Stop Clipping Coupons Get Your Groceries Free by Dawn Calvert - HTML preview

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____ years old

Have been working for ________ years and you don’t have $200 to pre-purchase groceries that we both know you will be buying anyway over the next 30 days, for an opportunity to never have to pay out of pocket for groceries again?????

If you can honestly say this, this is what you really need to hear….


The sad but true fact is, most people who live in America and Canada work their entire life, die and don’t even have enough money in the bank to pay for their own funeral!!

I have heard it said that, “Ignorance at its highest level is to continue to do what you have

always done, the way you have always done it, expecting different results.”

How can that be? That those of us who live in the greatest free enterprise countries in the world, die broke with our music still in us?

Because most people are following a terrible financial plan, or no plan at all!

This could be your chance my friend, this information can literally put you on a path to remove financial stress in your life now, once and for all! If you are willing to follow the step-by-step plan, I know that this will work for you!


If the $200 that we both know you are already going to spend is a major issue for you, you may want to watch the video called “Risk Vs. Reward”, if this is not an issue, just keep reading.

Thankfully for most people reading this publication, investing $200 for groceries you will be buying anyway for the opportunity to receive free groceries for the rest of your life is not a life changing decision. In a few minutes, it really will be a “No Brainer” so let’s continue…..

So to get started you pre-pay for $200 worth of groceries. If you choose to, you can go online and immediately order your groceries, and they will be shipped from our warehouse in Pensacola, Florida. From Pensacola we ship dry goods only, we do not ship perishables, and you would have to pay the shipping and handling. You will not want to immediately order your groceries anyway as I will explain soon.

There is also a $10.00 annual fee for your website, where you are able to track all your business and commissions. I will show you a sample soon. So your total investment is only $210; $200 of which is backed by a grocery voucher coupon. I think this is very important that you understand this is not a $200 monthly requirement. You pre-pay for groceries one time.


Again, my husband and I did this when we started, and we have never spent another dime and our first year we received 46 $200 Walmart Cards and over $100,000 in cash. My 76 year old father in law has already received 9 $200 Walmart cards and made several thousand dollars in income, which is an awesome supplement to his retirement.

Ben Calvert - 66 Year Old Father-in-Law

How is this possible?

Why don’t you order your groceries immediately?

If you order your groceries immediately you would have to pay postage and handling from Pensacola, Florida. I am going to show you how to receive free groceries and free shipping.

Do you remember on the page earlier when I asked you how many people you know?

From page ……..

Let me ask you a question. How many people do you know?

Statistics tell us that the average 18 year old know 787 people

by at least their first name. I assume that if you are reading

this you are probably over 18, but let’s just round that number down to 500 people you know, ok?

Are you with me?

Out of those 500, how many of them would like to receive free

groceries for the rest of their life? 100% ….. right? It doesn’t matter if they are a multi-millionaire, or living on government

assistance, they would love free groceries for the rest of their

life, right?

If you disagree with that, then just stop reading because this is definitely not for you. I understand that some people are so

negative and close minded that they can see through a key

hole with both eyes. Quite frankly we only want to work with those that see the glass half full and have a basic