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A fter 18 years in the fitness business, “How do I get great abs” is still BY FAR the most frequently asked question I receive out of the over 30,000 emails that come into my office every month. No doubt it’s because abs are the one body part that most people are the most frustrated with.

Although their questions are often phrased differently and each person’s situation seems unique, my answer to “How do I get great abs” is almost always the same… and you’re about to hear it…

1,000 Sit-ups and Crunches a Day, and Still No Abs!

One question I received recently REALLY got my attention because a young guy told me he was doing 1,000 crunches and sit-ups a day and said he still couldn’t see his abdominals. He wrote:

Tom: I have been working out for around a year now and I cannot get my lower abs into any type of shape. I’m starting to see my upper abs a little bit, which is great, but despite doing 900 various crunches, ab roller, and 100 situps four days a week, along with my regular workout on the weights, I still have a tire around my waist. What else can I do?

What did I tell him? Well, I gave him the same answer I’ve given thousands of people over the years, which is the only true “secret” to great abs…

It takes training to increase strength, build endurance and DEVELOP the abdominals, but to SEE the definition in your abdominals—or any other muscle group for that matter—is almost entirely the result of low body fat levels.


This may sound counter-intuitive, but if you can’t see your abs, it’s not an issue of “muscle development” at all. You simply have too much body fat covering up the ab muscles. The lower abdominal area also happens to be the one place that most people—especially men— store body fat first.

There's a Scientific Reason Why Your Lower Ab Flab Is the Last to Go: Belly Fat—A Big Problem

Most people don’t have their fat distributed evenly throughout their bodies. Each of us inherits a genetically determined and hormonally-influenced pattern of fat storage just as we inherit our eye or hair color. In other words, the fat seems to “stick” to certain areas more than others.

There’s a scientific reason for this. Your fat cells are not just inert “storage tanks” for excess fuel. They are actually endocrine glands which send and receive signals from the rest of the body. You could say that your fat cells “talk to your body” and your body “talks to your fat cells.” This occurs through a hormone and receptor system.

For body fat loss to occur, you must first get the fat cells (adipocytes) to release the fat into the
bloodstream. THEN, the free fatty acids must be delivered to the working muscles where they are burned for energy.

For fat to be released, the hormone adrenaline (epinephrine) must be secreted and send a signal to your fat cells. Your fat cells receive this hormonal signal via adrenaline receptors called adrenoreceptors.

Fat cells have Beta 1 (B1) and Alpha 2 (A2) receptors. B1 receptors are the good guys. They activate hormone-sensitive lipase, the enzyme that breaks down the fat and allows it to be released into the bloodstream to be burned. A2 receptors are the bad guys. They


block the fat-releasing enzymes in the fat cell and encourage body fat formation.

How Body Fat Storage Patterns Affect You and Keep Your Abs from Showing
What’s the point of all this physiology? Well, it turns out that in men, the lower abdominal region has a higher concentration of A2 receptors, so this gives us one possible explanation of why the lower abdominal region is often the first place the fat goes when you gain it, and the last place it comes off when you’re losing it. (Incidentally, the fat in women’s hips and thighs is also higher in A2 receptors.) This situation is dictated by genetics and by the hormonal and enzymatic pathways just discussed.

Think of ab fat like the deep end of the swimming pool. No matter how much you protest, there is no way you can drain the deep end before the shallow end. However, don’t let this discourage you. Lower ab fat WILL come off, it will simply be the last place to come off. Simply put: First place on, last place off.

This helps to explain why abdominal exercises have little impact on body fat loss. It’s a huge mistake to think that hundreds or thousands of reps of ab exercises will remove lower abdominal fat, except to the degree that it burns calories and contributes to a calorie deficit. What removes the fat—all over your body—is a calorie deficit and that comes from decreasing food intake, increasing activity, or a combination of both.

What I suggested to this young man was cutting back the ab training, spending the time he was wasting on excess ab exercises for more intense, calorie-burning cardio and weight training for the rest of the body. I also suggested he do an accounting of his food intake, get his nutrition in order and decrease his calories slightly if necessary.
As it turned out, his diet was a mess, and as nutrition experts like to say, “You can’t out-train a lousy diet.”

