FHSST: Grade 10 Math by Ewald Zietsman - HTML preview

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Chapter 9Products and factors


In this chapter you will learn how to work with algebraic expressions. You will recap some of the work on factorisation and multiplying out expressions that you learnt in earlier grades. This work will then be extended upon for Grade 10.

Recap of Earlier Work

The following should be familiar. Examples are given as reminders.

Parts of an Expression

Mathematical expressions are just like sentences and their parts have special names. You should be familiar with the following names used to describe the parts of a mathematical expression.

Table 9.1.
NameExamples (separated by commas)
terma·xk ,b·x, cm, d·yp, e·y, f
expressiona·xk+b·x+cm, d·yp+e·y+f
coefficienta, b, d, e
exponent (or index)k, p
basex, y, c
constanta, b, c, d, e, f
variablex, y
equation a · xk + b · x + cm = 0
inequality d · yp + e · y + f ≤ 0
binomialexpression with two terms
trinomialexpression with three terms

Product of Two Binomials

A binomial is a mathematical expression with two terms, e.g. (ax+b) and (cx+d). If these two binomials are multiplied, the following is the result:


Find the product of (3x–2)(5x+8)

  1. Multiply out and solve :


The product of two identical binomials is known as the square of the binomial and is written as:

(9.4) ( a x + b ) 2 = a2x2 + 2 a b x + b2

If the two terms are ax+b and axb then their product is:

(9.5) ( a x + b ) ( a xb ) = a2x2b2

This is known as the difference of two squares.


Factorisation is the opposite of expanding brackets. For example expanding brackets would require 2(x+1) to be written as 2x+2. Factorisation would be to start with 2x+2 and to end up with 2(x+1). In previous grades, you factorised based on common factors and on difference of squares.

Common Factors

Factorising based on common factors relies on there being common factors between your terms. For example, 2x–6x2can be factorised as follows:

(9.6) 2 x – 6 x2 = 2 x ( 1 – 3 x )
Investigation : Common Factors

Find the highest common factors of the following pairs of terms:

Table 9.2.
(a) 6y;18x(b) 12mn;8n(c) 3st;4su(d) 18kl;9kp(e) abc;ac
(f) 2xy;4xyz(g) 3uv;6u(h) 9xy;15xz(i) 24xyz;16yz(j) 3m;45n
Difference of Two Squares

We have seen that:

(9.7) ( a x + b ) ( a xb ) = a2x2b2

Since Equation 9.7 is an equation, both sides are always equal. This means that an expression of the form:

(9.8) a2x2b2

can be factorised to

(9.9) ( a x + b ) ( a xb )


(9.10) a2x2b2 = ( a x + b ) ( a xb )

For example, x2–16 can be written as _autogen-svg2png-0059.png which is a difference of two squares. Therefore, the factors of x2–16are (x–4) and (x+4).

Factorise completely: b2y5–3aby3

  1. Find the common factors: :


Factorise completely: 3a(a–4)–7(a–4)

  1. Find the common factors :
    (a–4) is the common factor


Factorise 5(a–2)–b(2–a)

  1. Note that (2–a)=–(a–2) :


  1. Find the products of:

    Table 9.3.
    (a) 2y(y+4)(b) (y+5)(y+2)(c) (y+2)(2y+1)
    (d) (y+8)(y+4)(e) (2y+9)(3y+1)(f) (3y–2)(y+6)

    Click here for the solution

  2. Factorise:

    1. 2l+2w

    2. 12x+32y

    3. 6x2+2x+10x3

    4. 2xy2+xy2z+3xy

    5. –2ab2–4a2b

    Click here for the solution

  3. Factorise completely:

    Table 9.4.