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The hCG Program…5


What Is hCG and More About It?...6


Why should You try The hCG Diet Program?...7


How Many Pounds Will You loose With The hCG Diet Program?...8


Is the hCG Weight Loss Plan Right for You?...9


What’s Involved In the hCG Weight Loss Plan?...10


Are There Any Side Effects On the hCG Weight Loss Plan?...11


Can You Lose Weight With The hCG Diet?...13


What’s the Difference In the hCG VLCD and Other VLCDs?...14


Can I End the Weight Loss Struggle – Once and For All?...16


How Can Anyone Survive on 500 Calories Per Day?...17


The Skinny on How to hCG Diet…18






4 Low-Fat Weight Loss Tips…21


3 Weight Loss Myths That Can Put Your Life in Danger…23


5 Surefire Tips To Weight Loss Success…24


Does Meat Really Help You To Lose Weight?...25


Does Milk Really Help With Weight Loss?...26


Does Your Favorite Diet Plan Fulfill These 3 Criteria?...27


Is Smoking The Best Way To Lose Weight?...29


Is Weight Loss Surgery Really For You?...30


What If The Weight Loss Product You're Buying is Poison?...32



Losing weight has always been an important issue as people realize that by shedding those extra pounds that they have can allow them to get a chance at having a healthier body and having a healthier lifestyle.

Moreover, they can decrease their chances of suffering from obesity, heart disease, liver complications and other medical problems that are associated with having excess weight.

Hence, if you want to experience a healthier you, you should start taking action to losing weight and that can include exercising, undergoing weight control or going through a diet program. It may seem daunting to embark all at a time in order to achieve weight loss.

But fret not, as now, there is a weight loss program that has received widespread positive response and seen on television, magazines, and the internet. And that is the HCG Diet.

In this report, you will discover more about the HCG Diet and how it can help you to lose weight.


The hCG Program

The HCG Program is a new weight loss program that promises fast and effective results. And more than just being effective, the program is also safe and did not pose serious health problems.

Because of its growing popularity, it is now commonly on diet magazines, health websites, and other promotional channels. In fact, you may have already chanced by a news article saying that certain Hollywood celebrities are into the fad as well.

The HCG program is an elaborate weight loss plan which utilizes a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Through controlled and well-planned intake of this naturally occurring hormone, the fat burning rate of the body is increased phenomenally. Other positive effects related to the hormone are also geared towards fat loss.

In order to complement the effects of the hormone intake, the HCG program also includes an elaborate diet plan. It especially makes restrictions on the food intake and lowers it down to 500 calories per day. And unlike other weight loss programs which include an equally elaborate exercise plan, the HCG program excludes it. In fact, it is discouraged.

Also, you can choose to take HCG hormone via syringe shots or to take the orally administered version.


What is HCG and More About It


So what is the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone?


Even though it is named complicatedly, it is actually safe and it occurs naturally in the body.

In nature, high levels of HCG can be found in the body of pregnant women. It is produced by the placenta and its production is at the highest rate during the earliest stages of pregnancy. The levels of HCG depletes as the pregnancy progresses into later stages until giving birth.

And although HCG is mostly associated with pregnancy, it is actually found in the body of all humans. It is not only present on gestating women or women in general but HCG can also be found in the body of men.

So men who wish to lose body fat using the HCG program should have no fear.


Why Should You Try The HCG Diet Program

The HCG diet program allows you to experience big changes by starting big changes in your lifestyle, diet, and body chemistry, which are beneficial to losing weight and keeping it off.

The HCG program gets right into the core of the problem. It targets excess body fats and burns it down without making the body lose lean muscle mass. As a result, you will only lose what you need to lose and it will be easier to maintain because your fat-burning muscles are still there.

The problem of starvation is also solved easily. Yes, you may recall that the HCG program involves a low calorie intake but before you run away thinking that it will starve you, it is actually not the case. The HCG hormone you will be taking either orally or through injections will make you feel full and you will not feel starved at all.

Additionally, the HCG program will not impose upon you any laborious and timeconsuming exercise program. Although regular exercise is always healthy, in the HCG program you should limit yourself to light exercises such as walking.

How Many Pounds Will You Lose With the HCG Diet Program?


