The Death of Email Marketing by Scott B. - HTML preview

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and Inbox Frustration

Q: Have you ever received so much email that you got into a near trance deleting them based on a less than split second decision, only to find out later that you deleted something important?

You know… when you are burning through your email inbox, click, delete, click delete, click delete… whoops!

They say that Direct Mail died and that the evidence of that is the fact that now days most of us sort our mail over the trash can. Well isn’t it the same thing when we burn through emails and delete with extreme prejudice?

Q: Have you ever given out one email address to friends and family and another to the “outsiders” on the Internet, only to find you get the same spam in both places?

I went so far with this strategy a few years ago, that I set up addresses on my own domain like, personal@, work@, affiliates@, newsletters@ in an attempt to deal with the important emails first. I failed miserably!

Q: Have you ever sorted your inbox by sender to see who pisses you off the most by sending you too much email then opted out of their list?

Q: Have you tried Spam programs in an attempt to deal with all the unsolicited email only to find it took more time to make sure “Important” emails weren’t living in the spam folder?

Q: Have you ever set up elaborate systems of rules and folders in your email program to try (in vain) to separate the “Important” email from the clutter?

Q: Have you ever lost a hard drive or accidentally deleted an entire inbox, or worse all of your saved email only to feel surprisingly liberated the next day as if you had a new start on life?

I remember the first time this happened to me and how much better I felt, especially after seeing an empty inbox for the first time in years!

I found out that all that email that I thought was so important was actually insignificant; I lived, and anything really important found me anyway!

Your next step is to visit this site: Brent DuBose - Phone: 678-835-7659 - Email address:



Q: Have you ever intentionally deleted all your email out of sheer frustration and the desire for a fresh start?

Q: Do you feel like your email controls you and that you are the slave to its demands on your time?

Lets get to the bottom line…

Q: When is the last time you looked forward to getting or answering more email, months, years, was AOL still hot then?

Bonus Question…

Q: Have you ever risked your life to check an email message?

For all our sakes, I hope the answer to the last question is no, but I bet the answers to most or all of the other questions was an exasperated yes.

Again, there are tons of statistics that I found researching this report (boring…) I will list a few shortly but let’s not waste time on what’s no longer working and move on to what is working and what you can do to capitalize on it!

See, I told you this would be short and to the point!

One last question… Would You Risk Your Life just to read an Email?

Your next step is to visit this site: Brent DuBose - Phone: 678-835-7659 - Email address: It’s official!

Texting and Driving is now proven to be deadlier than drinking and driving! Stay with me here, this epidemic holds a lesson of opportunity!

According to a study done by Car and Driver and published by CNBC, Here are the sobering results!

“Rigging a car with a red light to alert drivers when to brake, the magazine tested how long it takes to hit the brake when sober, when legally drunk at .08, when reading and e-mail, and when sending a text. The results are scary. Driving 70

miles per hour on a deserted air strip Car and Driver editor Eddie Alterman was slower and slower reacting and braking when e-mailing and texting.

The results:

Unimpaired: .54 seconds to brake

Legally drunk: add 4 feet

Reading e-mail: add 36 feet

Sending a text: add 70 feet

O.K., at this point you may be wondering what in the hell does all this have to do with making money…

Texting is addictive, it’s Pavlovian, and it’s gotten so bad that we no longer watch where we are driving; we would rather risk our life and the lives of others rather than miss that all important text message!

Admit it, you’ve done it right, only you were “Careful?”

I bet if someone has sent you a text since you started reading this report, that you laid it down, grabbed your phone and checked it You will do it while driving, you will do it at dinner, you will do it when you’re on a live phone call, you’ll do it sitting in the movie theater, in the seats at a seminar, you’ll even do it in the middle of a face to face conversation with a friend!

It is the ultimate interrupt! And it is the exact opposite of email!

We will do almost anything including risk our lives to read that 160 character bit of info!

People are addicted to sending and receiving text messages above all other forms of communication!

Your next step is to visit this site: Brent DuBose - Phone: 678-835-7659 - Email address: Text Messaging vs. Email!

