The Supplement Conspiracy by Rusty Moore - HTML preview

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Question #3: Here is a scenario: Let's say I eat a well balanced diet, but also have a monthly budget left over for supplements...
$200 and want to drop 30 pounds. How do I spend this money each month?

John: First I would start by doing some background research on products that are promoted to help with fat loss. Then decide if you think any of them fit with your lifestyle, medical history, goals etc. Then gather some information from your local supplement store on the ones that sell best, ask about customer feedback on which ones people seem to like. Also as the store clerk for the ones to stay away from and see what they say. From there you can make a semi informed decision on what you might want to take. If you wanted to spend the whole $200 they will find $200 of stuff in the store to sell you. You could walk out of there with a fat burner, an appetite suppressant, protein powders, protein bars, etc etc…

A typical fat burner/appetite suppressant capsule product won’t be more than $50/month. After that I can’t really think of what else you would want to take to help with weight loss. You’ll probably end up with a protein powder as well to make smoothies with. Some people really like doing this as way to cut down on calories. They replace one bigger higher calorie meal per day, with a lower calorie protein smoothie. A good protein powder will probably run you about $40/month.

So I don’t see any way to really spend $200/month on a weight loss supplements. You and I both know the rest of your weight loss will come from eating less food and a good workout program.

Brad: Books, night classes and martial arts class. Anything to keep you busy and not thinking about food.

Rusty (Follow-up): So, It sounds like less food is the answer…and possibly some Meal Replacement Powders as a way to reduce daily calories. The fat burner is just the “icing on the cake”, the big results come from eating less calories with a strategic workout.

John: Less food is always the answer. The trick is finding a way to do it.