The HCG diet program will help you lose weight faster than any other method. However, you cannot keep shedding off pounds continuously.

Truth be told, many weightwatchers do not know when to stop. They become so obsessed with weight loss that they fail to realize they have already reached their desired weight. As a result, they face another set of problems – malnutrition and being underweight.

Another potential problem is that people might impose upon themselves too high a goal. When the goal is too high, there is a high possibility that it will not be achieved, or at least, that it will not be achieved soon enough.

Hence, you should set the “right goal”. You have to know just how much weight is okay for you to lose. Additionally, you also need to be realistic about the length of time frame that you can achieve this goal. You should also be ready for potential extensions should you not achieve it in time.

Basically though, there is really no telling exactly how much weight your body can lose with the HCG Diet program. However, you can be sure that you can get started losing weight in a safe manner without having to put your body through strenuous exercises.

Is the hCG Weight Loss Plan Right for You?

If you’ve been on a diet roller coaster for years, or perhaps all your life, only to gain the weight back – and more -- almost immediately after you begin eating normally again, it’s possible that the hCG weight loss plan could be the one you’ve been looking for. It’s a diet plan that’s sweeping the nation, and the results are near miraculous.

Followers of the hCG weight loss plan report that the fat literally melted from their bodies and that after the diet was over they didn’t regain the weight they’d lost. And, that’s not all! Even after losing 1 to 2 pounds per day, these dieters reported that their skin was taut and they hadn’t lost muscle mass!

Further reports from hCG weight loss supporters said that the normal hunger and cravings they’d had on other diet plans hadn’t bothered them even while on this VLCD (very low calorie diet). It may seem too good to be true, but the concept behind the hCG weight loss plan will convince you that it really works!

What’s involved In the hCG Weight Loss Plan?

The hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin) hormone is found in everyone – males and females – but it’s only active in pregnant women, providing nutrients to the fetus and the mother to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

During his research in the 1950s, Dr. A.T.W. Simeons found that this hormone could actually stimulate the hypothalamus gland in non-pregnant men and women, which in turn resets the metabolism to burn fat more effectively.

Simeons’ wrote a medical manuscript chronicling his findings called “Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity.” Time passed, and Simeons’ research results were known only in the medical community. It wasn’t until consumer activist, Kevin Trudeau, brought the weight loss theory to light that people began clamoring for more information.

Even then, the only method of getting the synthetic form of the hCG hormone was through daily injections given by a physician. That method was costly and inefficient in our modern times of busy schedules.

Now, the hCG hormone is produced by homeopathic methods that make it safe and easy for those wanting to follow the weight loss plan. You can purchase it online or through a homeopathic pharmacy.

The hCG hormone is now produced in three different forms – injections, oral drops or pills. The injections can still be given by a professional in some weight loss clinics or your doctor’s office, but most people prefer the sublingual oral drops or the pills.

The actual hCG weight loss plan as outlined by Dr. Simeons involves taking a dose of the hormone every day for a period of 21 to 42 days (depending on how much weight you want to lose) along with a VLCD of 500 calories per day.

Are There Any Side Effects On the hCG Weight Loss Plan?

As with any rigid diet plan, you may have some side effects with the hCG weight loss plan. But, when comparing the hCG diet with others, the results are far better with the hCG plan. Side effects also vary as to whether you’re giving yourself injections of the hCG hormone as opposed to taking the oral drops or pills.

Some common side effects while on the hCG diet are:

• Headaches – If you have headaches, it’s usually during the first week of the diet and hCG hormone therapy. Since the diet is very low in calories, you may experience mild headaches until the hCG hormone takes full effect.
• Irritability – This is also sometimes experienced during the first week of the diet plan and soon goes away.
• Light-headedness – Another symptom of a low calorie diet that usually subsides after the first week.
• Inflammation or bruising at injection site – If you’re giving yourself the hCG hormone injections, be sure you know how. You may want to seek help from a physician or nurse to perform the injections or consider taking the hormone in oral drop or pill form.

Compared to other weight loss plans, the hCG diet has very few side effects. Some side effects of other diet plans you may have heard of are:
Atkins Diet – The Atkins Diet consists of high-fat foods and giving up most foods that contain carbohydrates. Some unpleasant side effects that may occur are fatigue, insomnia, nausea, dizziness, constipation and bad breath.

