Introduction to Statistics by Ewa Paszek - HTML preview

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χ2 4.07χ2 χ 2 test (k. pearson, 1900),


a bar graph,
a bernoulli distribution, Bernoulli distribution
a best critical region of size simplemath mathml-miitalicsα 1.19.510000000000002pt8.51pt0 0 9.510000000000002 8.512.1099999999999994none#000000optimizeLegibilitySTIXGeneral,STIXSizeOneSym,STIXIntegralsD,STIXIntegralsSm,STIXIntegralsUp,STIXIntegralsUpD,STIXIntegralsUpSm,STIXNonUnicode,STIXSizeFiveSym,STIXSizeFourSym,STIXSizeThreeSym,STIXSizeTwoSym,STIXVariantsfont-family: STIXGeneral,STIXSizeOneSym,STIXIntegralsD,STIXIntegralsSm,STIXIntegralsUp,STIXIntegralsUpD,STIXIntegralsUpSm,STIXNonUnicode,STIXSizeFiveSym,STIXSizeFourSym,STIXSizeThreeSym,STIXSizeTwoSym,STIXVariants; fill: ; background-color: transparent; font-family: STIXGeneral,STIXSizeOneSym,STIXIntegralsD,STIXIntegralsSm,STIXIntegralsUp,STIXIntegralsUpD,STIXIntegralsUpSm,STIXNonUnicode,STIXSizeFiveSym,STIXSizeFourSym,STIXSizeThreeSym,STIXSizeTwoSym,STIXVariants; fill: ; background-color: transparent; font-family: STIXGeneral, STIXSizeOneSym, STIXIntegralsD, STIXIntegralsSm, STIXIntegralsUp, STIXIntegralsUpD, STIXIntegralsUpSm, STIXNonUnicode, STIXSizeFiveSym, STIXSizeFourSym, STIXSizeThreeSym, STIXSizeTwoSym, STIXVariants; font-style: italic; fill: black; background-color: transparent; 26.410α α , Glossary
a best critical region of size α 2.1099999999999994α α ,
a binomial distribution,
a confidence interval, CONFIDENCE INTERVALS I, Glossary
a cycle,
a discrete sample space,
a distribution of the discrete type,
a gamma distribution, SUMMARIZING
a geometric distribution,
a linear, Proof
a measure of the dispersion or spread of a distribution is defined as follows:,
a most powerful test,
a multiplicative congruential generator,
a poisson distribution, , Glossary
a prime-modulus multiplicative congruential generator,
a probability histogram,
a procedure called parameter estimation, which assesses goodness of fit, ESTIMATION
a random variable of the discrete type,
a set of discrete points,
a simple hypothesis,
a simple null hypothesis,
a test of a statistical hypothesis,
a uniform distribution, The Uniform Distribution, Glossary
a uniformly most powerful critical region of size simplemath mathml-miitalicsα 1.19.510000000000002pt8.51pt0 0 9.510000000000002 8.512.1099999999999994none#000000optimizeLegibilitySTIXGeneral,STIXSizeOneSym,STIXIntegralsD,STIXIntegralsSm,STIXIntegralsUp,STIXIntegralsUpD,STIXIntegralsUpSm,STIXNonUnicode,STIXSizeFiveSym,STIXSizeFourSym,STIXSizeThreeSym,STIXSizeTwoSym,STIXVariantsfont-family: STIXGeneral,STIXSizeOneSym,STIXIntegralsD,STIXIntegralsSm,STIXIntegralsUp,STIXIntegralsUpD,STIXIntegralsUpSm,STIXNonUnicode,STIXSizeFiveSym,STIXSizeFourSym,STIXSizeThreeSym,STIXSizeTwoSym,STIXVariants; fill: ; background-color: transparent; font-family: STIXGeneral,STIXSizeOneSym,STIXIntegralsD,STIXIntegralsSm,STIXIntegralsUp,STIXIntegralsUpD,STIXIntegralsUpSm,STIXNonUnicode,STIXSizeFiveSym,STIXSizeFourSym,STIXSizeThreeSym,STIXSizeTwoSym,STIXVariants; fill: ; background-color: transparent; font-family: STIXGeneral, STIXSizeOneSym, STIXIntegralsD, STIXIntegralsSm, STIXIntegralsUp, STIXIntegralsUpD, STIXIntegralsUpSm, STIXNonUnicode, STIXSizeFiveSym, STIXSizeFourSym, STIXSizeThreeSym, STIXSizeTwoSym, STIXVariants; font-style: italic; fill: black; background-color: transparent; 26.410α α , Glossary
a uniformly most powerful critical region of size α 2.1099999999999994α α ,
a uniformly most powerful test, , Glossary
an antithetic pair, The Continuous Case
an approximate poisson process, POISSON DISTRIBUTION, Glossary
an exponential distribution, An Exponential Distribution, Glossary
an unbiased estimator of simplemath mathml-miitalicsθ 1.18.94pt10.89pt0 0 8.94 10.892.1099999999999994none#000000optimizeLegibilitySTIXGeneral,STIXSizeOneSym,STIXIntegralsD,STIXIntegralsSm,STIXIntegralsUp,STIXIntegralsUpD,STIXIntegralsUpSm,STIXNonUnicode,STIXSizeFiveSym,STIXSizeFourSym,STIXSizeThreeSym,STIXSizeTwoSym,STIXVariantsfont-family: STIXGeneral,STIXSizeOneSym,STIXIntegralsD,STIXIntegralsSm,STIXIntegralsUp,STIXIntegralsUpD,STIXIntegralsUpSm,STIXNonUnicode,STIXSizeFiveSym,STIXSizeFourSym,STIXSizeThreeSym,STIXSizeTwoSym,STIXVariants; fill: ; background-color: transparent; font-family: STIXGeneral,STIXSizeOneSym,STIXIntegralsD,STIXIntegralsSm,STIXIntegralsUp,STIXIntegralsUpD,STIXIntegralsUpSm,STIXNonUnicode,STIXSizeFiveSym,STIXSizeFourSym,STIXSizeThreeSym,STIXSizeTwoSym,STIXVariants; fill: ; background-color: transparent; font-family: STIXGeneral, STIXSizeOneSym, STIXIntegralsD, STIXIntegralsSm, STIXIntegralsUp, STIXIntegralsUpD, STIXIntegralsUpSm, STIXNonUnicode, STIXSizeFiveSym, STIXSizeFourSym, STIXSizeThreeSym, STIXSizeTwoSym, STIXVariants; font-style: italic; fill: black; background-color: transparent; 28.78000000000000110θ θ , Glossary
an unbiased estimator of θ 2.1099999999999994θ θ , Properties of Estimators
area under p.d.f. curve to a equal to a value of c.d.f. curve at a point a,