Here are just a few mind-blowing stats!

FACT: 90% of the 200 billion emails sent on a daily basis are SPAM!

FACT: A mobile device will be the world’s primary method of connection to the Internet by 2020!

FACT: The average American teen sends 2,272 text messages per month!

FACT: 93% of U.S. adults own a cell phone!

FACT: There are 4.1 Billion Mobile phones worldwide!

FACT: 97% of Text Messages are opened!

FACT: 83% of Text Messages are opened in less than one hour!

FACT: In any given public setting, a huge percentage of the public will be in the

Preacher Position!” (You know the hands folded around their cell phone looking down and sending and receiving texts position) Take this challenge, go anywhere where there is a large group of people, and count the number of people in the “Preacher Position!”

I’ve been talking about the “Preacher Position” to my friends and family for over two years now as the anti-social act of texting in public has become epidemic!

You may choose to act on the information in this report or you may not, but one thing is certain; every time you look around and see people in the “Preacher Position” you will be reminded of the opportunity you capitalized on, or reminded of the one that you missed!

Your next step is to visit this site: Brent DuBose - Phone: 678-835-7659 - Email address:


Even Bill Gates is jumping on the “Preacher Position”… Check out this recent advertisement for Windows Mobile Phones, 3 weeks AFTER I wrote this report this commercial aired for the first time. There is no dispute we are on to something big here!

Click the link below to watch the commercial or copy and paste the link in to your browser window:

Even though there are more text messages sent and received every day than there are people alive on this earth there is one massive, gaping window of opportunity surrounding text messaging that until now people have missed, and that one oversight can make some of you reading this report very wealthy.

Are you ready?

Your next step is to visit this site: Brent DuBose - Phone: 678-835-7659 - Email address: Let’s Look at Traditional Text Messaging

It’s a one to one relationship.

Let’s go through a typical texting scenario!

Pay close attention and see if you can spot the tens of millions of dollars in this conversation!

It’s 2:00 pm in the afternoon on a Thursday!

Bob texts Mary, “How about meeting somewhere for dinner tonight?”

Mary Responds back to Bob, “Sure where did you have in mind?”

Bob, “How about PF Changs at 7:00 pm”

Mary, “Sounds great have you talked to anyone else about meeting up”

Bob, “No, who did you have in mind?”

Mary, “Jill and Tom might want to go again”

Bob, “Great, why don’t you text them and see if they can make it”

(Fortunately Mary has a new iPhone and that finally has the copy and paste feature)

Mary Copies from above “How about PF Changs at 7:00 pm” then adds, “Bob and I are meeting then”

Mary then sends this text to Jill, “How about PF Changs at 7:00 pm Bob and I are meeting then”

Mary Sends this Text to Tom, “How about PF Changs at 7:00 pm” Bob and I are meeting then”

Tom Replies to Mary, “I’m in, see you there!”

Mary Sends Bob, “Tom’s in!”

Jill replies to Mary, “Sure, we had such a great time last week lets do it again”

Mary texts Bob, “Jill’s in too, said she had a blast last week”

Mary texts Jill, “Tom’s in too”

Mary Texts Tom, “Jill is coming again this week as well”

Now, what’s missing from this simple conversation can make you a fortune if you recognize it… Did you see it?

Where is the biggest glaring painfully obvious opportunity here?

It’s hiding in plain sight, right in front of you!

Put on your marketing hat and read it again!

OK, maybe you guessed something like, using twitter to make the entire conversation easier to manage. Nope… Guess again!

Your next step is to visit this site: Brent DuBose - Phone: 678-835-7659 - Email address: Here is the multi-million dollar text.

PF Changs Texts to Bob, Mary, Jill and Tom simultaneously: “Thanks for stopping by last week, bring in this text tonight for a free order of Lettuce Wraps with any entree!”

PF Changs Texts… did you get that?

PF Changs send a “Text Broadcast” directly to each of them NOT as some cluttered twitter feed or mass email, or coupon in the snail mail!

In the movie the graduate, Mr. McGuire (Walter Brooke) has the following conversation with Ben (Dustin Hoffman)

Mr. McGuire: I just want to say one word to you - just one word.

