Numerical Methods in Quantum Mechanics by Paolo Giannozzi - HTML preview

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ei(k −k)xu∗k,n(x)uk ,m(x)dx,



where the sum over p runs over all the N vectors of the lattice. The purely

geometric factor multiplying the integral differs from zero only if k and k


eip(k −k)a = N δk,k .



we have used Kronecker’s delta, not Dirac’s delta, because the k form a dense

but still finite set (there are N of them). We note that the latter orthogonality

relation holds for whatever periodic part, u(x), the Bloch states may have.

Nothing implies that the periodic parts of the Bloch states at different k are

orthogonal: only those for different Bloch states at the same k are orthogonal

(see Eq.(9.7)).


Plane-wave basis set

Let us come back to the numerical solution. We look for the solution using a

plane-wave basis set. This is especially appropriate for problems in which the

potential is periodic. We cannot choose any plane-wave set, though: the correct

choice is restricted by the Bloch vector and by the periodicity of the system.

Given the Bloch vector k, the “right” plane-wave basis set is the following:


bn,k(x) = √ ei(k+Gn)x,

Gn =





The “right” basis must in fact have a exp(ikx) behavior, like the Bloch states

with Bloch vector k; moreover the potential must have nonzero matrix elements

between plane waves. For a periodic potential like the one in Eq.(9.4), matrix elements:



bi,k|V |bj,k


V (x)e−iGxdx


L −L/2





V (x)e−iGxdx,





where G = Gi − Gj, are non-zero only for a discrete set of values of G. In fact,

the factor

p e−ipGa is zero except when Ga is a multiple of 2π, i.e. only on

the reciprocal lattice vectors Gn defined above. One finally finds



bi,k|V |bj,k) =

V (x)e−i(Gi−Gj)xdx.


a −a/2

The integral is calculated in a single unit cell and, if expressed as a sum of

atomic terms localized in each cell, for a single term in the potential. Note that

the factor N cancels and thus the N → ∞ thermodynamic limit is well defined.


Fast Fourier Transform

In the simple case that will be presented, the matrix elements of the Hamilto-

nian, Eq.(9.13), can be analytically computed by straight integration. Another case in which an analytic solution is known is a crystal potential written as a

sum of Gaussian functions:

N −1

V (x) =

v(x − pa),

v(x) = Ae−αx2 .



This yields



bi,k|V |bj,k =

Ae−αx2 e−iGxdx


a −L/2

The integral is known (it can be calculated using the tricks and formulae given

in previous sections, extended to complex plane):


e−αx2 e−iGxdx =





(remember that in the thermodynamical limit, L → ∞).

For a generic potential, one has to resort to numerical methods to calculate

the integral. One advantage of the plane-wave basis set is the possibility to

exploit the properties of Fourier Transforms (FT), in particular the Fast Fourier

Transform (FFT) algorithm.

Let us discretize our problem in real space, by introducing a grid of n points

xi = ia/n, i = 0, n − 1 in the unit cell. Note that due to periodicity, grid points

with index i ≥ n or i < 0 are “refolded” into grid points in the unit cell (that

is, V (xi+n) = V (xi), and in particular, xn is equivalent to x0. Let us introduce

the function fj defined as follows:


fj =

V (x)e−iGjxdx,

Gj = j


j = 0, n − 1.




Apart from factors, this is the usual definition of FT (and is nothing but matrix

elements). We can exploit periodicity to show that



fj =

V (x)e−iGjxdx.


a 0

Note that the integration limits can be translated at will, again due to peri-

odicity. Let us write now such integrals as a finite sum over grid points (with

∆x = a/n as finite integration step):

1 n−1



V (xm)e−iGjxm∆x

a m=0

1 n−1


V (xm)e−iGjxm

n m=0

1 n−1





V i ≡ V (xi).






Notice that the FT is now a periodic function in the variable G, with period

Gn = 2πn/a! This shouldn’t come as a surprise though: the FT of a periodic

function is a discrete function, the FT of a discrete function is periodic.

