Online Lead Generation Blueprint for Network Marketers by Nicole S. Cooper - HTML preview

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The Great Escape

One of the most misleading ideas of Internet Marketing for MLM’ers is the idea that you’re going to avoid “recruiting techniques” that you are highly encouraged to do offline. Although the Internet is an easier vehicle to generate leads, there are a few foundational things that you must learn to master, in order to have an impact online.

Influence is the underlying characteristic for Network Marketers that are successful both online and offline. If you suffer from low self-esteem, fear of admitting that you’re in the Network Marketing Industry or a lack of belief that people will want to follow you, then we’ll need to address the “mindset” aspect first before getting into lead generation.

A mistake that many newbie MLM Online Marketers make is “avoiding connecting with leads via the phone”. Just as the good old sales saying goes, “whenever it’s

time to pick up the phone to dial our leads, all of a sudden the phone weighs

10,000 pounds.”

When generating leads online, building your brand and becoming a dominant force within your niche, you need to have POSTURE. Posture is an aura of confidence that you believe in yourself, your business and the ability to help your leads reach their dreams. And when people follow you with the anticipation of signing up in your business, they expect to talk with you PERSONALLY… not through email, chat, or through video, they want to CONNECT WITH YOU!!

This is very important because of all the techniques that we will share with you throughout this eBook, the end result is to ultimately connect with a ready, willing and able lead and close them into your business…. and yes, that will be by phone!

Very few people will tell you this due to the fear of losing you and your interest in Internet Marketing. But if you want to avoid talking to people personally, don’t believe in your industry, and hate the idea of sales, then you may want to reconsider your industry, and potentially seek to become an Affiliate Marketer primarily, rather than a Network Marketer. I’m not going to go into detail about being solely an Affiliate Marketer, but I do want to remind you of the benefits of being a Network Marketer:

Being plugged into a community of like-minded individuals – by being in a network marketing company, and hopefully you’re apart of a very active team of leaders, you have the opportunity to connect with that community of inspiring and motivational people who will push you to grow more as a person, and desire more out of life.

Having access to mentors and leaders who push you to grow

Accountability is essential for all of us to get out of our personal limitations and seek to push ourselves harder than we ever thought we could. When you

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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”

have a mentor that sees your potential, you’re ability to excel will be ten times faster than if you tried to keep yourself motivated on your own.

It’s just like having a coach or personal trainer who challenges you physically to reach your goals versus trying to convince yourself to work out alone. If you know someone is EXPECTING you to show up, you’re fear of

disappointing them will overpower your feelings of not wanting to do something that day.

Personal Development Coaching – MLM companies are probably one of the biggest and best industries that promote personal development. I’ve never been to a company meeting or convention where they weren’t sharing some type of book, cd or personal development training program that would help you to develop better skills and confidence in your business.

Recognition and Awards – Who doesn’t want to be recognized? We all want someone to acknowledge our accomplishments. The benefits of being in an MLM company, while reaching certain milestones in your MLM Career is that you will get recognized by your team and company, and you’ll get that much needed pat on the back that you didn’t even realize you needed!

Team Building & Leadership Growth – The ability to grow and lead a team can be personally rewarding. Having the opportunity to tap into the potential of others while you help bring out the best in them really does benefit you more in ways that will take you to higher heights in your future.

It also forces you to think like a leader, which will separate you from the mediocre population, which consists of nearly 97% of people in the world today. When you become a leader, you transcend into the elite population of people that carry the titles of Millionaire, Creator, Leader and Influencer. People will respect you more and your posture will be poised more than ever.

Residual Income – funny that you may have expected Money to be at the top of the list but honestly, it’s just a byproduct to all of the other powerful benefits above. Residual Income however is what we all dream of. To no longer have to exchange time for dollars but to instead be able to work hard for a few years and reap the benefits for years to come is exciting.

Network Marketing companies can provide this in some ways but the truth to this matter is that if you’re not a business builder who seeks to grow large

organizations, then you may never access this benefit. It takes numbers and volume to make this possible… so you gotta get over your fears and shoot for the numbers and growth so you can make the mullah!

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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”

Instant Income / Make Money Now – There are 2 ways to make money in MLM, Retailing and Recruiting. When retailing products, you have the opportunity to make money RIGHT NOW when you sell the products. You can also increase your income pretty rapidly when you focus on recruiting.

Where some things may take a little longer online, implementing some offline marketing to build your business can help you get that RIGHT NOW MONEY

that you may otherwise have a delay in when trying to do it outside of the offline marketing methods.

As you can see, there are tons of benefits to this industry that have driven so many of us to choose this road less traveled. With sharing these benefits, it’s important for you to understand how powerful it is to have access to these benefits, and begin sharing them with others that you seek to recruit for your business.

Far too many people want to focus solely on the money of an MLM, and overlook

all the other benefits that actually give people the desire to stay in the industry.

If you can change your focus and consider how powerful Network Marketing companies are, and all the emotional and personal support that it can give others, then you’ll become a champ when it comes to recruiting and your online influence will be that much more powerful!!

The Secret Formula For Converting Leads Into Cash

When it comes down to making money online, there are only 2 ways that you can really do so effectively: