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Chapter 7 Choosing The Right Resources

This again is where it can seem very difficult. I had found myself in the past paralyzed and not making any decisions until I completed my 6 steps of housecleaning.

Until you get to that point, you will slow yourself down. Initially, you need to use your own instincts. I found out through my own trial and error, there are several incredible people in this business that can help you. You just need to find the right match for your needs. Like any business, there are always a few bad apples out there, NEVER let it discourage you from what you truly want. You will never succeed in this or any other business for that matter if you do.
My resources not only include who I highly respect as my internet marketing mentors, but also some other resources that help me with my overall mindset.

Internet Marketing Experts

I want to say something up front. Don’t let the word “guru” decide who you choose as your mentor. I have seen a lot of marketers through the ton of lists I was on make it look like a bad word. Again, a smoke and mirrors trick to create confusion.

Here is the definition of a guru…


gu·ru (goorÈoo, goo-rooÈ)


noun pl. gu·rus
1. Hinduism & Tibetan Buddhism A personal spiritual teacher. 2. a. A teacher and guide in spiritual and philosophical matters.
b. A trusted counselor and adviser; a mentor.

I think definition 2-b fits pretty good describing someone I want to associate with. The word “trusted” is key not only who you learn from, but for the ones you will teach in the future.

This is a list of my top favorites. To be honest, it would be easy to make the list longer, but the problem I had before was following too many paths. That is why I have narrowed it down. Also, these are people who I have either met personally and/or purchased products of theirs and I currently use to this day.

These aren’t in any specific order, but they all have strengths in their own right.


The first highly recommended: Chris Farrell

I met Chris not so long ago at the Live Event I was talking about. He was actually the one I met at the coffee shop. By taking the time to say “Hi”, I know that we will be lifelong friends. He is absolutely one of the most standup guys I have ever met. Chris has a membership site that focuses on the necessary technical skillsets for becoming an internet marketer. His teaching methods are amazing and he really knows his stuff. Regardless of whether you want to focus on affiliate marketing or create your own product, he has a tremendous amount of resources at your fingertips.

I welcome you to click on the link above and see for yourself.


Another incredible expert:


John Thornhill

I was introduced to John through Skip McGrath. I had received an email about John’s Masterclass program. I did purchase it and I can tell you that it truly helped me get a much better understanding of what steps I needed to take to get my online business going.

John originally started selling on Ebay and eventually started creating his own products to sell online.

What I really like about John (similar to Chris Farrell) is that he really knows the technical stuff very well. Because of this, he is an incredible teacher and he initially made his income by selling products

John is an incredible collaborator and has helped several people become very successful like himself in this business. He also has a membership site as well called Mentorship Monthly. It is very affordable with a ton of information that can help you get started online.

Having used several of his products, I would highly recommend you look at what he has to offer as well.


The next one I recommend is: Mike Filsaime

How I met Chris Farrell was because of Mike. If you get on his email list if you aren’t already, you will see that hecollaborates (there’s that word again) with several internet marketers. He and his team are amazing at marketing.

They have grown an empire through the digital world of information products in a very short time span. When you are considered a veteran in your field and you’ve been in it less than 10 years, think about where it could go to!

It is worth keeping an eye on his methods if not just for the education of it. Trust me when I say, if there is a big product launch, he will most likely be involved somehow. You don’t need to flood yourself with a ton of other emails from others to know this.

I would say Mike is the Jay-Z of the internet marketers world.


Think of this


As good as Tiger Woods is, he still has a swing coach!


Even when you are the best-there is always something new to learn.

What kind of got this whole transition rolling for me, started with Skip McGrath. An Ebay Powerseller with an impeccable record, I can’t speak highly enough of him.

If you are looking at a way to sell physical products and use Ebay as a stepping stone, Skip is the guy to help you in the right direction.

I myself, spend more time now on information products which are downloadable. As you have read from my work history, I had to re-shape my thinking of “Working HarderMaking More” to “Automation and Monetization.”

One more expert to note is Jim Cockrum. He is a great collaborator who initially got his start on Ebay and has written a fantastic book called the Silent Sales Machine. He also has 2 different membership sites that are a wealth of information.

One of his membership sites MySilentTeam is geared towards selling physical products through Ebay, but with a twist. He helps teach you how to use Ebay as a tool to build a list within a specific niche. There are some tricks that I would’ve never known about had I not been on this site.

His other site is OfflineBiz. It is geared towards online marketing for offline businesses. There is a ton of information about working with local businesses using the internet to promote. I belong to this site as well. I have partnered with a website developer that has amazing technical skills and I sell his services to local businesses.

Jim’s approach has always been multiple streams of income.

This is the best way to create sustainable income over the long term. Every one of my mentors has this as a part of their business model.

This one thing alone has helped me become a full time marketer.


Motivational Experts


I talked about internet marketing experts, but I also want to share with you motivational experts as well.


Again, going back to mindset, I thought I was ready to be an internet marketer. I really wasn’t though.

I had to shift my brain and it took someone that has nothing to do with internet marketing for me to realize it.

Marshall Sylver www.Sylver.com

Marshall teaches personal development around the world through empowerment seminars on subconscious reprogramming and persuasion and influence.

He is an incredibly engaging speaker and for me personally, it is something that has helped me tremendously.

For us as internet marketers, several of the skills he teaches you are transferrable.

I will tell you that with anyone I recommend, it not only could help your business, but also help you in life. Aren’t we all wanting the best quality of life for ourselves and our family?

That’s why we do what we do. Here are some motivational reads that I truly enjoyed:

Chip & Dan Heath

This is a great book on why some ideas survive and others die. As a marketer, it will help you understand how important communication really is.

My next favorite: The GO-GIVER
Bob Burg and John David Mann

What you will find out about internet marketing if you haven’t already, VALUE IS KEY. You need to over-deliver in everything you do. No book I have read better emphasizes the importance of it than this one.
An oldie but a goodie:

In Search of Excellence




Tom Peters

I had the good fortune through my restaurant days to go through Tom’s seminars. He had the “ Ready, Fire, Aim” mentality which holds so true for internet marketers and businesses alike. You will realize that “good is good enough”. It is a longer book but it is a great read on the core ideas that make a business successful.

And my newest favorite:
The Four Hour Work Week
Tim Ferriss

This is a fantastic book and has been recently updated. There is an incredible amount of information and ideas on how to work more efficiently in anything you do. The biggest issue with a normal job is that people are rewarded for presence and not productivity. When you have the ability to work remotely or in a mobile setting, you can create a much more flexible schedule for your lifestyle.

I found it to be a fun read with some great ways to be more productive day to day.


It originally came out in 2007 and you want to make sure you get the latest one.




This last one is kind of fun.

After all, that’s the reason we are marketers! There are some movies that if you haven’t seen, I highly recommend you doing so…again just for fun.

The first one: Yes Man

The premise to the movie is if you say “no”, you say no to life. Start saying “yes” and things will change for the better.

The second: Cool Runnings

How can you not love a movie with John Candy? I would be surprised if you haven’t seen it, but it is a great story, even if they embellished a little on the story.
The third:

The Blind Side

OK. I’m a sucker for a good sports flick. But this one really moved me. The moral to the story-when someone believes in you, anything is possible, but you gotta believe in yourself too.

As I mentioned earlier, supposedly 95% of internet marketers fail.


I look at it this way…


1 in 20 SUCCEED!

That is way better odds than the lottery! If you are focused, and have the right game plan, you have a much better chance to make it happen for yourself!