Ben: Yes sir.

Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?

Ben: Yes I am.

Mr. McGuire: 'Plastics.'

Ben: Exactly how do you mean?

Mr. McGuire: There's a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it?

Ben: Yes I will.

Mr. McGuire: Shh! Enough said. That's a deal.

Well I just want to say two words to you – Just Two Words!

Are you listening?

“Text Broadcasting”

There’s a great future in Text Broadcasting!

Stay with me….

Your next step is to visit this site: Brent DuBose - Phone: 678-835-7659 - Email address: At this point in any new “Opportunity” you and I begin to throw rocks at a concept like too complicated, too expensive, I don’t know how etc…

Let me ask you another question.

Most of us in the Internet marketing world use autoresponders. is one of the most widely known and used in our niche.

If you have, or have ever had an autoresponder account, you know that the money is in the list…right? Haven’t we been told that our entire career in Internet Marketing?

I would make one small change to that statement, the money is in other people’s lists, and I don’t mean JV partners or affiliates!

Have you ever heard the phrase “Golden Handcuffs?”

There are a few select types of products in this world that once you use them you are pretty much screwed if you try to stop!

An autoresponder is one of those, along with things like online shopping carts, merchant accounts, or anything else that is tied to the creation of income that cant be moved or changed easily.

A product has “Golden Handcuffs” when the pain of changing or the financial loss of changing to another product becomes larger than the pain or price of just keeping the product you have!

Can you import a list into for instance from another autoresponder?

Well yes technically, but you have to ask everyone to re-subscribe! How well do you think that works? Why do you think people stay for years after with the same autoresponder having built a list?

Ask anyone that has tried to move a customer or prospect list from one system to another and knows how painful and costly that is.

The money is not in your list, the money is in their lists!

If you are responsible for marketing a Text Broadcasting product to a business owner who then builds a list, your income becomes not only residual but also semi-permanent!

I met the owner of years ago; we actually had dinner at PF Changs in LA one night after one of the early Big Seminars.

Your next step is to visit this site: Brent DuBose - Phone: 678-835-7659 - Email address: I remember thinking at the time how cool it would be to own that company.

You have a steady stream of income from other peoples marketing efforts. A true residual income that has “Golden Handcuffs” because it’s nearly impossible for your customer to leave once the list is built!

“Hear me now or believe me later” as Arnold would say, providing a Text Broadcasting platform to local, small, medium, and even large business is the autoresponder of the decade!

The exact same fortunes and more will be made by those that see and capitalize on this before it becomes the next big wave!

Text broadcasting however is far more powerful than any email autoresponder!

 Want to vote on the next American Idol? Text Polling.

 Want to donate $10 to Haiti, Text “HAITI” to 90999 Text Donations.

 Want to remind your patient of their appointment, Appointment Reminders!

 Want to advertise your next gig, Band Schedule Broadcasts!

 Want to get your attendance to 70% on a webinar! Text Reminders!

 Want to push traffic back to your blog for it latest post? Post Notifications.

 Want to instantly respond with information about a home you have listed, Text autoresponders.

 Want to capture every attendee sitting in the seats of your seminar, Text 2 Win contests!

 Want to drive business into your location on a slow day, Realtime Instant Coupon Delivery!

 Want to promote your candidate and get out the vote, Text Campaigning!

The types of individuals and organizations that can use this technology are truly only limited by your imagination.

Let me make one more distinction especially for those us of in the Internet Marketing world.

Old-fashioned texting is One to One communication and therefore it is not effective for a business owner to individually text each customer.

Your next step is to visit this site: Brent DuBose - Phone: 678-835-7659 - Email address: Twitter on the other hand is a Many to Many communication!

The minute you follow more than one person, your twitter feed becomes cluttered with multiple people messaging you and therefore, the one sending the message has to hope you see that tweet in your twitter stream.

Twitter becomes one more version of email that you have to check constantly even if it’s an @reply.

Text Broadcasting is a ONE to MANY relationship where the recipient gets a single message!