This high fat diet may also place you at higher risk for heart disease and nutritional deficiencies that could cause serious health problems later on such as kidney problems and bone diseases.

Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem Diet Plans – These similar plans require you to purchase expensive, pre-packaged meals – so one side effect could be a lower bank balance – especially if you’re still having to grocery shop for a family.

Also, it’s difficult to maintain the weight loss after you stop purchasing their preportioned products. Consultants at Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem aren’t required to be proficient in health or nutrition, so you may run the risk of getting some bad advice.

South Beach Diet – The basis of the South Beach Diet plan concentrates on foods high in fiber and complex carbohydrates. Some negative side effects include constipation and bloating and a possible serious side effect called ketosis.

Symptoms of ketosis include bad breath, dizziness, and tiredness and occur because there’s not enough glucose in the body. Ketosis can also result in kidney problems.
Most diets result in a few side effects, but some are more harmful than others. After all, you’re introducing some foods and schedules that your system is totally unfamiliar with. The best diet plan would be a plan that’s going to give you a balanced diet and still burn unwanted fat calories.

Can You Lose Weight With The hCG Diet?

The weight loss industry is rife with fads, and every other day, I see a new fad coming up. Even more surprising than the rapid innovation of fads is how easily the common people are accepting these fads without thinking twice about possible repercussions. People hope to lose weight quickly with the help of these fad products, but if you ask me, I never believe in fads, and never will! In this article I will tell you about the latest weight loss fad called HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) and how far it can help you lose weight.

To start with, if you are wondering that HCG is just another drug, you are dead wrong! It is just a hormone which is already present in the human body. The hormone is found in abundance in the body of pregnant women. This is the reason why any woman who tests positive for it is confirmed to be pregnant.

People didn't know about the benefits of HCG on overweight people until a notorious author called Kevin Trudeau came up with a book that claimed that HCG can indeed help people lose weight. For those who don't know, Kevin Trudeau has already spent a considerable amount of time in jail for several violations of FTC guidelines. While Kevin Trudeau claims that HCG is a miraculous hormone that can help people lose weight quicker than any other weight loss supplement, there is no medical or scientific evidence that backs up this claim. Not even the manufacturers who produce a synthesized version of this hormone claim that it is beneficial for obese people. It is only a handful of doctors and experts who are claiming that they have proof of its effectiveness on overweight people.

For almost forty years, several tests and studies were done on HCG to prove the validity of these claims. A lot of research was done regarding the effectiveness of HCG on overweight people. No study or research done till date has been able to prove that HCG indeed helps one lose weight. So how can the doctors claim the opposite?

Well, in case you don't know, if you opt for HCG treatment, doctors will also ask you to follow a low calorie diet. So whether it is the low calorie diet or the HCG hormone that is helping people to lose weight is not clear.

If you take my advice, I would recommend that until the effectiveness of HCG is fully proved, you should just follow the old method of healthy food plan and exercises. Health food plan doesn't mean that you will have to diet; just eat lost of raw vegetables and fruits, and drink lots of water, and make sure that you avoid the fatty and junk foods as much as possible! This is a proven way to weight loss success.

What’s the Difference In the hCG VLCD and Other VLCDs?

The main difference in the hCG weight loss plan and others is that you’re going to be taking the hCG hormone in either injection, oral drops or pill form. This synthetic hormone is the caveat that makes it work with the least amount of side effects to your body.

In his research, Dr. Simeons reported that after taking daily injections of the hCG hormone and going on an extremely low, 500 calorie diet plan, that fat literally “melted off” of his patients. And, the amazing part of the experiment was that their skin remained taut and smooth and that they didn’t gain the weight back.

The hCG weight loss plan is a rapid and easy method for burning unwanted fat calories and getting rid of unwanted pounds. Below are some of the differences that successful followers of the plan have reported after trying the hCG diet:

• The loss of 1 to 2 pounds per day.
• No hunger and cravings like with other VLCDs.
• Inexpensive and easy.
• No prescriptions are needed for the oral (sublingual) drops or pills.
• No doctor visits or trips to see a counselor.
• The hCG hormone is naturally produced in men and women – and may help prevent breast cancer.
• Made in the U.S.A and regulated by the FDA to ensure safety and potency.
• Resculpts the body while you’re losing weight.
• Improves digestion and revs up the metabolism.
• No exercise is required.

