Money Making Hobbies by Juan Valks - HTML preview

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That’s what makes the BONUS 60-day Affiliate Membership so great. It gives you the ability to collect industry-leading commissions on this innovative product line: the Kalatu blogging platform, the plugins and the LevelUp training sequence. It also includes super high-level, advanced training, beyond the LevelUp sequence where you can earn incredibly high commissions, very quickly.

I did a little more investigating into this system, to really understand how their compensation plan works.

The commission split offered with this system is one of the most generous in the industry. It’s a 70/30 split in your favor. 70% of the product sale goes directly to you and the remaining 30% gets put towards improving the products the company offers. That 30% is invested directly back into developing world class products and services. Ultimately, as an Affiliate partner, that means the products you offer through the system are even easier to sell, because they’re better!

And the compensation plan works on a 1, 3, 5 and every fifth, thereafter, pass-up progression. So, when you encourage someone to join the affiliate program, and they do, as their sponsor you’ll receive passups from the business they generate. And they’ll receive the same from the people who join because of them.

But you don’t need to understand fully how the compensation plan works. We’ve had people literally earn millions of dollars before finally understanding how the comp plan works. All you need to know are how you’re going to create results step by step.

Here’s how simple it is: get people to this presentation (the same one you were invited to when you received this free report) and let the team help you get them started, because that’s the real secret.

You do this by blogging about your passion, while sharing this link and our other marketing materials.

I asked the team to give me a concrete example so I could understand precisely how this works, and here’s what they shared:

So let’s say you make a sale on a $100 a month training product. Your 1st, 3rd and 5th, then every 5th sale thereafter is going to pass up to the person who encouraged you to buy that product.

The idea there is to incentivize, that person to help you succeed. So when you create a post and you make your first sale, it will pass up to the person who sold you that product.

But on the second sale, 70% of it goes to you. That’s $70 every month, for as long as that person keeps it.

Now here’s the key thing to realize about that second sale. That person part of your downline and pass up their first sale to you and they keep their second. So when this person goes out there and makes a sale, how much do you keep?

You keep $70 per month. That’s how this compensation plan works. Plus, let’s say that the person they just brought in bring this person here, they also pass up their first sale and keep their second sale. And let’s say, that person brings in a person. That’s another $70 a month from that person too.

Now you’ve got someone who brings in a person who brings in a person. So, one person has just turned into $210 in monthly commissions.

As you can probably see, what’s key to understand is that this entire system is designed to do more than just get one new person at a time to sign up. This system is specifically designed to help you ‘get one to get one’...

And what does ‘get one, to get one’ mean?

It means, as you’re bringing people on, you bring them on in a way where they see the opportunity, just like you do right now. They say to themselves, just like you’re probably saying to yourself right now, “I don’t completely get the math, but I could share a link to the video on my blog and social sites. That’s simple.”

Then they repeat the process, which gets another person to join and then another and so on and so on.

See, as they’re watching the video, they’re going to think,

“Sure I can get people to watch the video, that’s simple.”

...Because it IS simple, right?

You don’t even have to do the selling, because the videos and other materials the team creates can help do that for you. And when people watch a presentation, like the one you were watching when you got this report, they’re going to make a decision, just like you’re making a decision right now. They’re going to see the video and they’re going to think the same thing you’re probably thinking, “That looks simple. I can do that.”



Then, they’re going to get somebody to watch the video, then those people are going to start bringing people in exactly the same way. So “get one to get one”.


And where this got really interesting was when the team explained how this applies to those force multipliers we talked about earlier:

When you put this into perspective, with the company’s upper level products like the PRODUCER Force Multiplier, which includes the Top Producer Formula, you’re earning a $350 commission for each person who buys under you…

 As that grows, with just a group of 10 people, who each get a total of 3...not another 10 or 50...just 3 people to join, you could be earning a monthly income of $11,900 or more.

Our compensation plan is known industry-wide as one of  the MOST profitable plans around. It’s designed to reward  you, not just for your sale efforts, but for your team-building  efforts. So, you can continue to earn, your team members can continue to earn, and so on.  It may seem far fetched or maybe even unachievable that you could be making as much as $11,900  a month by just getting 10 people to sign up and share the system with others, but it’s how many of the success stories you’ve been hearing from during this presentation are creating these incredible income numbers.

See, because of the Internet, the system itself helps spread your links virally, like a YouTube video.

There are no guarantees of income, but none of the success stories are any better than you are.

They’re no smarter. They just have a dream, like yours, that they’re willing to work toward. And we provide a simple, affordable system for doing that!

The bottom line is, just get people to watch this presentation by sharing links to it in your posts. And realize that those posts will stay out there on the Internet forever, constantly magnetizing new leads and sales, literally after you’ve long forgotten that you even wrote them.

That’s an idea I think everyone can understand. So I know as you read this you’re wondering:

How does someone new get started with this simple smart system today?



If you’ve been reading this report, you probably got an email or some type of social invite to it. The only way to get access to this opportunity, is by invitation or promotion from another system owner.

Once you get started with this system, you’ll be sent to the LevelUp training sequence that will walk you through everything you need to do to start making money, as soon as today.

The team calls it the ‘LevelUp training sequence’ and it’s not like any course you’ve ever experienced. This is an immersive experience that’s already changing the way the industry delivers training. I was blown away as I reviewed this unique piece of the system.

It was obvious that they’d invested hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours, plus put a lot of love, into developing it for you. It literally gives the secrets of how you can use this system to potentially create part time, full time, even 6 or 7 figure income, with deposits made straight into your bank account.

But don’t worry – even though they’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars creating this system for you, you’re not going to have to pay thousands or even hundreds of dollars to get started today.

Let me turn this over to Mars, the CMO, to share with you the deal that the company is offering today, only through this special Truth or Hype: The Opportunity Watch presentation and special report...



Hey, Mars here to share with you the special invitation we have for you right now. During this very temporary promotion, we’re offering a time-sensitive discount on this early, smart-system group. Since you’re here, that offer extends to you.

The price people happily paid for the previous version of the system, totaled up to $44.95 a month or more. You heard the results they’ve been getting. But we want you to get access today without having to think about the cost. That’s why, when you get started today, during this very brief promotion, you’re going to get a HUGE 75% discount!

So, since I’m not sure when you’re reading this, today could be the final day of this promotion. Below, there’s a link Mars to access the full smart-system. As long as that link is active, you’ve still got the chance to get access to the full smart-system…