Robust Control Design of Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems with Delays
[0.1 0.1 − 0.1 0.5 0.1] [−1.1316 − 0.1360]
[0.1 0.1 − 0.1 0.5 0.1] [−0.9690 − 0.0976]
[0.1 0.1 − 0.1 0.5 0.1] [−0.7908 − 0.0545]
4 [0.09 0.05 − 0.1 0.55 0.1] [−0.5815 − 0.0306]
Table 1. The stabilization for time-invariant delay dk
0 ≤ dk ≤ 1 [0.1 0.1 − 0.1 0.5 0.1] [−1.1209 − 0.1174]
0 ≤ dk ≤ 2 [0.1 0.1 − 0.1 0.5 0.1] [−0.9429 − 0.0839]
0 ≤ dk ≤ 3 [0.1 0.1 − 0.1 0.5 0.1] [−0.7950 − 0.0469]
0 ≤ dk ≤ 4 [0.09 0.05 − 0.1 0.55 0.1] [−0.5586 − 0.0253]
Table 2. The stabilization for time-varying delay dk
dk ¯ α
3 0.05
[0.1 0.1 − 0.1 0.5 0.1] [−0.8622 − 0.0059]
3 0.10
[0.1 0.1 − 0.1 0.5 0.1] [−0.6243 − 0.0000]
2 0.15 [0.12 0.12 − 0.1 0.5 0.05] [−1.2515 − 0.0115]
Table 3. The robust stabilization for time-invariant delay dk
¯ α
0 ≤ dk ≤ 3 0.05 [0.1 0.1 − 0.1 0.5 0.1] [−0.8394 − 0.0047]
0 ≤ dk ≤ 3 0.10 [0.12 0.1 − 0.1 0.5 0.1] [−1.2539 − 0.0108]
0 ≤ dk ≤ 2 0.15 [0.12 0.12 − 0.1 0.5 0.05] [−1.1740 − 0.0015]
Table 4. The robust stabilization for time-varying delay dk
For time-invariant delay dk, Theorem 4.3 gives control gains for different ¯ α in Table 3. Table 4 provides
the result for time-varying delay dk.
Example 7.2. Consider the following discrete-time delay system:
x( k + 1) = 0.85 + 0.1 α 0
x( k) + −0.1
x( k − d
−0.1 −0.1
y( k) = 0.5 0.2 x( k) + 0.1 0.1 x( k − dk)
where α satisfies | α| ≤ ¯ α for ¯ α is an upper bound of α( k) . We first consider the observer design for a nominal time-delay system with α( k) = 0 by Theorem 6.1. Table 5 shows observer gains for different
time-invariant delay dk, while Table 6 gives observer gains for different time-varying delay dk. In the
following observer design, all ρ’s are set to be zero for simplicity.
Next, we consider the robust observer design for the uncertain time-delay system with α( k) = 0 . In
this case, system matrices can be represented in the form of (1) with matrices given by
A = 0.85 0
, A
, E = ¯ α 0 , E
0 0.97
d =
−0.1 0
−0.1 −0.1
d = E 1 =
0 0 ,
C = 0.5 0.2 , Cd = 0.1 0.1 , H = 0.1 , F( k) = α( k)
¯ α .
Discrete Time Systems
ˆ ρ’s
1 [−22.6 2.5 − 2.1 − 1.9 − 1.9]
2 [−21.9 6.7 − 0.3 − 2.6 − 1.9]
[−23.4 8.6 0.2 − 1.9 − 1.9]
[−9.0 26.4 0.2 − 2.5 − 1.9]
[−9.0 25.9 0.2 − 2.5 − 1.9]
Table 5. The observer design for time-invariant delay dk
ˆ ρ’s
0 ≤ dk ≤ 1 [−20.2 6.5 − 2.1 − 2.5 − 1.9] 0.6295
0 ≤ dk ≤ 2 [−21.9 6.7 − 0.3 − 2.6 − 1.9] 0.5817
0 ≤ dk ≤ 3 [−22.0 8.6 0.2 − 1.9 − 1.9]
0 ≤ dk ≤ 4 [−22.0 8.6 0.2 − 2.5 − 1.9]
0 ≤ dk ≤ 5 [−22.5 8.6 0.2 − 1.9 − 3.1]
Table 6. The observer design for time-varying delay dk
dk ¯ α
ˆ ρ’s
1 0.5 [−22.6 2.5 − 2.1 − 1.9 − 1.9]
2 0.4 [−21.9 6.7 − 0.3 − 2.6 − 1.9]
3 0.3 [−23.4 8.6 0.2 − 1.9 − 1.9]
4 0.3 [−9.0 26.4 0.2 − 2.5 − 1.9]
5 0.2 [−9.0 25.9 0.2 − 2.5 − 1.9]
Table 7. The observer design for time-invariant delay dk
For time-invariant delay dk, Theorem 6.2 gives observer gains for different ¯ α in Table 7. Table 8 provides
observer gains for time-varying delay dk by the same theorem.