After following the diet plan and taking the hCG injections, oral drops or pills, your metabolism should be burning fat calories efficiently and effectively. Think about how an automobile battery performs after you jump start it.

You let the battery run for awhile so that you’re sure it’s working properly. Then, when you unhook the cables, it should continue purring with the energy you need to get from one place to another. Your metabolism should work in the same fashion after you quit taking the hCG hormone therapy.

The hCG weight loss plan is designed for you to go through three phases:


Phase 1 – You’ll load up on calories.


Phase 2 – Begin the VLCD (500 calories per day) and the hCG hormone injections, oral drops or pills.

Phase 3 – The maintenance portion of the hCG diet plan. You will have stopped taking the injections and will begin to introduce new foods into the plan. Eventually, you’ll be able to bring back all types of foods into the diet. The key in this maintenance phase is to watch your weight carefully, which means weighing every other day. If you begin to see the scale begin to creep up, detailed instructions in the hCG diet plan will tell you how to get back on track.

Take a quick look at any informational hCG online site and you’ll see testimonials from people who have found success on this weight loss plan – and those who have failed. If you dig deeper, you’ll find that most people who have failed to lose the hoped for weight on the plan didn’t follow it exactly.

One thing about the hCG weight loss plan that’s different than most diets is that the prescribed methods are tried and true and don’t allow for too much variation. But, with results such as happens with true followers of the plan, who would want to stray from the path anyway?

You can find information in abundance on the Internet as to why the hCG weight loss plan differs from other VLCD plans. You’ll also be able to find support groups and help tools for your diet plan, including charts, guides and food and weight scales.

Can I End the Weight Loss Struggle – Once and For All?

Do you have “fat” clothes and “skinny” clothes in your closet? Maybe you’re dreading the summer because that brings with it less clothing for you to cover up rolls of tummy fat and bulges on your thighs and butt. You may want more than anything to find a weight loss plan that finally ends the yo yo dieting you’ve become accustomed to.

Thousands have found that the hCG diet and weight loss plan brings rapid results and puts an end to constant diet struggles. It’s brought both self-esteem and a positive outlook on life where other diets have left them wondering why – after they followed a special diet for months or years – they’re back to square one.

The answers come in understanding that merely putting less food into your body doesn’t really help your system work differently. You’ve got to change your metabolism – the way fat is burned. And, if you’ve been on the diet roller coaster for a long time, your metabolism might need a jump-start – similar to a battery that’s run down.

This can happen on the hCG weight loss plan without adding a stringent exercise regimen. When you’re on a low calorie diet, you usually have less stamina for exercise anyway. With the hCG diet, the hormone is burning fat calories without the necessity of having to burn them off with exercise.

Besides a jump start to your metabolism, how would you feel about a diet that improves digestion, controls your hunger effectively -- and you don’t even have to exercise? If this type of dieting appeals to you, check out the hCG weight loss plan to find out how it works and how it can work for you.

If you need even more motivation to research and try the hCG weight loss plan, think about the fact that 21 days is an extremely short amount of time to be able to lose up to 20 pounds – sometimes more. And, you can do this safely and without bad or harmful side effects!

Ending your weight loss struggle once and for all means a new level of selfconfidence for you and health and well-being that you may have never experienced. You’ll gain new and improved eating skills and habits and you won’t be a prisoner to cravings anymore.

Until you fix yourself from the inside out, you’ll continue gaining back the weight you lost and you’ll never have the satisfaction of taking it off once and for all and throwing your “fat” clothes away. Check out the hCG weight loss plan for yourself and see if it’s the right one for you.

How Can Anyone Survive on 500 Calories Per Day?

Normally, a 500 calorie per day diet plan would seem so restrictive that our bodies couldn’t possibly get the nutrients it needs to perform. This is where the hCG hormone makes the difference.

By taking the hCG hormone in injection, oral drop or pill form while you’re on the hCG diet plan, your body will receive everything it needs – and then some. While you’re actually eating a balanced diet that’s extremely low in calories, your body will be burning between 2,000 and 3,000 calories per day in stored fat!

