potential customers so use carefully or draw in targeted prospects to read your sales letter.

[4] Curiosity Headline

The purpose of this headline is to arouse the prospect's interest enough to make him read your letter. An example of this headline would be: "Do you have trouble going to sleep at night?" The drawback, however, is that this headline often appears "cute" or "clever" and sometimes even deceptive.

[5] Demand Headline

Watch out for this one as most people resist pushiness. "Do it now!" or "Get your copy today!" headlines generally can be improved by changing to less obtrusive words such as: "Call for your key to success!"

Effective headlines often combine two or more of these kinds.

Warning! Remember that when your message is printed in all upper-cased or capital letters, it is difficult for your prospect to follow and remain interested in your offer.


I bet this sentence is easier to read and comfortable for your eyes compared to the upper-cased sentence above.

Even in headlines, ALL CAPITAL LETTERS should be refrained from being used. Even if you plan to use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, limit this to only a selected few words, and make sure they are “hot buttons” or meant to grab your prospect’s attention.


This is the next most important component after the headline. Your subheadline serves as a “hook” that will encourage your prospect to read further.
Basically, your sub-headline summarizes your sales letter and must elaborate on the benefits of reading your letter thus creating the urgency for your prospect to read– today, and no later!

You can also provide the “if problem, then solution” scenario in your sales letter. Usually, your sub-headline is smaller than your headline in size, and bigger than the regular fonts on your web page.

Examples of a sub-headline are:

Do you think you could learn something from someone whose websites are all within the top 1% of all sites visited online and several of which are in the top 1/10th of the 1% of all sites visited online?

At last, the truth will be unveiled in 212 power-packed letter-sized pages, PDF Format, so that YOU can CURE your asthma and get your breath back in the comfort of your own home!

Addressing Your Prospect

Below your subheadline, comes the “From”, Date and Greeting lines.


From: [Insert Your Name Here]


Date: [Insert Automatic Script That Show today’s Date]


Dear [address your prospect],


Alternatively, you can write the following sentences:

· From the keyboard of [Your Name Here] · From the desk of [Your Name Here] · From the laptop of [Your Name Here] This is important as your prospect wants to know where the letter he is reading comes from.

As for the script that automatically show today’s date, your prospect would appreciate you having him aware of the most recent date. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using a date script. In fact, it is the same as using a direct mail piece where the date is located at the top of the letter.

You can search the Internet for a free date script, but I will save you the trouble by including the following HTML codes into your web page below which I have personally found and used.


<!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! --> <!-- Author: -->

<!-- Begin
// Get today's current date. var now = new Date();

// Array list of days.
var days = new
Array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday' ,'Saturday');

// Array list of months.
var months = new
Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','A ugust','September','October','November','December');

// Calculate the number of the current day in the week. var date = ((now.getDate()<10) ? "0" : "")+ now.getDate();
// Calculate four digit year.
function fourdigits(number) {
return (number < 1000) ? number + 1900 : number; }

// Join it all together
today = days[now.getDay()] + ", " + months[now.getMonth()] + " " +
date + ", " +

(fourdigits(now.getYear())) ;
// Print out the data. document.write(today);
// End --> </script>


Now, address your prospects with a:


Dear Friend,

If you want to target a specific group of people or qualify your prospect, you can be more accurate in your address. For example, if the only type of people who will be interested in your ringworm remedy are those who are suffering from such infection, you can address:

Dear Ringworm Patient,


If you are targeting another Internet Marketer as only they will be interested in your offer, you can address:


Dear Internet Marketer,

While this makes your sales letter as laser-focused as possible, be warned that you can possibly lose potential customers who are not whom you addressed. For example, maybe a non-Internet Marketer can also be interested in your product but is not an Internet Marketer?

If your target market is broad, you will be safe to use “Dear Friend” to address your prospect. Not only is it a friendly approach, almost anyone can pass by as a friend.

Introduction Paragraph

Address the problem(s) your prospect is facing that you are going to solve. Now, the biggest challenge in writing an effective sales letter is keeping your prospect involved, engaged, and interested in reading your sales letter from top to toe.

If you forget for a moment to emphasize the "What is in it for you" nature of your offer, your prospect will tune out, turn off, and click away from your sales letter.