It’s a monumental error to think that 1,000 reps of ab work a day will make your abs finally “pop” when your diet is a disaster and leads to fat storage. It’s not that ab exercises aren’t important. But all the ab exercises in the world won’t help as long as you still have body fat covering the muscles. You can’t “spot reduce” with abdominal exercise and YOU CAN’T SEE YOUR ABS THROUGH A LAYER OF BODY FAT!

My Championship-Winning Ab Workout Routine Personally, I only do about 15 minutes of ab work two times per week, with anywhere from two to four exercises for about 10-25 reps per exercise. Forget about thousands of reps of sit-ups—it’s a waste of time. The reason my abs look the way they do is not from endless repetitions, but because I get my body fat down into the single digits with a highly specialized fatburning diet program.

Here’s a recent ab routine that I’ve used (for
bodybuilding/ab-development purposes). I do this routine only twice a week and I change the exercises approximately every month so my body doesn’t adapt. I prefer a slightly higher rep range than other muscle groups, but as you can see, it’s far from doing a thousand reps a day.

Superset Exercise Sets Reps Rest A Hanging leg raises 3 15–20 0 Hanging knee-ups (bent-knee leg raises) 3 15–20 60 seconds B Weighted Swiss ball crunches (or weighted cable crunches) 3 15–20 0 Incline bench reverse crunches 3
15–20 60 seconds

How to Use Cardio for MAXIMUM Fat Burning
Times have changed since the aerobics revolution of the 1970s and 1980s. For years, aerobics was the darling of the fitness world. Then scientists began to acknowledge the benefits of weight training—for everyone, not just for bodybuilders.

Recently, the pendulum has swung the other direction and we’ve actually started hearing fitness “experts” suggesting that cardio should be kept to a minimum or even avoided completely. That’s the way things tend to go in the fitness world: they swing back and forth in trends, from one extreme to another. Lots of cardio or no cardio.

I suggest you avoid trend-hopping and pay close attention to what actually works, by people who know what they are talking about (such as bodybuilders, who are the leanest muscular athletes in the world). Doing nothing but cardio is a mistake. But cutting your cardio completely is also a mistake. The truth lies in the middle. Maximum fat burning occurs when you combine cardio training and weight training together.

Those who are genetically gifted with above average metabolisms will find that a slight drop in food intake and just a few days a week of cardio will usually do the trick. However, most people who are struggling with fat loss (sometimes referred to as “endomorph” body type) are simply NOT burning enough calories to get the results they want. The answer for them is more activity to burn more calories.

For health and weight maintenance, I suggest 3 short cardio workouts per week, about 20-30 minutes per session. But for maximum fat loss, I recommend 4-7 days per week of cardio or other physical activity for 30-45 minutes (based on results), at a moderate pace. You can mix up the type of cardio you do, or choose the type you enjoy the most—stationary cycling, stair climbing, elliptical machines, aerobic classes and other


continuous activities are all excellent fat burners (it doesn’t have to be indoors or on a cardio machine).

If time efficiency is a concern for you, you could do 2-3 of these cardio workouts as high intensity interval training and you’ll achieve very good results with briefer workouts. Even as little as 20-25 minutes per session can get great results IF your intensity level is high enough.

Remember, seeing your abs is about low body fat. Low body fat is about burning calories and creating a calorie deficit. You create a calorie deficit by increasing the number of calories you burn and/or decreasing the amount of calories you take in from food. Increasing intensity is one way to burn more calories in less time.

NOTE: To reach the “ripped” 3.7% body fat level you see in my photos, I do cardio 7 days a week for 30-45 minutes per session, in addition to my 4 weight training workouts per week.

7 Nutrition Secrets for Great Abs
That leads us to nutrition. Many people say that “abdominals are made in the kitchen, not in the gym,” and there’s a lot of truth to that. You can do thousands of reps of ab work every week, but if your nutrition is not in order, you can forget about getting a great set of 6-pack abs.

Here are my 7 nutrition secrets for great abs:

1. Eat about 15-20% below your calorie maintenance level. If you use a more aggressive calorie deficit of 25-30%, then do not keep calories too low for too long; increase your calories to maintenance or maintenance +10-15% 1-2 days per week.

2. Spread your calories into 5-6 smaller meals instead of 2-3 big ones. Be very conscious of portion size. If you eat too much of anything (even “healthy” food), you can say goodbye to your abs. Period.

3. Eat a source of complete, high quality lean protein with each meal (egg whites, lean meat, fish, protein powder, etc.)