This remarkable chemical reaction tricks your body into feeling that it’s getting more calories than it needs. Result? The fat cells that you’ve been carrying around for years get used up and the fluids that you’ll be drinking flush the collapsed cells from the body.

One tip for warding off hunger and cravings and surviving the 500 calorie hCG diet is to drink green tea when you think you can’t last another minute. You’re allowed as much liquid as you want, and the tea seems to cut cravings.

Save some of the food from your meals (lunch and dinner) for later. For example, you could have a serving of meat for the lunch meal and then eat the vegetable portion later in the afternoon.

The Skinny on How to hCG Diet

For those of us who have struggled for years to lose weight and have tried every diet plan known to man, the hCG diet might be the last ride on the diet roller coaster. You’ve probably heard about the hCG weight loss plan, seen the infomercial or have done your own research and now you want to know the skinny on how to hCG diet.

The hCG diet plan isn’t difficult, but the 500 calories per day may seem daunting. And, you may have heard that you have to give yourself injections or go to a doctor for them. Neither is true – there are now oral drops that you can purchase online or from your nearest homeopathic pharmacy that will produce the same results as injections.

How to hCG diet includes a 21 day restrictive diet and during that time you’ll be taking the hCG hormone in injection, oral drop or pill form. Before you begin the 500 calorie per day diet, you’ll “load up” on calories by eating high fat content foods such as creams, sauces and avocados. Sounds good, right?

Enjoy those loading up days, because the next 21 days will test your willpower. The 500 calorie per day diet includes very specific foods and portions. Protein is a huge part of this diet plan, and you’ll be eating lean meats such as beef, veal, chicken breasts and limited choices of fish.

The hCG diet might be especially daunting if you’re a vegetarian. But if you’re diligent, you can make substitutions that will work. How to hCG diet if you’re a vegetarian means you’ll be substituting cottage cheese, eggs and non-fat yogurt for meat. There is online information available that will give you ideas and portion sizes.

Breakfast includes nothing more than tea or coffee, sweetened with Stivea and lunch and dinner should be a portion of meat with one type of vegetable for each meal – no mixing veggies. You also get a portion of fruit, but the hCG diet is specific about the types. Be sure and check to see which types of fruit are allowed on the diet plan.

One remarkable fact about the hCG weight loss plan is that the hCG hormone tends to re-sculpt your body as you’re losing the weight. Another good thing about the hCG diet plan is that when your metabolism is reset, your body will keep burning fat calories, even when you stop the diet and return to eating normal foods.

Some followers of the hCG weight loss plan report that you should take vitamin and mineral supplements during the 500 calorie per day portion of the plan. That caveat was not included in Dr. Simeons’ original how to hCG diet plan, however. Although most diets recommend exercise, the hCG plan doesn’t recommend strenuous exercising – a walk for fresh air is recommended though.
If you’re wondering how to hCG diet so that it works for you, keep in mind that the weight loss is quick and most of the followers report that they didn’t gain the weight back. Do your own research and make up your own mind about whether or not this plan is right for you.


Like every weight loss program, is it advised that you consult a physician first to determine if you are able to undergo the program. Moreover, it’s important for you to fully understand the weight loss program before embarking on it.

Always remember that your health and body are most important and it is better to take precautions and undergo a weight loss program under the supervision of a health professional.

I have provided you the basic knowledge of the HCG Diet Program so that you can understand what the program is about and what you can expect. In fact, I would recommend that you study well other facts related to the program and use the extra knowledge to make a more sound decision whether the HCG diet is for you or not.

All you need to know about the HCG program will be revealed to you in a step-bystep, detailed, and easy to understand manner in the ebook “HCG Diet Sytem”.

In addition, you will also be introduced to other important things that will help you along the way. You will learn the different situations and health conditions wherein the application of HCG diet program might become problematic, so that you can better protect yourself.

So fasten your seatbelt because this is one ride towards better health and physique. Your new life awaits!


Thank you for reading,


-Kimberly Stone


4 Low-Fat Weight Loss Tips

Anyone who is trying to lose weight will hear about low fat foods. There are diets that revolve around these foods, aiming to remove fat from daily diets. When you try to eat in a low-fat style, you will lower your caloric intake. This lowered caloric intake will actually help you to lose weight.

Unfortunately, people fail to understand how to go

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