So, write your introduction to notify that there is a problem your prospect is facing. No, do not create a problem. Address the problem that already exists. Your prospect, like anyone else alive, is already having enough problems. You want to reduce as many problems as possible for your prospect and that is why your prospect should be interested in reading your sales letter.

If he is your target prospect, he will confirm and agree the problem you have addressed.


Below is an example of an introduction of a sales letter addressed to asthmatic prospects:


Dear Asthmatic Friend,
My name is John Doe and I have something to share with you.

At the tender age of 2 years, I was diagnosed as asthmatic. This marked the beginning of a what-seemed-to-be-never ending struggle between life and death with a condition that almost destroyed my health life.

I remember vividly the pain and the deep agony I went through. I even tried to pretend that everything was all right!

Asthma, If You Were A Somebody, I Would Have Murdered You Terribly.

Now it's a small wonder why I wage a personal crusade against asthma even to this day.

The sleepless nights, constant hacking cough, the frightful feeling of suffocation, and continuous wheezing brought pain beyond words in the chest area, which can only be described as very unpleasant and difficult to manage.

It was a childhood stripped off from the frolics, merriment and fun. I felt like an outcast when it comes to curricular activities. I envied my friends who don't seem to have my health problem.

Not being able to participate in sport activities and events, missing school on a regular basis and frequenting the hospital became a habitual routine and one that left an indelible and a disturbing effect on the psyche. The scar that was made on my health was, needless to say.

So, I had a dream.

I wanted to eradicate asthma once and for all. I decided that it is too expensive to deny myself of a good and healthy life so I didn't take too long for me to spring into action and set out to look for a cure.

At that time, I didn't know how to do it but backed by confidence and a small array of hope, I knew it was possible.
I continued life as it was. But I didn't lose focus of my main goal. In trying times, all I was armed with was faith.

After all the intensive research, buying books on the subject, traveling to other countries, meeting health experts and doctors, and trying out countless ways to cure my asthma disease, I felt it was time to go for a medical test. I did just that.

I was nervous until the report came out. As I read through it, my frustration built over the years have stopped. I knew my primary goal was achieved.

I Did It!

The report surprised my parents and family members. I was, too, though I knew what I had done to bring such results.
Only in my adulthood did I realize that my asthma was congenital and that I was born with it.

Asthma, as a chronic disease, can only be described with absolute profundity and in detail by someone who has actually experienced the terrible effects of this condition first hand.

That said, I am qualified to explain how asthma can affect the psyche, how both internal and external factors can influence our well-being and lifestyle... and needless to say, the solutions!

Fear, anxiety and even the fright of a probable attack can be most disheartening and a ghastly experience. However, there is no need to worry anymore.

Now, the reason I'm telling you this is NOT because I want to impress you, but to impress upon you that asthma is a disease that can be totally eliminated without having to burn a BIG hole in your pocket on your part - because I already did that for you!

From the sales letter introduction above, notice that:

· The writer has addressed to a specific group of people, namely people who are suffering from asthma. He has got quite a huge demand here, as there are about 300 million people from around the world who are suffering from this painful, killing disease and that people do go online to search for a cure.

· The writer addresses and confirms the problem his prospect is facing, which in this case, is the asthma disease. Note that if the prospect is healthy or has other kinds of health problems, this letter is obviously not meant for him as the solution the writer has applies only to asthma patients.

· The writer connects very well with his prospect. The writer has something in common with his prospect and can relate his experience to him. The writer was an asthmatic, too. The writer suffered from tight breathes, wheezes and coughs at night like any other asthmatic people. His experience can be easily understood and appreciated by his prospect because they both have had them, too!

· The introduction was interesting, especially to the asthmatic prospect. He, too, would definitely like to murder asthma if it were a “somebody”! The writer was good at telling his story on how he had asthma at a very young age and later ventured on to search for a cure.

· Most importantly, the writer has already got a cure that his prospect can definitely use!
You will want to write your sales letter in an almost similar manner, no matter what solutions you have or market you are targeting.

Announcing Your Solution

Now, what? Follow through with the solution! Become a problem solver in writing. Once you confirm the problem your prospect is facing (and he probably nods to that), introduce your solution.

Your solution can come in the form of a tangible product, digital product, membership access, or even a service!