binomial distribution,


cauchy distribution,
chi-square distribution, Chi-Square Distribution, Glossary
confidence interval, CONFIDENCE INTERVALS I, Glossary
congruential generators,
cumulative distribution function, , Glossary


definition of exponential distribution, An Exponential Distribution, Glossary
definition of random variable, RANDOM VARIABLE OF DISCRETE TYPE, Glossary
definition of uniform distribution, The Uniform Distribution, Glossary
distributive operator, , Proof


expected value,


for example, , ,
for example,,
for illustration, ,


gamma function, Gamma Distribution, Glossary


highly skewed,
how large should the sample size be to estimate a mean?, Size Sample


in general, Size Sample
is called an estimator of θ2.1099999999999994θ θ, Properties of Estimators
it means be equal to θ2.1099999999999994θ θ , Properties of Estimators


k = 10 heads,


least squares estimation (lse), ESTIMATION


mathematical expectation, , Glossary
mathematical expectiation, MATHEMATICAL EXPECTIATION, Glossary
maximum likelihood estimation (mle), ESTIMATION, Maximum Likelihood Estimation
mean value ,
modulus m,
moments of the distribution ,


normal and gamma distributions, The Continuous Case



parameter space, Properties of Estimators
poisson distribution, , Glossary
poisson proccess, POISSON DISTRIBUTION, Glossary
probability density function, RANDOM VARIABLES OF THE CONTINUOUS TYPE, , Glossary
p[ k<18 2.2300000000000004k<18 k<18 or k>32 2.2300000000000004k>32 k>32 ] <0.05 2.2300000000000004<0.05 <0.05 ., Hypotheses Testing - Examples.
p[ k≤10 3.0299999999999994k≤10 k≤10 or k≥40 3.0299999999999994k≥40 k≥40 ] ≈0.000025. 2.1400000000000006≈0.000025. ≈0.000025. ,




standard deviation,
student's distribution, THE t DISTRIBUTION


t-distribution, THE t DISTRIBUTION
tail-end probability,
tausworthe generators, A Shift-Register Generator
the alternative hypothesis,
the binary random variable, The Discrete Case
the confidence coefficient, CONFIDENCE INTERVALS I, Glossary
the confidence interval for the variance σ2 2.1099999999999994σ2 σ 2 , Confidence Interval for Variances
the cycle length,
the distribution function, , Glossary
the efficiency,
the expected value, , MATHEMATICAL EXPECTIATION, Glossary
the exponential distribution, The Continuous Case
the following is the general expression of the binomial pdf for arbitrary values of θ 2.1099999999999994θ θ and n:, Likelihood function
the gamma distribution, Gamma Distribution, Glossary
the generalized factorial, Gamma Distribution
the geometric distribution, The Discrete Case
the goal of data analysis is to identify the population that is most likely to have generated the sample., Likelihood function
the graph of the p.d.f. of the exponential distriution, THE UNIFORM AND EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTIONS
the graph of the p.d.f. of the uniform distriution,
the inverse of the gamma distribution function, which is given by, The Continuous Case
the lagged fibonacci generators, Fibonacci Generators
the likelihood function,
the mathematical expectation, , MATHEMATICAL EXPECTIATION, Glossary
the maximum error of the estimate,
the maximum error of the point estimate, Size Sample
the maximum likelihood estimator,
the maximum period,
the mean,
the mean of the distribution,
the mean of the empirical distribution,
the method of maximum likelihood, Method of Moments
the method of moments, Method of Moments
the neyman-pearson lemma,
the normal and gamma distributions, The Continuous Case
the null hypothesis,
the parameter λ 2.16λ λ is the mean of the poisson distribution,
the parameters of the binomial distribution,
the probability density function,
the probability density function (p.d.f.), RANDOM VARIABLES OF THE CONTINUOUS TYPE, Glossary
the probability value,
the random variable of interest is the number of trials needed to observe the rth success, GEOMETRIC DISTRIBUTION
the rao-cramer inequality,
the rth factorial moment,
the rth moment of the distribution,
the rth moment of the distribution about b,
the seed,
the significance level of the test,
the standard deviation of x,
the standard error of the mean, TESTS ABOUT ONE MEAN AND ONE VARIANCE
the support of x,
the unbiased minimum variance estimator, ,
the unbiased minimum variance estimator of θ 2.1099999999999994θ θ , Properties of Estimators
the variance,
the variance of the empirical distribution,
the waiting times, An Exponential Distribution
theorem i, , The Continuous Case
theorem ii,
theorem iii,
theorem iv,
theorem v,
to illustrate the idea of a pdf, Likelihood function
type i error,
type i error:,
type ii error,
type ii error:,


unbiased and biased estimators, Properties of Estimators


variance, , , , <