The Secret to Gorgeous Definition by Philippa (Pip) Coory - FutureGym Asia Pacific - HTML preview

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The fitness program you practice must be sustainable.

 If exercise is hard work or if it takes too much time, you’re likely to give up easily and not retain the results you’ve achieved.

To remain in good shape, look for a fitness program that promotes visual motor-rehearsal. This means selecting a program that stimulates your muscles to contract and release, and stay conditioned by simply thinking about exercise.

The only way you will be able to achieve this is to ensure the program you practice promotes motor-relearning by addressing the body in a neuromusculoskeletal (brain, muscles and skeleton) combined manner.

Following repetition of practice, you will find when you think about familiar exercise positions the same muscles are stimulated as if you are performing the exercises.

Ensure the program you practice has this component and any work you perform now will be an investment towards you retaining great shape throughout your aging years.

 If what you are practicing has both immediate and long term benefits like this, you’re also more likely to stick at it.

Where will you find a program with all of these elements?

Check out:


What can I tell you about the FutureGym program?

After teaching this formula directly ‘face to face’ to more than 5000 people over the last ten years, I can confidently say that when you learn FutureGym exercise and recognise how easy the formula is to practice and the huge difference a few minutes of practice each day makes to your body, you truly won’t want to do anything else.

 The best thing about FutureGym is ‘the program is comprehensive and the results are immediate’.

You don’t have to go anywhere or to see anyone or have them visit you. You don’t have to get changed into fitness clothing or use fitness equipment. You don’t sweat, you don’t have to shower, and once you’ve learnt the positions you don’t even have to stop what you’re doing. Many of the positions can be practiced during every day activities, and since they don’t involve noticeable movement, you can be lifting, shaping and toning your body whenever you want to, without anyone knowing you’re doing it.

The second major benefit would have to be the long period of time that you get to hold onto your results. Fitness from the inside-out not only works faster, it last much longer! I’ve had students reporting it can take up to 6 months to lose their conditioning once they stop exercising. Compared to traditional exercise, this means retention is about 21 weeks longer which is truly amazing, and makes FutureGym the perfect solution for people who are bedridden or have to undergo surgery because they can hold onto their strength and conditioning throughout their healing process.

FutureGym isn’t really exercise it’s an attitude!

It’s an attitude about becoming consciously aware of where every muscle in your body is located so you can live into your best form every day. You can achieve that dream by learning and practicing FutureGym’s purpose designed stationary positions and by applying FutureGym’s clever practice method designed to stimulate every muscle in your body, releasing muscle tension and reconditioning each muscle while sending repetitive signals to your brain so improved behavioural patterns are established.

When you practice FutureGym exercise all the right fitness elements come together and as a result of your work, you are able perform muscle contractions and relaxation naturally in isolation and in repetition of each isolation so your brain is constantly firing signals that are improving the your automatic response patterns. This reliable motor-relearning conditioning method is continuously improving your muscle performance and your physical appearance.

And at a certain point you don’t need to perform the stationary positions anymore, you only need to think about them and your brain sends the exact same signals to your muscles via your nervous system stimulating both alpha and gamma motor neurons to contract and release your muscles enabling conditioning to be retained through thought alone.

Benefits like this, what has been labeled ‘designer fitness for the aging process’ (what is only possible when the exercise system you practice is neuromusculoskeletal-repetitive, addressing the brain, muscles, and skeleton all at the exact same time in repetition) is the perfect solution for people who do not have the time available to practice seven or more fitness disciplines to see the same results.

What is one of the first things you notice when you practice FutureGym exercise? You feel fantastic! You’ve got more oxygen going into your body and into your bloodstream, improving the production of red blood cells. You’ve got improved blood flow and full-body nerve stimulation from all of the pelvic floor work, and as a result of this integrated reliable nerve stimulation you’re feeling more balanced because you are now able to identify the nerve sensation that works in harmony with your body. Anytime when you have a requirement to contract your muscles and extend the contraction into movement, you have a requirement for movement accuracy and fluidity, and because your brain can now identify the switching between your muscles in balanced unison, you’ll be able to perfect your movement. You’ll be able to achieve efficient movement with accurate precision, and you’ll have the strength, balance and agility to make this possible.

