MLM Cash by Jinger Jarrett - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 6 Internet Marketing for FREE

The most important thing I have learned about doing business online is that you have to help others. You have to give your customers and potential customers simple solutions that work for their situations, and the truth is, the most expensive solution, although it may put money in your pocket, may not be the best for your customers.

Give your customers the solutions that are right for them, or they won't come back. In the long run, you'll spend a whole lot more money getting new customers than you will keeping the ones you have.

You reap what you sow. Treat your customers right, and money won't ever be an issue. I want to build a relationship with my readers and customers. I treat others the way I want to be treated.

I'm sure some of you have been burned by high priced products that either didn't work for you, or were too advanced for you to do anything with. I know I have, and I no longer use those products.

After reading a manual written by one of the top online marketers that I paid $69 for, I threw it in the trash. It was a waste of paper and ink, as well as reading time. I bought over $100 worth of products from that person, but I won't buy any more. Lesson learned.

That's another reason I want to make my readers, as well as your promotion efforts, as simple as possible.

As long as you follow the steps in this ebook, you'll be building traffic and sales to your site in no time. You can send me a testimonial to help build your linking strategy.