![All New Design](/resources/img/allnew.png)
In order to determine what things you need to cover in order to create an effective headline, you’ll need to go back to point #1. In point #1, we discussed the fact that if you know your target market, what their common problems are and the solutions that they desire then you could easily offer them some type of FREE content that educates them on the issue in your opt-in offer.
Take some time to think about things you may have struggled with in the past and how great it felt when you had finally had that “Ah ha” moment. Now, give them the same experience with the content you offer in your Free Offer!
And btw, don’t cheat them on the info. Actually give them great content and value and deliver on your promises. This way, you’ll encourage them to continue to follow you, read your emails and connect with you more in the future.
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
Step #5: Set up Email A/r messages
Setting up auto-responder emails can be very intimidating and daunting initially, and can often be a huge deterrent to getting our marketing campaigns going. The truth is, you’re not really here to master all things marketing, you’re simply here to navigate a powerful marketing strategy so you can get more people on the phone and convert them into business.
At the end of the day, your job is to close deals. With that said, if you are great at writing, and you’ve become a genius at writing copy and embedding it into your auto-responder messages, then by all means, write away!
On the other hand, if you’re struggling with the thought of writing the first letter of the first sentence, spare yourself the agony and use a few of these strategies to get your content going:
Strategy #1: Hire a writer
This can be a bit expensive and time consuming as the process can often take a while to really connect with a legitimate English speaking writer who actually understands your industry, your market and your message. However, it is an option that you can try.
Strategy #2: Create a Swipe File
This is a strategy that most internet marketers use where you collect catchy emails that you’ve received from other leaders and simply swipe the copy and customize it to your personal message, using it for your personal email campaign.
The downside to this is that it still requires a bit of writing on your end, and may take a while to sift through tons of email messages to truly find great content.
Strategy #3: Use PLR Products
This is actually the solution I’d highly recommend for various reasons. PLR stands for Private Label Rights and it basically allows you to use pre-written content on your specified Niche instantly, while promoting it as your own personal product.
You get to take full credit as the creator and the beauty about it is that you can have access to it in less than 5 minutes.
The key is to find a PLR provider that has the following: Writes content specifically on your niche
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
They actually know about your industry and can speak from experience and personal knowledge rather than just research
English is their first and predominant language, and the writing reflects that The content is of high quality and affordable
I’ve come across tons of PLR content that lacked in several areas above, which inspired me to provide the specific content that I know we need to generate leads online.
I highly suggest you check out the site by clicking here.
Take some time to browse around the site and see all that the site has to offer. They provide content in the following areas:
Webinar PowerPoint Presentations
& So Much More
Go here now to take a peek, and grab up your first auto-responder series while you’re at it!! That way you can avoid the headache of trying to figure this stuff out on your own!
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
Step #6: Build Trust
Your auto-responder messages are designed to build a
rapport with your audience by actually servicing a need that
they have. With that said, whether you use PLR or not, be sure to throw in a few personal messages that are a no-pitch, straight from the heart message that reveals who you really
are while sharing your personal experience in this journey.
Seek to serve your audience first, and know that you will be
able to monetize successfully later, because of your
authenticity and willingness to serve your market. This doesn’t mean you “don’t sell”, this just means that you’re seeking to get to know your audience, and you’re considering their needs first before yours. In turn, you’ll win their trust, and will ultimately have a raving fan for life.
Here are a 5 tips for building trust with your audience:
Be honest – Don’t become this over-exaggerating pitch person that says everything is great all the time and nothing never goes wrong in my life! I personally dislike people who try to make it appear as if they’re lives are perfect and love it when people allow me to see their human side. Share your struggles, challenges and imperfections. This is the glue that bond people to you!
Be transparent – this is a great way to win your audience over. One of the best ways to do this is by posting videos and pictures of yourself to show people who you really are. Bringing the human side of who you are outside of what you do, allows your readers and followers to relate to you.
Be accessible – have multiple contact points where people can connect. This doesn’t mean you need to plaster your phone number all over the Internet but using Social Media to connect with your followers is a great way to make them feel like you’re accessible. Tweet with them on twitter, respond to their comments on facebook and if you have a skype or oovoo account, let them chat with you to connect personally.
Be humble – Don’t become overly boastful like the “ha ha, I’m great and you’re not” kind of person. Those are the first groups of people to get booted and overlooked, so stay humble despite your successes. And yes, it’s okay to gloat over your victories, but don’t make other people feel “less than”… you know what I mean;)
Be consistent – being consistent proves to your followers that you’re not just another fly-by-night wanna be marketer, but that you’re actually here for the long haul. With so many people on and off the Internet in the blink of an
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
eye, it’s very hard to find those that are reliable leaders. Remaining consistent in your marketing efforts positions you as one, and therefore will encourage more people to continue to follow your lead!
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
Step #7: Give Value
I believe this is a source of advice that can become a bit
redundant, but I need to touch on it anyway. Over-delivering on what you give your audience is the best way to win them over.