The awakening of your super-human body, it’s possible with FutureGym.

When you practice FutureGym exercise you’ll not only lift, shape and tone your body quickly, you’ll get to use what you have developed and to retain what you have developed which continues to be perfected due to the repetitive combined neuromusculoskeletal correction process built into the program.

Every time you apply FutureGym’s contraction and release process, and lengthen and spiral/rotation method which addresses all helical bone, joint, and muscle structures, you’re retraining your brain and muscle to remember and continue your best  automatically able to recognise how  movement and to determine if any  activity performance. You are your body feels in posture and adjustments are necessary for continued improvement. This is the very same correction process that our domestic pets perform when they stretch themselves back into alignment after they’ve been sitting or sleeping, and have become misaligned and misbalanced as a result.

With FutureGym, the process of living into your best physical form continues to improve upon itself as you restore and continue to extend maximum length in your skeleton, maximum space between your vertebra and in your hip and shoulder sockets, and as you live into the full length of your skeleton; a process that is only possible when your crown lengthens away from your sit bones, when your chin is level and length is applied at the back of your neck, while your ribcage sits down in line over your neutrally positioned pelvis, and your shoulder sit back and down.

Postural correction elements are all inclusive with FutureGym exercise and they’re so very important. It is impossible to achieve your optimal body, length, strength and condition without including postural detail. If you exercise and don’t take these things into consideration you’ll be sending the wrong signals between your brain, muscles and skeleton, establishing and reconfirming all of your poor practices instead.

You’ll also be continuing to place stress on your body’s false loads because they’ll be the primary source of your conditioning. Like the weakest points in a piece of cardboard, once bent they’ll continue to kick in to carry the weight bearing load of your skeleton, keeping you in poor physical shape, and in a misbalanced shape because your muscles won’t be functioning in correct alignment.

It makes sense that you must be in alignment to achieve your best muscle length. It makes sense that you lengthen your muscular system in equal measures of physical dimension or a misbalance will occur.

When you’re switched into the process of naturally adjusting your posture and movement behaviour to create and retain your best body, you’ll be able to play any sport with ease, and to wear anything you want to wear, ‘skimpy or layered’ and it’ll look fantastic. Stripping off into a swimsuit, speedos or bikini will no longer be something you fear.

 What you get to see and feel everyday is simply a reflection of your previous day’s activity. Change is available to you that quickly!

If you genuinely want gorgeous definition in your body, I recommend you invest time into learning and practicing the FutureGym program, and you’ll not only restore gorgeous definition, you’ll increase your chance of being able to live pain-free with continued mobility throughout your aging years. Now you’d have to agree that’s got to be a good thing.

If you have recognised that there’s definitely something of interest here for you with FutureGym, I have good news for you. FutureGym exercise is not hard work. The hardest part is simply remembering to do it, however due to the natural repetitive pulsing process built into the FutureGym program, the process of forming your new habit comes easily.

FutureGym is a four stage process:

1. Learning and practicing easy-to-perform stationary positions and a practice method that reconditions your body at a comprehensive neuromusculoskeletal level, and moves you out of pain and into your continued best alignment.

2. Repeating your practice of the repetitive pulsing method built into the FutureGym program (repetition of repetition = faster results).

3. Developing the natural ability to recognize and adjust your body in stationary poses and in movement so you are continually living into the body we want to be wearing today and tomorrow.

4. Developing the ability to hold onto your conditioning by simply thinking about FutureGym exercise; a process made possible due to the repetitive pulsing built into the FutureGym program and the noticeable impact this working method has on your automatic brain and muscle response behaviour.

A working method that does all of this, uses positions that allow you to access your deepest core muscles with certainty, and gives you the ability to develop noticeable improvements after every workout, deserves to be shared.


FutureGym exercise is gentle yet highly-effective.