If I send a broadcast text message out to a list, it’s not mixed in with any other senders, it’s sent directly to my list member from me in a single pipeline!

Not only are text messages sent to me one at a time, they are also sent to my Body rather than my Computer!

That’s right, if you are like most of the people on the planet, you can reach out right now as you read this and grab your cell phone.

Your cell phone is with you almost 24 hours a day.

Have you ever left the house, got half way to where you were going then had to turn around because you forgot your cell phone?

Yep I though so… but why?

Why can’t you leave home without it?

Your Keys, Your Wallet and your Cell phone are the three things you will not leave home without!

One glaring reason is that display names have made us mind numb idiots when it comes to remembering telephone numbers?

Name 10 of your closest friends and families phone numbers off the top of your head ready… go!

Your next step is to visit this site: Brent DuBose - Phone: 678-835-7659 - Email address: You can’t can you?

It’s because we have become dependant on our cell phone as our primary tool of communication and as smart phones get smarter, we get… well let’s just say we are addicted to them.

Imagine the power of contacting all of your customers or list within seconds, then getting a 90% open rate and an 86% open rate in the first 60 minutes!

Now imagine you deliver that technology to entrepreneurs like yourself and the tens of thousands of local, small, medium and large business owners out there that need more than ever to get their customers attention.

So let’s imagine the pitch meeting to a small business owner, pretend your Don Draper from AMC’s Mad Men for a second.

Don Draper: Bob, What if I told that I could deliver an advertisement to your entire customer or prospect list in less than 10 seconds and that we could hook a device to the body of every one of them that they were more addicted to than cigarettes, to receive your advertisement?

Bob: More Addictive than cigarettes?

Don Draper: Not only that Bob, but what if I told you that they have been conditioned and trained to respond to your message over 90% of the time any time they are awake, forsaking anything else that’s going on or where they are at that time, or what activity they are engaged in at the time, even if they are driving a car!”

Bob: And it’s Legal!

Don Draper: Yes it’s legal and get this… they will even risk their lives to read your marketing message!

The show Mad Men is set back in the 60’s era, and back then this would have seemed like some science fiction fantasy, but how many of us knew we would have the ability to hold in our hands a computer more powerful than existed anywhere in the world in 1960?

Your next step is to visit this site: Brent DuBose - Phone: 678-835-7659 - Email address: OK, So How Do We Cash In on This?

Here is how we do it!

In a few pages I’m going to give you specific information on how you can start your own Mobile Media Agency and be a Don Draper of your own.

(Don’t Panic… remember I said no $2,000 surprises, just relax, take a deep breath!)

First, Lets talk about the flow of money, and how Text Broadcasting creates passive residual income streams with “Golden Handcuffs!”

When a customer gets set up on a Text Broadcasting platform they pay for the service every month.

If you are the one who sets them up on that service, you get paid every month they use the service!

Remember the “Golden Handcuffs?”

Lets run through a hypothetical but very typical example: Lets call our example Joes Pizza Parlor. Joe puts a sign up at the cash register that reads Text “JoesPizza” to 90210 for a coupon for a free slice of pizza on your next visit!

Joe starts out very small and builds a customer list of just 500 or so text opt-in subscribers.

Yes the opt-in rates will be very high! After all what’s better than Free Pizza?

As Joe collects the opt-ins from his customers’ cell phones as they text

“JoesPizza” to 90210, the text autoresponse system instantly replies back with the coupon for the Free Slice.

Joe’s food cost on the slice of pizza is probably less than a dollar, and that’s if the customer doesn’t buy a drink or another slice on their next visit and that assumes they are alone. And who eats just one slice of pizza anyway?

I can tell you from experience this would be a self liquidating offer, meaning Joe will make more back than he spends on the free slice immediately with add on sales, and he gets them BACK in his Pizza Shop a second time.

Your next step is to visit this site: Brent DuBose - Phone: 678-835-7659 - Email address: You get the picture.

Well one text message per week to 500 people on Joes text broadcast list is about 2,000 outgoing text messages per month.

For this Joe will pay no set up fee and just a small monthly fee of $99.00.

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