Proven Ways by Brian Lange - HTML preview

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The single best way to run faster

The single most important lesson that amateur runners can learn from the worlds best , is the speed that we turn our legs over during running Improving running cadence (the speed our legs turnover while running) is the single best way to improve your speed. What then are the benefits to improving leg cadence? You become a way more efficient runner. Rapid leg turnover reduces the braking effect of over striding. This means that all your energy is now used to propel you forwards. You develop quick, light steps. High cadence means that your feet spend less time on the ground and this then reduces your chance for injury. Better use of the muscles. A quicker cadence requires you to lift your knees and this puts less strain on your hip flexors. Try this out, stand on one leg and swing your leg from the hip quickly, now bend your knee and do the same thing. It's way more difficult with your leg straight right?

Working out your current cadence and then improving it can mean huge changes to your times. Work out your cadence
While you are running normally on a relatively flat road, count how many times you’re right foot strikes the ground in one minute. Do it a few times to get a good average.

Below 80 Bad


Between 80 - 85 Average


Between - 85 - 95 Good


Above - 95 you should be at the Olympics, start training immediately


Now to improve your cadence


You want to get to a cadence of around 95, here’s a simple workout to help you to get there.


Warm up for 10 minutes


Time how long it takes to run 30 right foot strikes at about 85% effort


Go back to the starting point and recover fully


Repeat and try and get as close as you can to 19 seconds for 30 right foot strikes (not easy)


Do six to eight repeats once a week


American triathlon coach Michael Ricci believes that focusing on cadence is the basis to running success.


If you do nothing else to improve your speed, do this it will improve your running tremendously.