This quote was from an email that I received recently from one of my subscribers. I felt absolutely terrible after reading it. I felt like I had not been doing my job as a marketer. I was supposed to be providing my subscribers with information that would help them prosper as Internet Marketers, and yet here was this email from an extremely discouraged individual.
Was I fulfilling the promise I made on my squeeze page? This email led to believe that the answer to that question might be “no”.I immediately wrote back to this individual with some words of encouragement, sharing my own trials and tribulations and letting this gentleman know that he is not alone in this feeling, and that if he is sticks with it, he will succeed. “I’ll help you”, I told him.
That was the motivation behind writing this report and the experiment that I decided to conduct.My goal: To employ a simple, yet profitable, article marketing, blogging, and social media tactic that is easy for a “newbie” to understand and employ.
In short, I want to show the new Internet Marketer an easy way to make decent money online. So, I went back to basics, adding some of my own little twists, and got some pretty great results!
I think it’s important to show you what you can do when you apply proven techniques and don’t overthink it. This is a screen shot from a Clickbank account that I opened to conduct this experiment. The results are from 3 reviews that I wrote about 3 top selling Clickbank products in the Internet Marketing niche.
As you can see, I made $782.01 in less than 30 days!
In this short, but extremely powerful report, I WILL show you EXACTLY how I did it! And let me tell you, folks, there is nothing more exhilarating than to come home from work, log in to your Clickbank account, and see results like these: