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Chapter 5:

In Closing

MySpace Marketing Secrets

5.1 Summary of Techniques

At this point, it is a good idea to look back on what we've talked about so far and reiterate the different techniques and steps needed in order to make money on MySpace. Let's start with the basics:

1. Create a profile on MySpace.

Before you do anything else on MySpace, you wil have to create a viable profile that wil actual y convince buyers one of two things: 1) you are another human being; or 2) that you are a serious, professional business. Either option is fine; however, you must clearly demonstrate either in your profile.

2. Advertise on MySpace.

This requires some start-up cash, but if you have it, it may be one of the wisest moves you make. This is especial y potent if you already have a profile setup on MySpace. You can simply advertise, drive traffic to that page, add friends to your list, and then send them periodic bul etins, as if you were sending out mailings to a list.

3. Purchasing bulletins on MySpace.

This is another effective technique for marketing on MySpace. Rather than going directly through MySpace, you can find people who have large friends lists and ask them if they are interested in “sel ing” a bul etin to you. You can either write this bul etin as you would a solo ad; or you can use it to announce some contest, which is probably a better option.

4. Use private messages to make sales to individuals.

Private messages keep the tone somewhat more personal than a bul etin would.

Additional y, you wil want to use first names when communicating through messages.

5. Don't ever spam your friends lists.

Remember that commercial uses of MySpace are not exactly encouraged; however, they may be tolerated, provided that your efforts are not overt and MySpace Marketing Secrets

disruptive. For this reason, you wil want to remain low-key. Avoid getting flagged or reported.

Fol ow al five steps and techniques I've outlined above and you'l have a good chance of making money on MySpace. Al you have to do is find the right market and then figure out how to segment them from the rest of the crowd.

5.2 Avoiding MySpace ToS Violations

One important consideration to make when using MySpace to make money is whether or not you are technical y violating their terms of service with your specific use. In the case of most sel ers on MySpace, they are actual y violating the ToS; however, it seems as if MySpace does not have a particularly big problem with their doing so.

If you plan to sel a product or service through bul etins, you are technical y violating the MySpace ToS and can be fined for each individual message you send out. Additional y, if you attempt to sel anything as an affiliate on your actual MySpace profile, you are technical y violating the MySpace ToS (although you more than likely wil not be cal ed on it).

So what are some forms of activity that do not technical y violate the ToS? It's unclear, but there are a few that are debateable.

One such use is sel ing ads through an account with a lot of friends, provided that each ad is for a contest. If you do this, you are simply announcing contests are not necessarily in conflict with the ToS; however, it may be arguable that you stil are.

Another debateable use of MySpace for commercial purposes involves creating a profile, inviting friends, and then simply advertising your business as your hobby. You could, for instance, put something up about your business in your interests area. You could then direct people to your profile by posting bul etins frequently that are somewhat related to your business.

Another arguably fair use of MySpace involves using it to drive traffic to non-monetized sites. If this site isn't currently monetized, there isn't necessarily a problem with directing traffic to it. For instance, if you created a forum and wanted to drive traffic to it, you could technical y do it with MySpace, provided it wasn't a commercial forum. You could then later monetize the forum once you stopped driving traffic to it.

MySpace Marketing Secrets

These are al examples of how you can potential y use MySpace to make money without violating their terms of service. Please note that al cases are arguable – and wil not guarantee that you do not get banned or fined.

5.3 Conclusion

MySpace is a powerful new marketing tool that literal y thousands of business owners have begun to exploit. MySpace can be an effective tool for you, too; however, there are some important things you should keep in mind.

The first thing to keep in mind is that creating a friends list purely with non-targeted members wil yield conversion rates akin to what you might see with “guaranteed traffic”

programs. People wil view the bul etins you send out; they just wont actual y buy anything. For this reason, you wil want to careful y target friends when you create a list.

The next thing you wil want to keep in mind when creating a friends list is that commercial activity is discouraged by MySpace. In fact, some forms of commercial activity can potential y get you banned or fined. While this is not what usual y happens, it is a good idea to consider what is al owable and what is plainly unethical and against the the MySpace terms of service. You may want to consider contacting a representative for advice first.

Once you figure out how to overcome these two problems, you wil want to begin formulating a strategy to make money on MySpace. You wil want to figure out how to find friends, what type of profile to create, and how to sel your product, as wel as what your product or service wil be if you do not have one yet.

You wil then want to determine if there are any tools you can use to make the entire process easier. For instance, can you automate messaging? Can you automate the friend-adding process? If so, try to find a piece of software that wil do that, rather than adding al of the friends yourself. That wil save a tremendous amount of time.

Last, you wil actual y want to execute your plan and fol ow through. Once you have had success, take what you have learned and apply it other social networks by simply applying the same profile, approach, and messaging techniques.


MySpace Marketing Secrets


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Stephen Renton

Business and technology consultant, who has assisted organizations, charities, and private clients across the globe accomplish their mission over the past 20 years, including the United Nations, the World Health Organization, Price Waterhouse, Hewlett Packard, and Barclays Capital.

Stephen is also highly trained in media, having attended the National Film School in the UK, the Vancouver Film School in Canada, and also the Australian Film Television and Radio School in Sydney, going on to produce and host a popular morning radio show in Sydney, Australia, and also winning an award for his documentary editing work while in Canada.

He has been working behind the scenes in Internet Marketing for some time now, and has decided to come out from the trenches, to allow non-techies to build and grow their online businesses in record time, without all the usual hype and BS of ‘push-button’ systems.



MySpace Marketing Secrets

Jonathan Green

Jonathan is a national merit scholar, member of MENSA, and holds a Master’s Degree with Merit from King’s College in London. He left his position as a professor in charge of a million dollar project at one of the top universities in America to work full time as an Internet marketer over a year ago.

Jonathan has spent the last year running a very successful Search Engine Optimization consulting business. In that time he has dominated Google’s rankings for client after client.

He has finally decided to apply his skills in bringing traffic for clients and his skills as a teacher together. Webinars are the future of bringing in traffic and teaching online. He has been using this technology to leverage business for his clients, and now he’s ready to share his secrets with you.

Joey Smith

Joey is one of the masterminds behind last year’s million dollar plus launch of “Epic Traffic Formula“, in partnership with Jon Shugart and Keith Baxter.

MySpace Marketing Secrets

He is an award winner Internet Marketer, Speaker, Author, Coach and Social Media Evangelist, and in 2011 turns his focus to his Full Throttle mentoring program.

Joey’s incredible success with Webinars positions him as the ideal candidate to demonstrate the incredible powers of this technology, and he will be sharing stories from the trenches and in-depth case studies throughout the course,to allow both beginner and advanced marketers alike to Rapid-track and Automate their Success in the most problematic areas of Internet Marketing today MySpace Marketing Secrets

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