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tL, t/ t Ct

PtL, t/ t Ct

We also introduce component matrices of Mt as follows:

⎡ (




M 0,0)



0, L)




. . . Mt

⎢ (1,0)



(1, L)⎥





. . . Mt




(2, L)⎥

Mt = ⎢ M




. . . Mt

⎥ .

⎢ .




⎢ .



. .


⎣ .









M L,0)



L, L)




. . . Mt

Concerning Pt+1, we have





Pt+1 = A 1 M

+ T


+ H


t A 1 t+1

t+1 Jt Qt Jt


t+1 Rt+1 Ht+1






A 1

M 0,0)

A 1

M 0,0)

M 0,1)

M 0, L−1)

t+1 t

A 1 t+1



A 1 t+1 t

. . . A 1 t+1 t





(0, L−1)



A 1





. . .


= ⎢






M 1,0)

M 1,0)


1, L−1)


A 1 t+1



. . .









. .












M L−1,0)



L−1, L−1)


A 1





. . . Mt


T+ H

T O O . . . O

t+1 QtTt+1

t+1 Rt+1 Ht+1


O O . . . O

+ ⎢



. . . O ⎥ .





. ⎥



.. ..

. . .. ⎦


O O . . . O

The final part (iv) can be obtained from the last three equalities.


Discrete Time Systems

6. Conclusion

In this chapter, we considered discrete-time linear stochastic systems with unknown inputs

(or disturbances) and studied three types of smoothing problems for these systems. We

derived smoothing algorithms which are robust to unknown disturbances from the optimal

filter for stochastic systems with unknown inputs obtained in our previous papers. These

smoothing algorithms have similar recursive forms to the standard optimal filters and

smoothers. Moreover, since our algorithms reduce to those known smoothers derived from

the Kalman filter when unknown inputs disappear, these algorithms are consistent with the

known smoothing algorithms for systems without unknown inputs.

This work was partially supported by the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) under

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)-22540158.

7. References

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New Smoothers for Discrete-time Linear Stochastic Systems with Unknown Disturbances


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Discrete Time Systems

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On the Error Covariance Distribution for

Kalman Filters with Packet Dropouts

Eduardo Rohr, Damián Marelli, and Minyue Fu

University of Newcastle


1. Introduction

The fast development of network (particularly wireless) technology has encouraged its use

in control and signal processing applications. Under the control system’s perspective, this

new technology has imposed new challenges concerning how to deal with the effects of

quantisation, delays and loss of packets, leading to the development of a new networked

control theory Schenato et al. (2007). The study of state estimators, when measurements are

subject to random delays and losses, finds applications in both control and signal processing.

Most estimators are based on the well-known Kalman filter Anderson & Moore (1979). In

order to cope with network induced effects, the standard Kalman filter paradigm needs to

undergo certain modifications.

In the case of missing measurements, the update equation of the Kalman filter depends on

whether a measurement arrives or not. When a measurement is available, the filter performs

the standard update equation. On the other hand, if the measurement is missing, it must

produce open loop estimation, which as pointed out in Sinopoli et al. (2004), can be interpreted

as the standard update equation when the measurement noise is infinite. If the measurement

arrival event is modeled as a binary random variable, the estimator’s error covariance (EC)

becomes a random matrix. Studying the statistical properties of the EC is important to

assess the estimator’s performance. Additionally, a clear understanding of how the system’s

parameters and network delivery rates affect the EC, permits a better system design, where

the trade-off between conflicting interests must be evaluated.

Studies on how to compute the expected error covariance (EEC) can be dated back at least

to Faridani (1986), where upper and lower bounds for the EEC were obtained using a constant

gain on the estimator. In Sinopoli et al. (2004), the same upper bound was derived as the

limiting value of a recursive equation that computes a weighted average of the next possible

error covariances. A similar result which allows partial observation losses was presented

in Liu & Goldsmith (2004). In Dana et al. (2007); Schenato (2008), it is shown that a system in

which the sensor transmits state estimates instead of raw measurements will provide a better

error covariance. However, this scheme requires the use of more complex sensors. Most of

the available research work is concerned with the expected value of the EC, neglecting higher

order statistics. The problem of finding the complete distribution function of the EC has been

recently addressed in Shi et al. (2010).


Discrete Time Systems

This chapter investigates the behavior of the Kalman filter for discrete-time linear systems

whose output is intermittently sampled. To this end we model the measurement arrival event

as an independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) binary random variable. We introduce a

method to obtain lower and upper bounds for the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of

the EC. These bounds can be made arbitrarily tight, at the expense of increased computational

complexity. We then use these bounds to derive upper and lower bounds for the EEC.

2. Problem description

In this section we give an overview of the Kalman filtering problem in the presence of

randomly missing measurements. Consider the discrete-time linear system:

xt+1 = Axt + wt



= Cxt + vt

where the state vector xt R n has initial condition x 0 ∼ N(0, P 0), y R p is the measurement, w N(0, Q) is the process noise and v N(0, R) is the measurement noise. The goal of the

Kalman filter is to obtain an estimate ˆ xt of the state xt, as well as providing an expression for

the covariance matrix Pt of the error ˜ xt = xt − ˆ xt.

We assume that the measurements yt are sent to the Kalman estimator through a network

subject to random packet losses. The scheme proposed in Schenato (2008) can be used to

deal with delayed measurements. Hence, without loss of generality, we assume that there is

no delay in the transmission. Let γt be a binary random variable describing the arrival of a

measurement at time t. We define that γt = 1 when yt was received at the estimator and γt = 0

otherwise. We also assume that γt is independent of γs whenever t = s. The probability to

receive a measurement is given by

λ = P( γt = 1).


Let ˆ xt| s denote the estimate of xt considering the available measurements up to time s. Let

˜ x




}) }

t| s

xt − ˆ xt| s denote the estimation error and Σ t| s

E{( ˜ xt| s

E{ ˜ xt| s

˜ xt| s

E{ ˜ xt| s

denote its covariance matrix. If a measurement is received at time t (i.e., if γt = 1), the estimate

and its EC are recursively computed as follows:

ˆ x



t| t

ˆ xt| t−1 Kt( yt Cxt)


Σ t| t = ( I KtCt| t−1


ˆ x


t+1| t

A ˆ xt| t


Σ t+1| t = AΣ t| tA + Q,


with the Kalman gain Kt given by

Kt = Σ t| t−1 C ( CΣ t| t−1 C + Q)−1.


On the other hand, if a measurement is not received at time t (i.e., if γt = 0), then (3) and (4)

are replaced by

ˆ x


t| t

ˆ xt| t−1







On the Error Covariance Distribution for Kalman Filters with Packet Dropouts


Σ =

t| t

Σ t| t−1.


We will study the statistical properties of the EC Σ t| t−1. To simplify the notation, we define

Pt = Σ t| t−1. Then, the update equation of Pt can be written as follows:

Pt+1 =

Φ1( Pt), γ