Network Marketing Survival by James Bennit - HTML preview

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An Network Marketing Company That Would Suit YOU

Understanding this principle could save your Network Marketing life. Many people label everyone who joins more than one Network Marketing company a ‘junkie’. It is true that there are junkies that go around recruiting their friends when they try COMPANY A, which dies a natural death after a while they join COMPANY B. They start talking to the same friends about how good COMPANY B is and will talk bad about COMPANY A.

Then they quit COMPANY B after running into some struggles and joins COMPANY C, doing the same thing promoting C while talking bad about A and B and goes on.

No. I am not teaching you to be a junkie.

I have explained in the previous chapters that even the ‘best company’ in the world would not be suitable for everyone. I may LOVE supplements for my health and buy them from the ‘best health supplement opportunity in the world’ but my passion is being on the Internet! Don’t get me wrong, the supplement company would have a FANTASTIC TEAM, a SOLID COMPANY BACKGROUND, and even an UNBELIEVABLE COMPENSATION PLAN. But I prefer to sell digital products. I don’t care if I don’t get to meet or socialize with as many people in person in my Internet Network Marketing company, I don’t even care if I don’t operate at an office! I am making money at my Internet MLM.

I think we get the picture now…

Here is another scenario. What do you do when you are already in one Network Marketing and a good friend approaches you for another? Do you refuse? Remember, you must not treat your Network Marketing business like a RELIGION. I don’t refuse because I will always find benefits in every Network Marketing company that I join. I may like the products there. I can SHARE these products (for example, supplements) to friends who do not believe in buying on the Internet! No single company wil cover the ENTIRE market so we have to be realistic. I may even join that company so I can build relationships with them and get them to try my own MLM products too! If I don’t keep an eye out for other opportunities, I don’t feel that I am a good business man. Some say you must focus on one business. Yes, I focus on one, but I also keep the door open to many other potential customers too.

Always be open to new opportunities and cross-sell ! That’s where you put the ‘network’ in network marketing. But don’t make the mistake of joining every opportunity just to get recruits because it costs you time and money. Only join different network Marketing company if you see a tangible benefit.

If you don’t make it in your first MLM, don’t despair! People make mistakes and they (hopeful y) grow wiser the next time they choose again. This is my hope for al who read this book because you must never give up when you fail the first time. Most people don’t make it in their first Network Marketing company, but they might succeed in the second or third.