Always try to find ways to share powerful insights with them, whether you’ve read a book and discovered a new method to do something or as mentioned earlier, when having those “Ah Ha” moments about things that you know would be enlightening to others. Convert that revelation into content by blogging about it, creating a video about it or simply adding it as an email message to your auto-responder funnel.
Don’t question yourself about ever sharing things that you’ve learned personally.
That brings the unique element to your brand and your business. People can get generic information anywhere, but it’s those personalized insightful messages that tend to resonate with your audience, so make it a habit to share!
Here’s a few tips to Add Value to your readers:
Have a Purpose with your content - When sharing information in an article, video, blog post etc., always seek to answer yes to the question “Did I give my reader something to take away from this?”, “Did I provide a solution to their problem?”. Have purpose in your content, and that will resonate with your readers.
Be generous – Giving is a great way to create loyalty with your followers. If there’s a tool like a checklist or worksheet that you come across that has helped you, instead of keeping it to yourself, share it with your followers.
You’ll be surprised at how much giving stuff away can actually win your readers over.
Ask Questions – Finding out what your readers and followers want is the quick and easy way to avoid playing the guessing game. You’ll want to just simply ask them “How Can I Help You?”, whether via blog post, email blast or video message. Either way, once you ask that question, find a way to streamline those questions by turning them into a Q&A Blog Post or Video that you use as content, while killing two birds in one stone, and also answering questions and meeting the needs of your audience!
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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Step #8: Promote Affiliate Products
Now that we’ve gotten all the mushy stuff out of the way, here’s a huge tip…. DON’T
So many people grow very timid when building a list or following, and feel as though any type of promotion that has an offer for people to buy something from them will damage the relationship.
The truth is, people actually want to know things like, what tools your using, the products you purchase and the people you follow.
I can recall times when I’d follow people and constantly ask myself “how did they do that?”, “what tools does he use to do this?”… It was almost a gift when people that I’d follow would share their “purchases” with me.
And the bottom line is this, you’re looking for people that are buyers, not information hoarders, so if people unsubscribe because they don’t want you to pitch them anything, then great….celebrate!! You don’t want those people on your list anyway. They’re dead weight, and they’re the kind of folks that make you think you’re not doing enough, when in actuality, all they want is more, more, more with no intentions of doing anything with the information!
Buyers are your best friends, and you want a list full of them. Promoting products every now and then is fine. Just follow the rules on these specific reminders to make sure you promote with balance:
Never pitch or promote your product in the first initial introduction.
This can be a huge turn-off and it doesn’t make room for you to build a relationship with your audience. Unless they opted in to a site that specifically indicated that they’d be updated on products and services, be sure to mix in valuable content in between the sales pitches.
Keep your subscribers engaged – if you chose to send out a sales pitch of an email, use a story or some form of engagement to get their attention before just begging them to buy your product. I’ve seen people be flat out honest an say “look, I can win an Ipad if x amount of people click this link, so I’ll do this for you if you do that”… people will appreciate honesty, but don’t make this type of thing a habit. Use storylines, examples and things like that to incorporate your pitch, but use the story as an example of how this item helped or enhanced your business.
There’s obviously tons more that I can tell you but the bottom line is to respect your audience while providing value through the services and products that you offer.
Pay attention to other pitch emails that people send, and swipe the styles of those that you like!
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
Either way, the more you practice, the better you’ll get at it so don’t let the fear of messing up keep you from taking action.
Recommended Affiliate Programs:
Here are a few affiliate programs that I’d highly suggest you join, and if you’re curious about how to promote your different affiliate products, we take care of that for you at the MLM PLR Store and provide tons of products that are replete with various affiliate products that you can cash in on!
Aweber – I’ve spoken about the power of Aweber early on in this report, but it’s definitely a tool that you’ll want to both utilize and promote. An autoresponder is essential to our industry and you cannot get away with marketing online without one. Therefore, anything that anyone “needs”, you need to be an affiliate for.
Magnetic Sponsoring – This book is the foundation of attraction marketing and was the leading product that compelled so many people to reevaluate their recruiting methods, and incorporate more attraction marketing techniques. It’s a MUST READ for anyone who’s serious about being a leader in this industry, and it also unfolds the mystery of why we do what we do in the Internet Marketing space as a Network Marketer. I’d highly suggest you grab a copy first, as you will then become an affiliate and begin sharing this with everyone on your list and in your network!
HostGator – Just like Aweber, web hosting is another essential in the industry. Having a host comes when people make a decision to be leaders in the industry, and a lot of times it’s up to you to educate them on why they’d want to become a leader, and the tools that leaders use. This company is very reliable and another industry favorite, so hop over here right now and become an affiliate!
