Poor Man's Guide to Low-Tech: Low Cost Energy - Saving Devices & Resources by Bruce David - HTML preview

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Additional Information:



American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy www.aceee.org

Clark, Sarah L., Fight Global Warming: 29 Things You Can Do (New York: Consumer Reports Books in association with Environmental Defense Fund, 1991).

DeCicco, John, et al, CO2 Diet for a Greenhouse Planet: A Citizen's Guide for Slowing Global Warming (New York: National Audubon Society, 1990).
Renewable Energy Policy Project (REPP) Energy Efficiency http://www.repp.org/efficiency/index.html

The Efficient House Sourcebook and Home Made Money: How to Save Energy and Dollars in your Home. Rocky Mountain Institute.


U.S. DOE - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN) www.eren.doe.gov


Resources for Stockpiling and Disaster Preparation http://www.tbotech.com/cmd.asp?af=1126539

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