4. Choose natural, complex carbs such as vegetables, oatmeal, yams, potatoes, beans, brown rice and whole grains. Start with approximately 50% of your calories from natural carbs and reduce carbs slightly (especially late in the day) if you are not losing fat.

5. Avoid refined, simple carbs that contain white flour or white sugar.

6. Keep total fats low and saturated fats low. Aim for 20% of your total calories from fat (and no more than 30%). A little bit of “good fat” like flaxseed oil, fish fat, nuts and seeds, and so on, is better than a no-fat diet. Essential fatty acids actually assist the fat burning process.

7. Drink plenty of water—a gallon a day is a good ballpark to shoot for if you are physically active.

1000 or more reps of daily ab work is an amazing feat of endurance, but that’s not how you get visible, 6-pack abs! If you were to do 1,000 reps of ab exercises every day, you would have outstanding development in your abdominal muscles and you would definitely have great muscular endurance. Unfortunately, if your abs are covered up with a layer of fat, you will never see them even if you do 10,000 reps a day!

You Condition and Strengthen Your Abs with Specific Ab Exercises… But the Secret to Seeing Your Abs Is Reducing Your Body Fat!
I once saw a photo of a man who broke one of the Guinness World Records for sit-ups. It was the most paradoxical thing, but this man did not have any abdominal muscle definition. He was not obese or overweight at all, mind you, but he had a small enough layer of body fat that the muscular definition did not


show through. I’ve never seen a better real life example that demonstrates the basic principle discussed in this article:

You get great abs from reducing your body fat, and you reduce your body fat by creating a caloric deficit through nutrition and metabolismstimulating and calorie-burning exercise.

I’ve spent my entire career—through more than 18 years and 28 bodybuilding competitions—studying the science and practicing the art of body fat reduction. I speak from experience and I walk my talk as you can see from my pictures.

If you’d like to experience for yourself what I’ve learned about fat burning nutrition and getting your body fat level low enough so that you can finally see a “6-pack rack” of abs, then be sure to take a look at the Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle program. Thousands of men and women call this their “fat loss bible.” For all the details, click here:

Train hard and expect success,
Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS
Fat Loss Coach


About Tom Venuto
Tom Venuto is an NSCA-certified strength and conditioning specialist, lifetime natural bodybuilder, freelance writer, success coach and author of the #1 best-selling ebook Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle (BFFM): Fat Burning Secrets of the World’s Best Bodybuilders and Fitness Models. Tom is also author of The Body Fat Solution: Five Principles for Burning Fat, Building Lean Muscles, Ending Emotional Eating, and Maintaining Your Perfect Weight (Hardcover).

Tom has written hundreds of articles and has been featured in IRONMAN Magazine, Natural Bodybuilding, Muscular Development, Muscle-Zine, Olympian’s News (in Italian), Exercise for Men and Men’s Exercise. Tom’s inspiring and informative articles on bodybuilding, weight loss, and fitness motivation are featured regularly on dozens of websites worldwide. For information on Tom’s Burn the Fat ebook, visit To subscribe to Tom’s free monthly e-zine, visit

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto

Why Is Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle the Best Selling Ebook in Internet History, with Thousands of Satisfied (and Now Fat Free) Users in 133 Countries from Algeria to Zimbabwe?

B urn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is the #1 best selling
diet and fitness ebook in the history of the Internet. In
fact, it’s one of the best selling ebooks on any subject in
the history of the Internet—and there’s a reason why…

It’s because thousands of women and men of every age
are burning off body fat—not muscle or water weight—
and they’re doing it naturally, without supplements, pills,
or “magic potions,” simply by using the proven,
scientifically accurate and common sense advice found


inside this amazing diet and fitness guidebook.

Tom Venuto, a respected fat loss expert, natural bodybuilder, and personal trainer, has not just pumped out yet another diet program into an already over-saturated market. Tom’s Burn the Fat is more accurately described as a “Fat Loss Bible.” It is quite simply one of the most complete, detailed, and precise guides to fat loss you will ever read. What makes it so much different than other weight loss publications on the market?

Well first of all, it’s not a weight loss program, it’s a fat loss program. This may seem like semantics or wordplay at first, but once you’ve read just the first three chapters, there will be no doubt in your mind that pursuing weight loss is not only the wrong goal, it may be the reason that you’ve failed to reach and maintain your ideal body weight. Burn the Fat shows you exactly why it’s fat you must lose, not weight (which includes muscle, water, and other lean tissue) and then goes on to show you exactly how to do it.