It is easy to verify that the potential in real space an be obtained back from

its FT as follows:


V (x) =




yielding the inverse FT in discretized form:



Vj =






The two operations of Eq.(9.19) and (9.19) are called Discrete Fourier Transform, or DFT (not to be confused with Density-Functional Theory!). One may

wonder where have all the G vectors with negative values gone: after all, we

would like to calculate fj for all j such that |Gj|2 < Ec (for some suitably

chosen value if Ec), not for Gj with j ranging from 0 to n − 1. The periodicity

of DFT in both real and reciprocal space however allows to refold the Gj on

the “right-hand side of the box”, so to speak, to negative Gj values, by making

a translation of 2πn/a.


Code: periodicwell

Let us now move to the practical solution of a “true”, even if model, potential:

the periodic potential well, known in solid-state physics since the thirties under

the name of Kronig-Penney model:



V (x) =

v(x − na),

v(x) = −V0

|x| ≤


v(x) = 0

|x| >





and of course a ≥ b. Such model is exactly soluble in the limit b → 0, V0 → ∞,

V0b →constant.

The needed ingredients for the solution in a plane-wave basis set are almost

all already found in Sec.(4.3) and (4.4), where we have shown the numerical solution on a plane-wave basis set of the problem of a single potential well.

Code periodicwell.f901 (or periodicwell.c2) is in fact a trivial extension of code pwell.

Such code in fact uses a plane-wave basis set like the one

in Eq.(9.10), which means that it actually solves the periodic Kronig-Penney model for k = 0. If we increase the size of the cell until this becomes large with

respect to the dimension of the single well, then we solve the case of the isolate

potential well.

The generalization to the periodic model only requires the introduction of

the Bloch vector k. Our base is given by Eq.(9.10). In order to choose when to




truncate it, it is convenient to consider plane waves up to a maximum (cutoff)

kinetic energy:


h2(k + Gn)2 ≤ Ecut.



Bloch wave functions are expanded into plane waves:

ψk(x) =




and are automatically normalized if


n cn|2 = 1. The matrix elements of the

Hamiltonian are very simple:


h2(k + Gi)2


Hij = bi,k|H|bj,k = δij

+ √ V (Gi − Gj),




where V (G) is the Fourier transform of the crystal potential. Code pwell may

be entirely recycled and generalized to the solution for Bloch vector k. It is

convenient to introduce a cutoff parameter Ecut for the truncation of the basis

set. This is preferable to setting a maximum number of plane waves, because

the convergence depends only upon the modulus of k + G. The number of plane

waves, instead, also depends upon the dimension a of the unit cell.

Code periodicwell requires in input the well depth, V0, the well width,

b, the unit cell length, a. Internally, a loop over k points covers the entire BZ

(that is, the interval [−π/a, π/a] in this specific case), calculates E(k), writes

the lowest E(k) values to files bands.out in an easily plottable format.



• Plot E(k), that goes under the name of band structure, or also dispersion.

Note that if the potential is weak (the so-called quasi-free electrons case),

its main effect is to induce the appearance of intervals of forbidden energy

(i.e.: of energy values to which no state corresponds) at the boundaries

of the BZ. In the jargon of solid-state physics, the potential opens a gap.

This effect can be predicted on the basis of perturbation theory.

• Observe how E(k) varies as a function of the periodicity and of the well

depth and width. As a rule, a band becomes wider (more dispersed, in

the jargon of solid-state physics) for increasing superposition of the atomic


• Plot for a few low-lying bands the Bloch states in real space (borrow and

adapt the code from pwell). Remember that Bloch states are complex

for a general value of k. Look in particular at the behavior of states for

k = 0 and k = ±π/a (the “zone boundary”). Can you understand their



Chapter 10


In general, the band structure of a solid will be composed both of more or less

extended (valence) states, coming from outer atomic orbitals, and of strongly

localized (core) states, coming from deep atomic levels. Extended states are the

interesting part, since they determine the (structural, transport, etc.) proper-

ties of the solid. The idea arises naturally to get rid of core states by replacing

the true Coulomb potential and core electrons with a pseudopotential (or effec-

tive core potential in Quantum Chemistry parlance): an effective potential that

“mimics” the effects of the nucleus and the core electrons on valence electrons.

A big advantage of the pseudopotential approach is to allow the usage of a

plane-wave basis set in realistic calculations.


