I'm Addicted! by Todd Fetters - HTML preview

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Chapter 5 The One Life Changing Decision I Made

I was absolutely obsessed with learning more. I wasn’t going to give in. My pride and ego wouldn’t let me.

So, I opened yet another email about this great new product that was going to make me successful.

This started as a pre-launch. You got just a taste of what’s to come. Of course, it catches my attention. The carrot has been dangled and I am ready to bite. In anticipation, I can’t wait to see what’s next. The suspension is killing me and I have a hard time staying focused on anything else I am doing.

I’m sure you’ve guessed it. As soon as the product is launched, I bite. I couldn’t buy it soon enough! By this time, I have spent thousands of dollars in LEARNING internet marketing with no real focus.


There was one thing very different for me this time though.


This program was very focused and specific on what I would learn.





This worked incredibly well. I appreciated the fact that they put not only their name on the product, but they were willing to show their face.

Very few marketers will do that.


I felt an immediate bond with them and I was intrigued by the way they spoke.


It was very conversational-like they were talking to me face to face. Most importantly, on the same level!


Once I started digging into the new product I purchased, I became more immersed in the training.

There was also a way to leave comments (the comments immediately posted-they weren’t moderated) on each video session. With the openness of the communication, my confidence was starting to come back. I started to feel a bond with some of the other students, though I hadn’t met anyone in person.
Now, I’m not going to get into the details on the actual product. There was one thing within the product I would like to share with you.

This is the one decision I made that changed my life…



They offered us a chance to attend a “Live Event”. Like many events, it was in Las Vegas. Who doesn’t like to go to Vegas. Even if you don’t gamble, just the architecture alone is worth seeing.

I want to remind you that my confidence is still fairly low-I was skeptical at first. But something inside me said to TAKE ACTION!

It would be the first time I could meet face to face someone I gave my very hard earned money to. I was pretty nervous about going-I didn’t know a single person there other than through the computer. I really had no idea what to expect.

With meetings starting first thing in the morning, I flew in the day prior. After checking into the hotel, I dropped my bags and went back down to the lobby.

Walking by the coffee shop, I immediately recognized one person sitting there with a group of people. I glanced his way as I walked by the first time. I was sure it was him, so I turned around and decided to introduce myself, hoping that I wasn’t interrupting something important.

Before I could even turn, he looked up at me. I looked back at him and said one simple word…