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Let’s go ahead and take a visual look at the Lead Generation Sales Process and how it all works together so we can get you well on your way to building a powerful sales funnel online!
As you can see from the graph above, there are 8 steps to successfully building a list.
Step #1: Marketing
Step #2: Website / Lead Capture Page
Step #3: Free Offer
Step #4: Capture the Lead / Get the Opt-in
Step #5: Email Marketing Campaign Begins
Step #6: Build Trust w/ the List
Step #7: Give Value
Step #8: Promote Affiliate Products
Before you get too overwhelmed and question “how in the heck can I do all of this”, I have several quick and easy solutions for you that will take the pain of technology away, so don’t get deterred, let’s just focus on the big goal at hand… GENERATING
TONS OF LEADS and we’ll work the rest out later!
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
8 Step Plan To Lead Generation Success
There are 8 simple steps that everyone must take in the lead generation process to guarantee their success. We’re going to walk through each step briefly so that you can begin getting traffic to your site, and making connections with your leads.
Step #1: Marketing
Although Marketing isn’t really the first step in the process (setting up your website is, technically), but it is the MOST
IMPORTANT step that you must consider before doing steps
Because you need to fully understand the following before
trying to set up a website or begin any form of marketing efforts: Who your target market is?
What is it that they want?
How can what you have to offer line up with their needs?
Where does your target market hang out?
How can you get their attention?
Why should they buy from you?
When can you start connecting with them?
When you’ve gone through and considered all of these options, it makes it that much easier to set everything up.
Knowing who you’re marketing to can allow you to see results so much faster. It also creates a level of comfort in knowing their language, their needs and their preferences.
We actually discuss this in great detail in the article “How To Create A Lead
Generation Strategy For Your business!”
When you know your audience, you can easily put your content together and address the following:
What blog posts to write about
What topics to discuss in your various Email Marketing Campaigns
What kinds of posts and tweets to share through social media
What types of things to discuss in your videos
What types of webinar trainings to offer
What kinds of products you should create
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
& So much more
As you can see, this is the foundation that you must lay before trying to build a house of leads. It’s very similar to building a house. If you’ve ever built a house from scratch or witnessed one being built, the first thing that the developers do is clear the land so that they can lay the concrete foundation. Once that’s laid, they then can move forward with the plumbing, framing and all the other steps involved in building a house.
Your concrete foundation is your “Target Market Analysis”. This may sound a bit technical but if you want to avoid spending countless hours marketing online to not receive one lead, then you’d better listen up and get this right!
To properly map out your marketing plan, review the questions above and write down the answers by considering what you’re selling, who your ideal customer is, what they want to buy, and where they hang out!
Once you do that, we can move on to mapping out your personal Marketing plan and the various methods that we’ll use to connect with your audience!
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
Step #2: Have a Lead Capture Page or Website
This is so, so, so important to your marketing process. What you’ll want to do is have either a lead capture page or a blog/website that you use to promote yourself or your business. On the
website, you need to have an opt-in form where people can give you their names or email address. If you don’t have this, then you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.
Just having a website without a log in form for people to log their information into is causing you to not keep track of those who have further interest in what you and your business has to offer.
Bottom line, if you haven’t been capturing leads, you need to get that set up TODAY!!
In order to set this up, I’m going to give you 3 options.
Option #1: Set up a blog yourself
Option #2: Get a FREE Custom Blog set up Option #3: Get #1 Attraction Marketing Tool that’s designed for MLM’ers marketing online and have it set up in about 15 minutes! (This is my #1 recommendation!) Let’s discuss these options more in detail!
Option #1: Set up a blog yourself.
Setting up a blog isn’t as complicated as you would think because with the growth of its use, they’ve made tons of user-friendly options for us non-techie people. With that said however, there are several “techie” components that may have you buried under “how do I do that” questions, and ultimately cause you to say “forget it”….
BUT, if you’re the engineering type, or someone that’s already quite comfortable with the techie side of things, let’s read further!
If you know you’re not a very technical person, you’ll want to probably use a FREE
blogging platform to set your blog up so that it’s an easy plug and play process.
There are free platforms that you can use but they do come with various restrictions on what they allow and don’t allow as far as promotion and monetization.
However, just for times sake, let’s consider these options just so you don’t get caught up in the technical excuses and end up never launching your site.
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
You can use:
These sites are very user-friendly, and if you have questions, you can just search for youtube videos on the topic and someone has likely done a video on the subject and in their video, they’ll give you guidance on the step-by-step process.