Three-dimensional crystals

Let us consider now a more realistic (or slightly less unrealistic) model of a

crystal. The description of periodicity in three dimensions is a straightforward

generalization of the one-dimensional case, although the resulting geometries

may look awkward to an untrained eye. The lattice vectors, Rn, can be written

as a sum with integer coefficients, ni:

Rn = n1a1 + n2a2 + n3a3


of three primitive vectors, ai. There are 14 different types of lattices, known

as Bravais lattices. The nuclei can be found at all sites dµ + Rn, where dµ

runs on all atoms in the unit cell (that may contain from 1 to thousands of

atoms!). It can be demonstrated that the volume Ω of the unit cell is given by

Ω = a1 · (a2 × a3), i.e. the volume contained in the parallelepiped formed by

the three primitive vectors. We remark that the primitive vectors are in general

linearly independent (i.e. they do not lye on a plane) but not orthogonal.

The crystal is assumed to be contained into a box containing a macroscopic

number N of unit cells, with PBC imposed as follows:

ψ(r + N1a1 + N2a2 + N3a3) = ψ(r).


Of course, N = N1 · N2 · N3 and the volume of the crystal is V = N Ω.


A reciprocal lattice of vectors Gm such that Gm · Rn = 2πp, with p integer,

is introduced. It can be shown that

Gm = m1b1 + m2b2 + m3b3


with mi integers and the three vectors bj given by

b1 =

a2 × a3,

b2 =

a3 × a2,

b3 =

a1 × a2


(note that ai · bj = 2πδij). The Bloch theorem generalizes to

ψ(r + R) = eik·Rψ(r)


where the Bloch vector k is any vector obeying the PBC. Bloch vectors are

usually taken into the three-dimensional Brillouin Zone (BZ), that is, the unit

cell of the reciprocal lattice.

It can be shown that there are N Bloch vectors; in the thermodynamical

limit N → ∞, the Bloch vector becomes a continuous variable as in the one-

dimensional case. We remark that this means that at each k-point we have

to “accommodate” ν electrons, where ν is the number of electrons in the unit

cell. For a nonmagnetic, spin-unpolarized insulator, this means ν/2 filled states

(usually called “valence” states, while empty states are called “conduction”

states). We write the electronic states as ψk,i where k is the Bloch vector and

i is the band index.


Plane waves, core states, pseudopotentials

For a given lattice, the plane wave basis set for Bloch states of vector k is


bn,k(r) = √ ei(k+Gn)·r



where Gn are reciprocal lattice vector. A finite basis set can be obtained, as

seen in the previous section, by truncating the basis set up to some cutoff on

the kinetic energy:


h2(k + Gn)2 ≤ Ecut.



In realistic crystals, however, Ecut must be very large in order to get a good

description of the electronic states. The reason is the very localized character

of the core, atomic-like orbitals, and the extended character of plane waves.

Let us consider core states in a crystal: their orbitals will be very close to the

corresponding states in the atoms and will exhibit the same strong oscillations.

Moreover, these strong oscillations will be present in valence (i.e. outer) states

as well, because of orthogonality (for this reason these strong oscillations are

referred to as “orthogonality wiggles”). Reproducing highly localized functions

that vary strongly in a small region of space requires a large number of delo-

calized functions such as plane waves.



Let us estimate how large is this large number using Fourier analysis. In

order to describe features which vary on a length scale δ, one needs Fourier

components up to qmax ∼ 2π/δ. In a crystal, our wave vectors q = k + G have

discrete values. There will be a number NP W of plane waves approximately

equal to the volume of the sphere of radius qmax, divided by the volume ΩBZ

of the BZ:











The second equality follows from the definition of the reciprocal lattice.

A simple estimate for diamond is instructive. The 1s orbital of the carbon

atom has its maximum around 0.3 a.u., so δ

0.1 a.u. is a reasonable value.

Diamond has a ”face-centered-cubic” lattice with lattice parameter a0 = 6.74

a.u. and primitive vectors:

1 1



1 1

a1 = a0

, , 0 ,

a2 = a0

, 0,


a3 = a0 0, ,



2 2



2 2

The unit cell has a volume Ω = a30/4, the BZ s a volume ΩBZ = (2π)3/(a30/4).

Inserting the data, one finds NP W ∼ 250, 000 plane wave, clearly too much for

practical use.

It is however possible to use a plane wave basis set in conjunction with

pseudopotentials: an effective potential that “mimics” the effects of the nucleus

and the core electrons on valence electrons. The true electronic valence orbitals

are replaced by “pseudo-orbitals” that do not have the orthogonality wiggles

typical of true orbitals. As a consequence, they are well described by a much

smaller number of plane waves.

Pseudopotentials have a long history, going back to the 30’s. Born as a

rough and approximate way to get decent band structures, they have evolved

into a sophisticated and exceedingly useful tool for accurate and predictive

calculations in condensed-matter physics.


Code: cohenbergstresser

Code cohenbergstresser.f901 (or cohenbergstresser.c2) implements the calculation of the band structure in Si using the pseudopotentials published by

M. L. Cohen and T. K. Bergstresser, Phys. Rev. 141, 789 (1966). These are

“empirical” pseudopotentials, i.e. devised to reproduce available experimental

data, and not derived from first principles.

Si has the same crystal structure as Diamond:

a face-centered cubic lattice with two atoms in

the unit cell. In the figure, the black and red

dots identify the two sublattices. The side of

the cube is the lattice parameter a0. In the Di-

amond structure, the two sublattices have the

same composition; in the zincblende structure

(e.g. GaAs), they have different composition.





The origin of the coordinate system is arbitrary; typical choices are one of

the atoms, or the middle point between two neighboring atoms. We use the

latter choice because it yields inversion symmetry. The two atoms in the unit

cell are thus at positions d1 = −d, d2 = +d, where

1 1 1

d = a0

, ,



8 8 8

The lattice parameter for Si is a0 = 10.26 a.u.. 3

Let us re-examine the matrix elements between plane waves of a potential

V , given by a sum of spherical symmetric potentials Vµ centered around atomic


V (r) =

Vµ(|r − dµ − Rn|)




With some algebra, one finds:


bi,k|V |bj,k =

V (r)e−iG·rdr = VSi(G) cos(G · d),



where G = Gi − Gj. The cosine term is a special case of a geometrical factor

known as structure factor, while VSi(G) is known as the atomic form factor:


VSi(G) =




Cohen-Bergstresser pseudopotentials are given as atomic form factors for a few

values of |G|, corresponding to the smallest allowed modules: G2 = 0, 3, 4, 8, 11, ...,

in units of (2π/a0)2.

The code requires on input the cutoff (in Ry) for the kinetic energy of plane

waves, and a list of vectors k in the Brillouin Zone. Traditionally these points

are chosen along high-symmetry lines, joining high-symmetry points shown in

figure and listed below:



(0, 0, 0),



(1, 0, 0),





(1, , 0),



2π 3 3



( , , 0),

a0 4 4

2π 1 1 1



( , , ),

a0 2 2 2

3 We remark that the face-centered cubic lattice can also be described as a simple-cubic


a1 = a0 (1, 0, 0) ,

a2 = a0 (0, 1, 0) ,

a3 = a0 (0, 0, 1)


with four atoms in the unit cell, at positions:

1 1



1 1

d1 = a0 0,



d2 = a0

, 0,


d3 = a0


, 0 ,

d4 = (0, 0, 0) .


2 2



2 2




• Verify which cutoff is needed to achieve converged results for E(k)

• Reproduce the results in the original paper for Si, Ge, Sn.

• Try to figure out what the charge density would be by plotting the sum

of the four lowest wavefunctions squared at the Γ point. It is convenient

to plot along the (110) plane (that is: one axis along (1,1,0), the other

along (0,0,1) ).

• In the zincblende lattice, the two atoms are not identical. Cohen and

Bergstresser introduce a “symmetric” and an “antisymmetric” contribu-

tion, corresponding respectively to a cosine and a sine times the imaginary

unit in the structure factor:

bi,k|V |bj,k = Vs(G) cos(G · d) + iVa(G) sin(G · d).


What do you think is needed in order to extend the code to cover the case

of Zincblende lattices?


Chapter 11

Exact diagonalization of

quantum spin models

Systems of interacting spins are used since many years to model magnetic phe-

nomena. Their usefulness extends well beyond the field of magnetism, since

many different physical phenomena can be mapped, exactly or approximately,

onto spin systems. Many models exists and many techniques can be used to

determine their properties under various conditions. In this chapter we will deal

with the exact solution (i.e. finding the ground state) for the Heisenberg model,

i.e. a quantum spin model in which spin centered at lattice sites interact via

the exchange interaction. The hyper-simplified model we are going to study is

sufficient to give an idea of the kind of problems one encounters when trying to

solve many-body systems without resorting to mean-field approximations (i.e.

reducing th