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a matrix K ∈ F m×n


such that A + B K has the desired invariant polynomials ci, K if and only if the




∑ deg( ci, K) μi, k = 1,2,. . ., m




are satisfied.

Remark 22. The sum of the invariant polynomial degrees and the n-controllability condition guarantee

that equality holds for k = m. However, the choice of formulation also includes the case of systems with

single input m. In this case, Rosenbrock’s theorem requires n-controllablity when a desired closed-loop

characteristic polynomial is to be assigned by state feedback. Furthermore, the theorem indicates that at

most m different invariant polynomials may be assigned in an LMS with m inputs.

Assigning invariant polynomials is equivalent to assigning the non-unity polynomials of the

Smith canonical form of the closed-loop characteristic matrix λI − ( A + B K). It has to be

noted that although meeting the assumptions of the control structure theorem with the desired


Discrete Time Systems

closed-loop Smith form, the extraction of the corresponding feedback matrix K is not a trivial

task. The reason for this is that, in general, the structure of the Smith form of λI − ( A + B K)

does not necessarily agree with the controllability indices of the LMS, which are preserved

under linear state feedback. However, there is a useful reduction of the LMS representation

based on the closed loop characteristic matrix in the controller companion form as shown in

[Theorem 5.8 in (Reger, 2004)].

Theorem 23. Given is an n-dimensional n-controllable LMS in controller companion form (21) with

m inputs and controllability indices μ 1, . . . , μm. Let D ˆ F


2[ λ] m×m denote the polynomial matrix

D ˆ ( λ) := Λ( λ) ˆ


A ˆ K,nonzero P( λ) ,

where ˆ

A ˆ

F m×n



contains the m non-zero rows of the controllable part of the closed-loop

system matrix ˆ



c + ˆ

Bc K in controller companion form, and P ∈ F2[ λ] n×m, Λ F2[ λ] m×m are



· · ·




· · ·















1 1


· · ·


λμ 1 0 · · · 0

⎜ 0


· · ·






⎜ 0 λμ 2 · · · 0 ⎟

P( λ) = ⎜









⎟ , Λ( λ) = ⎝ .. .. .. .. ⎠ .



λμ 2 1 · · ·











0 · · · λμm



. .


⎜ 0


· · ·









. .




· · · λμm− 1

Then the non-unity invariant polynomials of λI − ( ˆ



c + ˆ

BcK) , λI − ( ˆ

A nonzero + ˆ

K) and D ˆ ( λ)


coincide, whereby ˆ

A nonzero contains the nonzero rows of the controllable part ˆ

Ac of the original system


Theorem 23 points out a direct way of realizing the closed-loop LMS y( k + 1) = ( ˆ

Ac +


B ˆ

cK) y( k) with desired invariant polynomials by means of specifying D ˆ ( λ).

That is, if


an appropriate D ˆ can be found, then a linear state feedback matrix ˆ


K in the transformed

coordinates can be directly constructed. Simple manipulations first lead to


A ˆ

( λ) Λ( λ)


K,nonzero P( λ) = D ˆ


from which ˆ

A ˆ K,nonzero can be determined by comparison of coefficients. Then, by Theorem

23, the feedback matrix


K = A nonzero ˆ

A ˆ K,nonzero


is obtained. Finally, the inverse coordinate transformation from the controller companion

form to the original coordinates yields

K = ˆ

K ˜

T .


Hence, it remains to find an appropriate matrix D ˆ . To this end, the following definitions are



Discrete Time Systems with Event-Based Dynamics:

Recent Developments in Analysis and Synthesis Methods


Definition 24. Let M ∈ F2[ λ] n×m be arbitrary. The degree of the highest degree monomial in λ

within the i-th column of M( λ) is denoted as the i-th column degree of M and denoted by col i( M) .

Definition 25. Let M ∈ F2[ λ] n×m be arbitrary. The highest column degree coefficient matrix

Γ( M) F n×m


is the matrix whose elements result from the coefficients of the highest monomial

degree in the respective elements of M( λ) .

Then, the following procedure leads to an appropriate D ˆ . Starting with a desired cycle


sum for the closed-loop LMS, an appropriate set of invariant polynomials – as discussed

in Section 2.1 – has to be specified. Next, it has to be verified if the realizability condition

of Rosenbrock’s control structure theorem for the given choice of invariant polynomials is

fulfilled. If the polynomials are realizable then D ˆ ( λ) is chosen as the Smith canonical form


that corresponds to the specified closed-loop invariant polynomials. In case the column

degrees of D ˆ ( λ) coincide with the respective controllability indices of the underlying LMS,


that is, col i( D ˆ ) = μ


i for i = 1, . . . , m, it is possible to directly calculate the feedback matrix ˆ


according to (26). Otherwise, it is required to modify the column degrees of D ˆ ( λ) by means


of unimodular left and right transformations while leaving the invariant polynomials of D ˆ K

untouched. This procedure is summarized in the following algorithm.

Algorithm 26. Input: Pair ( ˆ

Ac, ˆ Bc) in controller companion form 8 controllability indices μ 1

· · · ≥ μm, polynomials ci, K ∈ F2[ λ] , i = 1, . . . , m with cj+1, K|cj, K, j = 1, . . . , m − 1 and

mi=1 deg( ci, K) = n.

1. Verify Rosenbrock’s structure theorem

if the inequalities in Theorem 21 are fulfilled

go to step 2.


return “Rosenbrock’s structure theorem is violated.”