Option #2: Get A Free Custom Blog Set-up Yes, I know you maybe wondering “FREE Custom Blog? ”… yep, there’s actually a company out there that will set up a FREE Blog for you. The reason why they’re willing to do this is because they get paid for setting your blog up on a web host, so in order to earn your business as a referral, they exchange a free blog for getting residual income from the web host.
Don’t get defensive, someone’s bound to get paid from the referral, so why not let it be someone that will set your custom blog up for free.
And if none of this makes sense to you and is flying 10,000 miles over your head, just forget what I said above and go get a FREE BLOG setup by clicking here!
For seriously customizable options, they do have minimal fees, but to get things going and avoid any delays, get the free option and you can always upgrade and customize along the way!
Just get it set up ASAP!
BTW, you’ll also need an auto-responder provider. This is an essential expense so consider this apart of your “overhead” for your business. Without an e-mail autoresponder, then you’re not in business.
There are a few I’d recommend, but two in particular that I know is the best in the industry:
1. Aweber – this is the most highly recommended provider in the industry and you’ll find that nearly most Internet Marketers use them.
The leaders with bigger lists and bigger budgets eventually move on to a more sophisticated choice later on down the line, but nearly all leaders start off using Aweber.
They have a $1 trial for the first 30 days and yes, you’ll need to watch instructional videos to use it because there is a learning to using autoresponders period.
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
Click here now to get your $1 trial….
2. Get Response – this is a user-friendly tool, but honestly, very few leaders promote it as much. The rates are practically the same and it has a bit more of a user-friendly interface, but can’t say much more other than I know it’s probably second in line to Aweber as far as recommended Auto-Responders are concerned!
The also have flexible plans starting out at just $10, which is a good deal. If you want to give it a go, try it out by clicking here!
Option #3: Get The Easy Plug & Play System That Is The #1 Attraction
Marketing Tool For Network Marketers
The options above are great and will really help you with getting your site up and running but if you want a ready-to-go tool that is designed to get you up and running in 15 minutes or less and already has the auto-responder messages, affiliate program links embedded to convert sales, tons of training along with the potential to make tons of money while generating 25 leads per day… then you’ll need to use
When you follow the Top Online MLM Marketers, you’ll find one common denominator that they all have, MLSP. This system is the #1 Attraction Marketing Tool and they provide the perfect community for newbie network marketers who are clueless when it comes to building your business online.
If you haven’t yet, you’ll want to get your copy of Magnetic Sponsoring, which simply is the training manual to this system. It will show you why you’ll want an attraction marketing system and how to maximize it to your benefit to attract leads to you to join your business.
To get a sample of some of the FREE TRAINING that they offer, check out some of their killer lead capture pages as well as the hours of seriously powerful content that they give to help you convert your leads into partners!
Become Famous In 60 Days Using Facebook
To get started with your Free Trial, click here now and save yourself hours of agony trying to figure out what to do!
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
Step #3: Provide a Free Offer
The secret to getting people to opt-in to your website is your offer. Once upon a time, people could care less about giving you their email addresses and would do it without thinking twice.
However, with the popularity of Internet Marketing and all the others who’re discovering the power of building a list, you have to be a bit more compelling with your offer.
A few things that you can offer as a freebie to get others to opt-in to your list are: Email Ecourse
Video Bootcamp
Free Report
Free E-book
Access to a Free Webinar Training
An interview with an industry leader
A workbook
An mp3
If you’re flustered under what to talk about and how to come up with these resoruces, I’d recommend just purchasing a PLR Product and customizing it to your own taste by visiting the MLM PLR Store. They already have tons of products you can use as freebies to build your list, so go here now and check it out!
Using either of these are great ways to win the opt-in however, there’s one last thing you must consider, THE HEADLINE! Which leads to my next point!
©Nicole S. Cooper of www.MLMPLRStore.com
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“Online Lead Generation Formula!”
Step #4: Get The Opt-in
What does this mean, you may be asking!!
Here’s the deal, once you get people to the site, and present the
Free Offer, it’s time to sell them on the opt-in with your
Yep, that’s right, you better have a compelling headline to urge the viewer to feel that they’re missing out if they don’t get access to your training.
The headline is the teaser, the conversation starter and the appetizer that you use to whet the appetite of your target market. It makes them say, hmmm, interesting stuff, I think I want to hear more of what he/she has to say!
Just to give you an idea of what kinds of headlines you need to use to format your offer, here are a few headline template secrets that you can use just in case you’re clueless about this topic:
_____ Ways to _________
_____ Ways to Avoid __________
_________ Reasons Why