MLM Cash by Jinger Jarrett - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 6 Internet Marketing for FREE

A Word on Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is a way to spread your message across the Internet by generating buzz about your products or services. Promoting with articles, press releases, and free ebooks can also create a viral marketing strategy for your business because other website owners are publishing your work.

For example: you have a free ebook. You give it to two people, they each give it to two people, and on and on.

Viral marketing multiplies itself exponentially. 2x2x2x2=16, not 8.

All of these techniques are very effective for spreading your marketing message. However, what if you are intimidated by the whole process of writing?

Deep down, I don't think that it's the writing that is really the issue here for most people. I think it's a matter of confidence. It takes a lot of confidence in yourself, your product, and your writing ability to make yourself vulnerable enough to put your message out there in front of millions of people.

I know when I first started sending out my articles, I was scared to death. I just knew people would tell me I was a horrible writer, that I was stupid, or I should quit this business because I didn't have what it takes.

Although I have gotten a few nasty, and pretty condescending emails about my writing over the years, overall, the reception was quite warm.

It helped build my confidence.