2. Define D ( λ) := diag( c 1, K, . . . , cm, K)

3. Verify if the column degrees of D ( λ) and the controllability indices coincide

if col i( D ) = μi, i = 1, . . . , m

go to step 6.


Detect the first column of D ( λ) which differs from the ordered list of controllability indices,

starting with column 1 . Denote this column col u( D ) ( deg(col u( D )) > μu)

Detect the first column of D ( λ) which differs from the controllability indices, starting with

column m. Denote this column col d( D ) ( deg(col d( D )) < μd)

4. Adapt the column degrees of D ( λ) by unimodular transformations

Multiply row d( D ) by λ and add the result to row u( D ) → new matrix D+( λ)

if deg(col u( D+)) = deg(col u( D )) 1

D+( λ) → new matrix D++( λ) and go to step 5.


Define r := deg(col u( D )) deg(col d( D )) 1

Multiply col d( D+) by λr and subtract result from col u( D+) → new matrix D++( λ) .

8 If the LMS is not given in controller companion form, this form can be computed as in [p. 86 in

(Wolovich, 1974)].


Discrete Time Systems

5. Set D ( λ) = (Γ( D++)) 1 D++( λ) and go to step 3.

6. D ˆ ( λ) :=

( λ)


D ( λ) and return D ˆ K

It is important to note that the above algorithm is guaranteed to terminate with a suitable

matrix D îf Rosenbrock’s structure theorem is fulfilled. For illustration, the feedback matrix


computation is applied to the following example that also appears in (Reger, 2004; Reger &

Schmidt, 2004). Given is an LMS over F2 of dimension n = 5 with m = 2 inputs in controller

companion form (that is, ˜

T = I),

0 1 0 0 0

0 0

⎜0 0 1 0 0⎟

⎜1 0⎟

y( k + 1) = ˆ

Ac y( k) + ˆ Bc u( k),


Ac = ⎜

⎝0 0 0 0 0⎟

⎠ , ˆ Bc = ⎜

⎝0 0⎟

0 0 0 0 1

0 0

1 0 0 1 0

0 1

from which the matrix ˆ

A nonzero = 0 0 0 0 0 can be extracted.

1 0 0 1 0

As a control objective, we want to assign the invariant polynomials9 c 1, K( a) = ( a 2 + a +

1)( a + 1)2 and c 2, K( a) = a + 1, that is, according to the example in Subsection 2.1.2 this goal

is equivalent to specifing that the closed-loop LMS shall have 4 cycles of length 1, 2 cycles of

length 2, 4 cycles of length 3 and 2 cycles of length 6. An appropriate state feedback matrix K

is now determined by using (26) and Algorithm 26.







∑ deg( ci, K( λ)) = 4 ci = 3 and ∑ deg( ci, K( λ)) = 5 ci = 5







D ( λ) =

( λ 2 + λ + 1)( λ + 1)2


= λ 4 + λ 3 + λ + 1



λ + 1


λ + 1

3., 4.


D+( λ) =

λ 4 + λ 3 + λ + 1 λ 2 + λ

= ⇒ D++( λ) =

λ + 1 λ 2 + λ


λ + 1

λ 3 + λ 2 λ + 1



Γ( D++) =

0 1

= ⇒ D ( λ) = (Γ( D++)) 1 D++( λ) = λ 3 + λ 2 λ + 1

1 0

λ + 1 λ 2 + λ

3., 4., 6.

−→ D ˆ( λ) = λ 3 + λ 2 λ + 1


λ + 1 λ 2 + λ

With D ˆ ( λ) the feedback matrix


K can be computed. First, employing equation (24) yields

1 0

λ 0⎟


A ˆ

λ 2 ⎟ = λ 3 0 + λ 3 + λ 2 λ + 1


λ 2 λ + 1

K,nonzero ⎝


0 λ 2

λ + 1 λ 2 + λ

λ + 1 λ

0 1

0 λ

Λ( λ)

D ˆ ( λ)


9 Constructing the appropriate invariant polynomials based on the cycle structure desired is not always

solvable and, if solvable, not necessarily a straightforward task (Reger & Schmidt (2004)).

Discrete Time Systems with Event-Based Dynamics:

Recent Developments in Analysis and Synthesis Methods


and by comparison of coefficients results in ˆ

A ˆ

= 0 0 1 1 1 . This implies that


1 1 0 0 1

K = ˆ

K ˜

T = ( ˆ

A ˆ

+ ˆ



A nonzero) I = 0 0 1 1 1

0 1 0 1 1

3. Properties of Boolean monomial systems10

3.1 Dynamic properties, cycle structure and the loop number

The aim of this section is that the reader becomes acquainted with the main theorems

that characterize the dynamical properties of Boolean monomial dynamical systems without

deepening into the technicalities of their proofs. We briefly introduce terminology and

notation and present the main results. Proofs can be found in Delgado-Eckert (2008), and

partially in Delgado-Eckert (2009a) or Colón-Reyes et al. (2004).

Let G = ( VG, EG, πG) be a directed graph (also known as digraph). Two vertices a, b ∈ VG are

called connected if there is a t ∈ N0 and (not necessarily different) vertices v 1, ..., vt ∈ VG such


a → v 1 → v 2 ... → vt → b,

where the arrows represent directed edges in the graph. In this situation we write a

s b,

where s is the number of directed edges involved in the sequence from a to b (in this case

s = t + 1). Two sequences a

s b of the same length are considered different if the directed

edges involved are different or the order at which they appear is different, even if the visited

vertices are the same. As a convention, a single vertex