8. Conclusions
In this paper, we proposed stabilization and robust stabilization method for discrete-time
systems with time-varying delay.
Our conditions were obtained by introducing new
Lyapunov function and using Leibniz-Newton formula and free weighting matrix method.
Robust Control Design of Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems with Delays
¯ α
ˆ ρ’s
0 ≤ dk ≤ 1 0.5 [−20.2 6.5 − 2.1 − 2.5 − 1.9] 0.6345
0 ≤ dk ≤ 2 0.4 [−21.9 6.7 − 0.3 − 2.6 − 1.9] 0.5870
0 ≤ dk ≤ 3 0.3 [−22.0 8.6 0.2 − 1.9 − 1.9]
0 ≤ dk ≤ 4 0.3 [−22.0 8.6 0.2 − 2.5 − 1.9]
0 ≤ dk ≤ 5 0.2 [−22.5 8.6 0.2 − 1.9 − 3.1]
Table 8. The observer design for time-varying delay dk
Similarly, we also gave observer design and robust observer design methods. Numerical
examples were given to illustrate our proposed design method.
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Quadratic D Stabilizable
Satisfactory Fault-tolerant Control with
Constraints of Consistent Indices for
Satellite Attitude Control Systems
Han Xiaodong1 and Zhang Dengfeng2
1Institute of Telecommunication Satellite, CAST, Beijing 100094
2Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094,
P.R. China
1. Introduction
In the last twenty some years, much attention has been paid to the problem of fault-tolerant
control in satellite attitude control systems and many methods have been developed and
proven to be capable of tolerating certain types of system faults (see e.g., [1~5] and the
references therein). However, these solutions focused mainly on keeping stability of the faulty
systems and in less consideration of other performance indices. Actually, the performance
requirements of practical satellite control systems are usually multi-objective even in faulty
cases and it is desirable for fault tolerant systems to keep the required performance indices in a
satisfactory and admissible region rather than the optimization of single index [6~7].
As is well known, in many practical applications, it is desirable to construct systems to
achieve better transient property, strong anti-disturbance ability and adequate level of cost
function performance. To this end, optimal controllers have been designed by assigning pole
in a desired region (see e.g., [8] and [9]), using H∞ norm-bound constraint on disturbance
attenuation [10, 11] and the guaranteed cost control (see [12] and [13]), respectively.
Unfortunately, few results have been considered such performance indices simultaneously.
Meanwhile, once some components of satellite attitude control systems go wrong, it is
difficult to confirm desired multiple performances by the existing fault-tolerant control.
Thus, it is necessary to investigate the problem of fault-tolerant control with multiple
performance constraints.
Therefore, it is our motivation to investigate the quadratic D stabilizable satisfactory fault-
tolerant control problem with consistent indices constraints for a class of satellite attitude
control uncertain discrete-time systems subject to actuator failures. In view of possible
actuator failure as well as uncertainties which do not satisfy matching conditions existing in
both the state and control input matrices, we first derive the existence conditions of
satisfactory fault-tolerant state-feedback control law. Then by LMI technique, a convex
optimization problem is formulated to find the corresponding controller. The state-feedback
controller is designed to guarantee the closed-loop system satisfying the pre-specified
quadratic D stabilizability index, H∞ norm-bound