SEO Scams by Gary Alan Young - HTML preview

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Choosing Keywords That Will Bring You Traffic But Not Buying Traffic.

When you are trying to come up with your targeted keywords for SEO work, try to picture the keyword phrase as being the key that
opens your potential customers wallets. If
you choose a right keyword, then it will work
on lots of wallets, while a poor keyword will
only open a limited number of wallets, or
possibly none at all. You need to be clear the
purpose of your website and understand the
difference between „research and „commercial

Once you understand that your goal should be
to get commercial traffic (visitors to your


website who are looking to buy), seeking appropriate keywords or phrases should be a lot easier. Try to think of the words, phrases that people use with real problems, and real needs use. Think, “If I had a problem, what would I type into Google and why?”

Focusing on non-commercial keywords is like putting up a giant television in the window of, for example, a jewellery shop during the World Cup. You may attract many people who come to have a look and they may hang around a bit, but if they came to watch the football game then they are unlikely to splash out on an expensive pair of diamond earrings afterwards. However, if you were to put the same television in the window of a pub or a sports shop then you have more chance of attracting the kind of customer who could be of commercial value to you.

The people you want to attract are those who have an interest in what you are selling and who have a high possibility of turning that interest into some form of buying action. Anyone else is unlikely to be of any interest to you whatsoever. Seeing hundreds of visitors come to your site each day is fine, but if none of them spends any money then you would be just as happy if they were going somewhere else instead.

There are many different keywords tools, but I recommend that you start with the FREE ones like:


The last link is good at giving you an idea what questions people are typing in. The results are likely to give you some keywords that you should seriously consider.