The Mindset of the Unstoppable by Nick Stentiford - HTML preview

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Chapter 3:

Planning Your Online Adventure


Planning Your Online Adventure

This chapter is probably one of the most important elements for your continued online success. In this chapter we will cover aspects of planning and goal setting and target setting.

To be a success at anything in life you must set yourself targets. Now you could easily say “I want to make 1 million dollars tomorrow!” (We would all like to do that) but realistically we know that this is not achievable when you are new to this business. Although I must say that some gurus are making that sort of income on a regular basis and good luck to them. It certainly gives us all something to really strive for.

So, set yourself realistic targets. What you need to do is go over what you would like to realistically achieve in the coming year. EG:
To be my own boss
To have an automated income
To have more time with family

Then you will need to break this year into four 90 day plans EG:
Build personal blog
Drive traffic to blog
Learn about creating a product
Learn how to build an email database
Then break it down again into monthly plans EG:
Buy domain name for blog
Learn how to create wordpress blog
Learn about keyword targeting
Being focused
No more hype

Then break it down again (I think you get the picture!!!) into weekly plans and daily plans…….and ALWAYS remember



If you do that you will wake up in the morning and be fresh and know what you need to do. The more focused you are the more you will achieve.

If you visit my blog you will be able to see all of the plans I have used and use to this day to help me achieve…….it works, I promise!! (MINDSET!)

Set yourself income targets as well. Do these in the same way as above and be realistic.
3 months $100
6 months $1000
And so forth
Again this is really important. Have these printed and positioned strategically so they can be seen daily….especially when the day hasn’t been good to you!!
Another great thing to write down is your constraints, and at this point you must be brutally honest with yourself.

An example of a constraint is basically anything that could possibly hold you back
Not being focused
Small attention span
Information Overload

These are just a few ideas for you to move you in the right direction for planning your online success. Without these in place you WILL struggle to get things done.