Secondly, what makes Burn the Fat different is the amount of attention that is paid to each and every element of successful, healthy, permanent fat loss. Burn the Fat not only thoroughly dispels the lies, myths, and fallacies surrounding a very confusing subject, it is simply the most detailed book about fat loss ever written. By reading Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, (or better yet, studying it), you will learn more about fat loss than you could from an entire semester of nutrition classes or from an entire shelf of mainstream diet publications at your local bookstore.

You may be wondering, “Is this a low carb diet? A high protein diet? A high fat diet? what type of program is it?” The truth is that Burn the Fat is neither a high protein diet, or a low carb diet. That’s because with the information in this book, you will be able to easily determine your own ideal protein, carbs, and fats ratio. You will be able to analyze your body type (are you an endomorph, ectomorph, or mesomorph?), you will determine your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate, or the amount of maintenance calories your body requires every day), and you will discover whether you are carb tolerant or carb intolerant.

This personalized approach makes perfect sense because each of us is a unique individual, and no two people are exactly alike in terms of body physiology and personal goals.

One of the most powerful chapters in the book is the first one called, “How to Set Powerful, Compelling Goals That Will Propel You Forward and Charge You Up with Unstoppable Motivation.” In this chapter, you will learn what is probably the ultimate secret to burning fat and getting in shape… and it has nothing to do with diets, supplements, or training programs. There’s also a great quote in this chapter from the legendary Green Bay Packers coach, Vince Lombardi…

“The dictionary is the only place success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must all pay for success.” This line does a nice job of expressing the “no quick fix” philosophy behind the entire book. In the rest of the book, you’ll learn the complete and exact mechanics of fat loss—explained on both a scientific and a practical level (which you can easily apply in your own daily life in terms of what to eat and how to exercise to burn fat).

If there is any drawback to the Burn the Fat ebook, it’s that it contains so much information that some readers may find it a bit overwhelming. Those who are looking for a CliffsNotes quick-start type of fat loss program, might be a bit intimidated at first. The good part, however, is that even these types of readers can feel confident and assured that it will be worth the effort because this will literally be the last book they ever have to buy on the subject.

Who will benefit most from Burn the Fat?

In the broadest sense, anyone and everyone who needs to lose weight will benefit from Burn the Fat. Men, women, bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, and especially motivated individuals and avid readers will love this book. Although it was written by a bodybuilder, this book is certainly not just for bodybuilders.

You will find no “30 pounds in 30 days” miracles at work here. It’s all about intelligent eating choices, planning, hard work, and lifestyle change. As Burn the Fat author Tom Venuto says, “Burn the Fat is simple, but it’s not easy.”

In terms of graphic design, Burn the Fat is a clean and professionally formatted PDF ebook. It’s a little on the plain side, being just text, but that makes it ideal for printing and reading in the comfort of your favorite chair. Because of its size, it does require a robust printer and a good stack of paper.

Initially, some people thought that Burn the Fat was priced a little on the high side because $39 might seem like a fair chunk of money for an ebook download. However, after they saw the amount of information contained within Burn the Fat’s 340 pages, along with the special bonus ebooks and reports that come with it, they said it was not only worth the $39, but many times that amount.

As with any how-to publication, you’re not really paying for the materials used to compile the document, but for what the information can do for you, and clearly, this publication has changed many lives, and the hundreds of testimonials and success stories found on the Burn the Fat website are proof of that. (I recommend you take a look at the testimonials page on the Burn the Fat website because some of the before and after transformations are simply incredible—as well as inspiring).

The bottom line?

Anyone looking for a quick fix solution to fat loss, anyone looking to be told fairy tales, and anyone looking for a “magic bullet” offered by the likes of body wraps, fat burning pills, diet shakes, or fat-burning creams and gels might be best advised to steer clear of Burn the Fat.

On the other hand, anyone tired of spinning their wheels, going nowhere, who wants the truth about fat loss and who is ready and willing to put in the hard work and discipline and make the lifestyle changes necessary to get a fat free body, will find Burn the Fat to be one of the best investments they ever made in their lives. Click here to learn more about Tom Venuto’s Burn the Fat: