Alzheimer's Disease: Unraveling the Mystery by National Institute of Aging - HTML preview

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Part 3 talks about current research and the

A book like this is possible only because of

advances that are bringing us closer to ways of

the major progress that scientists throughout the

managing and eventually defeating AD.

world have made. Not long ago, we knew very

Part 4 focuses on issues important to AD

little about AD other than some facts about its

caregivers and families, including current research major characteristics. Today, we are beginning that is finding ways to improve caregiver support.

to understand more about what AD is and who

The end of the book includes a list of publica-

gets it, how and why it develops, and what course

tions and resources that people with AD, family

it follows. We are learning about the complex

members, and caregivers may find useful as they

interface between AD and normal age-related

live day to day with the disease.

changes in the brain. We also are getting much

Then and Now: The Fast Pace of Developments in AD Research As shown in this timeline, we have learned a lot since Dr. Alzheimer presented the case of his patient, Auguste D.

The pace of research continues to accelerate as new findings open more and more doors to discovery.



■ Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neurologist and

■ Scientists discover a link between dementia and

psychiatrist, describes the case of a 51-year-old

the number of plaques present in the brain. AD is

woman, Auguste D., who had been admitted to

recognized as a distinct disease, not a normal part

a hospital 5 years earlier with a cluster of unusual

of aging.

symptoms, including problems with comprehension

and memory, an inability to speak, disorientation,


behavioral problems, and hallucinations. After her

■ Scientists find that levels of acetylcholine, a

death, Dr. Alzheimer examined her brain tissue and

neurotransmitter important in memory formation,

described two of the hallmarks of AD—numerous

falls sharply in people with AD. This discovery is

globs of sticky proteins in the spaces between

one of the first to link AD with biochemical changes

neurons (beta-amyloid plaques) and a tangled

in the brain.

bundle of fibrils within neurons (neurofibrillary

■ “Alzheimer’s disease” becomes a common term as


recognition of AD as a major public health problem


191Os – 194Os

■ NIA is established.

■ Belief persists that “senile dementia” is a normal part

of aging.


■ Diagnostic criteria for AD are established.


■ Genetic links to early-onset AD begin to surface.

■ Scientists study the biological structure of plaques

■ Congress mandates NIA as lead Federal agency

and tangles.

for AD research.

6 ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Unraveling the Mystery

better at diagnosing it early and accurately. Most function in healthy older people and identified important, we now have some promising leads on ways we might lessen normal age-related declines possible treatments. Studies also are beginning

in mental function. Most importantly, this accu-

to focus on preventive strategies by examining

mulated research has increased our appreciation

lifestyle factors that might influence a person’s

for just how complex AD is. It is now clear that

risk of developing AD.

many scientific and clinical disciplines need to

Since the 1970s, research supported by

work together to untangle the genetic, biological,

NIA and other organizations has deepened

and environmental factors that, over many

our understanding of this devastating disease.

years, set a person on a course that ultimately

It also has expanded our knowledge of brain

results in AD.

■ Scientists start to unravel the biological pathways


that lead to the development of beta-amyloid

■ The FDA approves other AD drugs, including

plaques in the brain.

rivastigmine (Exelon®), galantamine (Razadyne®),

■ Abnormal tau protein in tangles is identified.

donepezil (Aricept®), and memantine (Namenda®)

to treat symptoms of AD.


■ Early work on an AD vaccine begins.

■ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

■ Many new AD clinical trials, initiatives, and

approves tacrine (Cognex®), the first drug used to

studies are launched, looking at a broad array of

treat AD. This drug has since been replaced by

translational, treatment, and prevention issues.

other medications.

■ New transgenic mouse models, including one

■ Genetic mutations linked to early-onset and

that develops both plaques and tangles, are

late-onset AD are discovered.


■ The first transgenic mouse model of AD is

■ Pittsburgh Compound B (PiB) is developed, allowing


researchers to “see” beta-amyloid plaques in the

■ Additional diagnostic criteria are developed for AD.

brains of living people.

■ Characteristics of mild cognitive impairment are

■ The growing sophistication of neuroimaging

described and defined.

techniques, genetics, memory and cognitive

■ NIA launches the Alzheimer’s Disease Education

tests, structured interviews, and other technologies

and Referral Center, AD Cooperative Study, and

improve our ability to identify people at high

other initiatives to conduct and support AD treatment

risk of AD.

and prevention clinical trials.

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Unraveling the Mystery 7

























