Stop Clipping Coupons Get Your Groceries Free by Dawn Calvert - HTML preview

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From 1 cycle you receive

* $100-$300 for Referral Bonus

* $100.00 for completing the cycle

* $200 worth of dry good groceries shipped to your door with free shipping and handling or a $200 Wal Mart gift card!

Now here is the best part

After you cycle the company automatically pays your way into a new matrix where you can repeat this process over and over again.

We invested our $10.00 and pre-paid for $200 worth of groceries and cycled the first time in less than 24 hours. The company automatically set up our second matrix, we had more people from our original email that wanted to get in on this and they started joining, and we cycled our second time 3 days later. We have received a weekly flow of checks and Wal Mart cards. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it is too good to miss.

The most fulfilling part for us has been the thousands of people throughout the United States and Canada who have been blessed by this program, and we haven’t even started yet.



I hope I have been able to clearly explain this awesome, unique, one-of-a-kind program. I am sure you have questions, and at the end up this publication you will find the contact information of an affiliate that can help you.

If you are with me up to this point, now I am going to BLOW YOUR MIND!

Let’s continue with our current example.

You have completed your first cycle, you have cash and a Walmart card on its way, and the company has set up a new cycle matrix for you. When you log into your back office it will look like what you see below, and as new people join through your website they will appear in the circles, OR WHEN THOSE YOU PREVIOUSLY ENROLL CYCLE! They follow you into the first available slot you have in your current matrix!





Let me make this as clear as I possibly can, and at the end of this publication I will direct you to an online video that gives you a clearer picture.

Remember the first two people you referred? David and Barry?