MLM PLR Store.com – Content creation is probably one of the biggest hindrances for most wannabe online marketers. The bottom line is that most people just want to make money, but they had no idea that being a writing genius was apart of the criteria to do so in the Internet space. Therefore, having tools like MLM PLR Store allows Network Marketers to focus on one thing “lead generation and closing deals” while you can leave the writing genius up to us writers at MLM PLR Store.com. This report that you’re holding in your hand is an example of our teams genius, so stop wasting time, and start outsourcing this task to us over at MLM PLR Store.com
Free Blog Factory – Creating a blog is another time sucker, and as a newbie, the worst thing you could do is get bogged down with technical challenges and overwhelm your brain. FBF is a quick and easy solution to help people who want to get started fast online, and the kicker is, they will set your blog
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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up for free. The beauty about this is you get paid for those that even sign up for FREE as well as if they purchase any premium services, so don’t hold out on this resource. It’s a blessing to those who are non-techies, and are ready to build their brand today!
Clickbank – This is an industry “affiliate hub” where people market their products, allowing you to become an affiliate. It’s another quick and easy way to get your hands on niche specific products. Visit the site, set up an account and start promoting!
Paypal – In order to begin making various transactions online, you must have a paypal account. Most affiliate companies pay using Paypal while others require a paypal account to purchase their products. Be sure to sign up today by visiting their website here, and you can also begin selling your products as well as others products, using things like PLR to generate more income streams for your business!
My Lead System Pro – MLSP is another industry favorite for attraction marketing. It’s basically the physical layout of what Magnetic Sponsoring teaches, and it’s the best plug and play system you’ll ever want to use to promote your business. They have tons of killer content, and free training that can take your business 10,000 miles above ground. In order to be an affiliate you have to be a member but I’d highly suggest that you check it out and do the trial to explore all that it has to offer. They have tons of systems you can use as your own personal bait to generate leads like “Free Facebook Trainings, Twitter Trainings, etc.”, requiring that the lead opts-in in order to receive access to the training!
Be sure to visit our site at MLM PLR Store.com to check out the company and product reviews that we currently have and will continue to release to help you with the pitch process of your various affiliate programs!
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
Here’s How You Can Turn This FREE
Report Into Your Lead Generation Cash
Machine On Auto-Pilot!!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this report and found an amazing amount of value that will get you jumpstarted with our lead generation journey!
Before you go promoting this eBook to your family, teammates and friends, I
want to share an opportunity with you to use this very same report as your very
own while customizing it with your affiliate links!!
If you said “YES, PLEASE TELL ME HOW”, then perfect… We can get you going in less than 5 minutes.
But really quick, here are 7 reasons why you’ll want to use this as your very own rebranded report:
1. You can use it as a list-building tool! - All you have to do is add this as a free report to share with those who opt-in to your blog, website or facebook fan page and you’ll be generating leads on auto-pilot as well as…. (my next point).
2. You don’t have to do any work! - How many times have you said you were going to write an ebook or free report to help you with your lead generation and sales funnel? Did you ever get around to it? Probably not! Here’s the simplicity of it all… in less than 5 minutes, you will have a 25+ page Free Report that you can use to unleash the dragon and get your automated cash machine going on auto-pilot!
3. You can make money on auto-pilot! - Adding your own affiliate links and educating your list with information that is high in value will allow you to convert those leads into buyers, while you sit back and watch the cash roll in. (Well, you’ll have to do some work marketing the report, but we’ll show you 20+ ways to market your report once you get your own copy!) 4. It will position you as a credible source! - People are looking for value and when you offer this ebook with those who are buried under information overload, you’ll find that they’ll swarm to you like a honey on bees anticipating your next release of a video, blog entry or ebook!
5. Mass Marketing! – The beauty about using a brandable free report is the ability to have it go viral. Others will have the rights to share this report with their list and friends BUT they will have your personally branded
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
version. When you put this report in their hands, your going to experience a massive increase of leads, all because you were willing to share;) 6. Creates an Online Asset For You! – The one thing you want to do with your online efforts is to develop tons of assets all over the internet that are paying you for your efforts on automation. Having this ebook out there and watching it go viral is a serious step towards increasing your online assets!
7. You don’t have to have a blog, website or list to get started! – Many people worry about not having everything all together before they start marketing, but the beauty about using this report is that you don’t need a website, blog or anything to put it to work. How can that be you ask? With this ebook being available on a website that allows the book to be downloaded (I’ll give you a list of free sources to use), you can start driving traffic and making sales before you actually “have it all together!”. (You will need a list building tool like Aweber however, to get you started!) Here’s what you need do to begin using this FREE REPORT as your very own…
Step #1: Click here now to grab your copy of the Free Report
Step #2: Sign up for the various affiliate programs that are listed in the report if you haven’t done so already as you will need them for your Report! (see the list above of Recommended Affiliate Programs)
Step #3: Start using the Marketing Techniques that you’ll receive once you get access to your Free Report.
Step #4: Enjoy the cash and Close Your Leads!!
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com