SEO Scams by Gary Alan Young - HTML preview

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Mistake 2
Accepting That a SEO Company Cannot Promise To Achieve Anything!

If you are hiring someone to carry out SEO work on your website, you presumably expect them to tell you what results you can expect from the time and money being put into the work. However, this is not always the case and you should be aware of the false reasons, which are often given for this failure to
commit to targets, as well as the disappointing results,
which usually stem
from this.

The SEO world can be murky, full of computer
geeks and nerds. But, would you be satisfied if
you put your car into a garage to be fixed and the
mechanic said to you, “Leave it with me, I


can’t promise I will fix anything but I will give
you my best shot…oh by the way don’t forget to
pay my monthly invoices”? I don’t think so, and
yet this same approach is used by many in the
world of SEO and internet marketing.

This “let’s see what happens” approach is strangely prevalent in SEO and you should definitely avoid anyone who fails to give you a firm commitment of what they can do for you. So, let me be clear here... no one should promise you that they can make your website No.1 in Google, but every SEO specialist should be able a firm commitment that they can get you to the 1st PAGE of Google. The former cannot be reasonably guaranteed, but the later should be the minimal because it requires that you are one of the top 1o on Google’s first page.

An excuse, which is often for making no commitment is that “nobody has a hot line into Google or other the search engines” so nobody can promise anything. Insider secrets of may be true, but an experienced and competent SEO company can analyze the figures, come up with some assumptions and deliver an effective strategy. An effective strategy is looking at the strengths and weaknesses in the current top 10 sites and knowing how to take advantage of weaknesses.

SEO is not a mysterious black art, any reasonably competent SEO should be able to tell you, whether you have a reasonable chance of beating your competitors. No commitment often leads to no results, and an unlimited supply of excuses.