Example #1: Digital Resale Rights Club


00005.jpgExample #2: List Building Blueprint 00006.jpg

Benefits vs. Features

Copywriting 101, Lesson 3: What happens when you do not explain the benefits of your product in your sales letter?


Answer: No sales!


That is right. You do not have to be a savvy copywriter to know that. But somehow, most of us make this terrible mistake.

More often than not, features are often being mistaken as benefits. I have been asked by friendly business associates to review their sales letters and sadly, this is a common mistake I always see in their sales letter. If I were in the shoes of a potential customer, I am more interested in how a product can benefit me than know what it looks like. Recall the last time you bought a product, online or offline. Why did you buy it? Did you buy it because of its features? Or did you buy it because it can benefit you or solve your problem?
To learn the distinct definitions of benefit and feature, see below.

· Benefit.According to the Pocket English Dictionary’s definition, it means an advantage; to be useful or profitable to. In the case of selling your product on your web page, you want to tell how useful or how your product can solve yourprospect’s problems.

· Feature. According to the Pocket English Dictionary’s definition, it means characteristic. In the case of selling your product on your web page, you want to also tell your prospect in what form your product is (digital or physical).

The following are examples of benefits and features:

· You sell slimming powder on your web page (physical product). The feature of your product is easy-to-digest powder packed in a tin or carton. The benefit of your product is that consumers can now lose weight the easy way!

· You sell turtle pellets on your web page (physical product). The feature of your product is small and easy-to-digest green pellets for your pet amphibians. The benefit of your product is that it is easy for your pet amphibians to consume and grow healthily because they are going to get all the nutrition they can get in the pellets!

· You sell an information product on your web page (digital product). The features of your product are .PDF format and have Master Resell Rights. Therefore, the benefits are your customers can download it instantly as soon as they pay and they have an income opportunity to make money and keep all the profits to themselves!

All in all, write BOTH features and benefits of your product. But sell a SOLUTION, NOT a product!

I know you are cringing when you hear this. All these while we have been talking about selling your product or service through your sales letter but remember, you do not buy a product for the sake of buying a product! And neither do anyone else on this planet. You buy a product because of getting the benefits or solving your problems! You did not buy a refrigerator because it was a refrigerator, did you? But you bought one because it sure is going to be a problem keeping your food out in the open!

Top Internet Entrepreneurs know this business principle very well. This also explains why exclusive product membership sites continue to thrive and grow. Their selling point is not in the product but the solutions and benefits the product gives.

Endorsements and Testimonials

Sure, you could go on and on rattling about what a good offer your prospect is looking at and why he should buy from you, but he would also be interested in the kind of results other customers who have tried out got from the product or service before he dives into the offer.

So, you need testimonials.


Testimonials from your customers are one of the strongest marketing tools available.

What is a testimonial? It is a statement, usually written by your customer, saying nice things about some aspect of you, your product or service, and your business.

What to Have In Your Testimonials

· Testimonials about YOUR product, not you. Do not be fooled by the simplicity of this statement. Testimonials that say you are a great person whatsoever are NOT the type of testimonials your prospects are looking for, though such testimonials can build trust and your name. But your prospects are more interested in how your product can benefit them or solve their problems. They did not read your sales letter to see you praising yourself.

· Testimonials that mention results. The more specific they are, the better. Interested prospects want to know what the results other customers have benefited from the usage of your product or service.

· Quality / quantity. If you can get top names in your niche or field to endorse your product, it will help your increase your sales. If you do not know any experts or top names who can help endorse your product, you can make up in the quantity of testimonials. The more testimonials you have, the more convincing your sales letter will be.

· Customer essential details. Include your customer's Full Name and City/State/Country after his or her testimonial. You can include your customer's web site URL or contact e-mail address where applicable (with permission). And if you can, get your customer's photo and paste it into your sales letter. Using photos can increase your credibility and shows how pleased your customers are when using your product.

How to Collect Testimonials


There are many ways to get testimonials from your customers. You can:


þ Hold contests for the best-written testimonials. Give them a reward, gift or some publicity in exchange for their testimonials.

þ Ask for letters of endorsements from your customers, vendors, suppliers, and any associates you have. Use them to promote your products and services. When you use testimonials to add credibility to what you do, you are letting your customers do some of the marketing for your business.

þ If you are just starting out fresh, give a sample version of your product or trial service to those whom you know. They can be your business associates, friends, or people whom you know need your solution. This is the fastest way you can get testimonials. You start with proving your worth.

þ Get top names, influential people and experts to endorse your product. So, look for top names and experts in your field and get their e-mail address. E-mail them and politely ask for their endorsement. Since they are only an e-mail away, why not? And if you

þ You can participate in active forums and newsgroups where people of similar interest and mindset gather around and discuss on the same topic. This is a good place where you can meet people and get their testimonials simply by asking for their permission and give them a sample of your product. If your product is of genuine quality, you can count on them to send their honest testimonials in and spread the word for you.

When you use these testimonials, you want to weave them into your marketing story. Use them to support your claims and promises. For every benefit or objective you need to overcome in your products or services, it is the best scenario to have testimonials establishing or referencing each of those benefits or objections.

The benefit of using testimonials on your web site can help link popularity in search engine results as well. Whether you use this marketing tool for either inbound or outbound reasons, you will have an advantage over your competition. Check them out next time you visit their office or web site and see for what people are saying about their business practices. You will be amazed!

Examples of How Testimonials and Endorsements Are Used

Example 1 : My Wizard Ads


The testimonials by happy advertisers arranged neatly on your right. If you want to know more about the results of using this service, you can check with the testimonial writers who have left their web site URL under their names.

Example 2 : Trafficology


The top names are endorsing this service. Is there anymore doubt to using it if you need web site traffic?

Giving Bonus Incentives (optional)

Sometimes, I have been asked on whether one should throw in bonuses or not when selling a primary product or service on the Internet.


Now, this is not going to be a simple right or wrong answer that I am going to give.

For one, I have seen people making money beyond their wildest dreams, partly owing to the amount of attractive bonuses they give as an incentive for their prospects to buy their primary products from them. I have also witnessed those who are wondering when the next sale is going to come in spite of the amount of bonuses they throw in together.

And then there are other Internet Business owners who still sell like hot cakes even though there were little or no bonus incentives offered.


So, bonuses: to give or not to give? That is the question.

I might sound as if I am taking this too lightly if I were to tell you that it is really up to you but the truth is, I have sold products WITH or WITHOUT bonuses before, so it is obvious that the bonuses factor is not the constant when it comes to making money, but rather the sales copy is one that decides the perceived value of your product.

Here are a few general ways you can pitch your sales letter to make people buy from you, whether you throw in bonuses or not.


If You Throw In Bonuses
Example : Lead Capture Templates


00009.jpg[1] You get over $250.00 worth of actual real life bonuses along with my main product. This is an offer you would not find elsewhere.

[2] Let’s do the math. You get Product 1 + Product 2 + Product 3 + Product 4 = $1,000.00. You get $1,000.00 worth of products for only the price of one. It would have cost you $1,000.00 if you purchase them ala carte elsewhere.

If You Are Not Throwing In Any Bonuses

[1] It is obvious that there are little (or no) bonuses added to this offer. But if you are not convinced of the true value of this product (or service), no amount of bonuses will ever convince you.

[2] Unlike most offers out there, I am NOT going to give you any bonuses. But look at it this way: I have kidnapped a top copywriter who charges $10,00.00 per sales letter written to spill his guts out for you, and you get to have his brains for only $97. Which one are you more interested in? Getting the $1,000.00 worth of bonuses which you might or might not come around using or invest your $97 in the product alone and write your own professional $10,000.00 sales copy and profit from it in a long time to come?

As you can see, both sides have valid point of views. And in general, as long as you can convince your prospect of the true value they are going to get from your solutions, you will be sure to make your money, with or without bonuses.


After telling your prospect all the wonderful things you product can do for him and proudly showcasing your precious testimonials, he is probably thinking, “That is good. But should I be taking the risk to buy this product from you?” And the answer is a resounding NO.

Purchasing anything online is risky. Don’t blame your prospects for being scared. There are more idiots out there ready to rip and scam innocent people than you can count the stars in the night. I do not know why they choose to be crooks when it is too easy to do business legally and in a harmonious manner but I guess I will never find out.

But you can find out how you can win your prospect’s trust. Show your prospect that you are concerned and care for him. And you can easily demonstrate this buy giving a money-back guar