Biology of Aging by National Institute of Aging - HTML preview

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feelings about aging are complex.

We may want to live forever, but who looks

about this magical transformation. These

forward to getting old? We hope we’re vigor-

are the types of questions and kinds of experi-

ous right up until the very end. Still, day-to-

ences that could stimulate a lifelong quest to

day, many of us make unhealthy choices that

explore what happens as we age.

could put our future at risk.

Since the National Institute on Aging (NIA)

From the beginning of time, people

was established at the National Institutes of

have tried to understand aging. Almost

Health (NIH) in 1974, scientists asking just

every culture has a mythology to explain it.

such questions have learned a great deal

As we grow up, tales of eternal youth pique

about the processes associated with the

our curiosity. And, it is these musings that

biology of aging. For scientists who study

may provide just the spark needed to ignite

aging—called gerontologists—this is an excit-

a budding scientist. There’s the little girl,

ing time. Technology today supports research

excited to visit her grandmother, who asks

that years ago would have seemed possible

her parents how someone so spunky and

only in a science fiction novel. And, a scientific

fun could be so old. Or, the 3rd grader who,

community that values active collaboration as

after watching in awe as a caterpillar spins

well as individual scientific achievement has

a cocoon and then days later emerges as a

helped to move research forward faster than

butterfly, peppers the teacher with questions

ever before.


Over centuries, theories about aging have

literally slowed down the runners. Although

emerged and faded, but the true nature of the some physical decline may be a normal result aging process is still uncertain. The fact is—

of aging, the reasons for these changes are of

aging is a part of everyone’s life. But the facts

particular interest to gerontologists.

of aging—what is happening on a biochemi-

Gerontologists look for what distinguishes

cal, genetic, and physiological level—remain

normal aging from disease, as well as explore

rich for exploration.

why older adults are increasingly vulnerable

This booklet introduces some key areas of

to disease and disability. They also try to

research into the biology of aging. Each area

understand why these health threats take

is a part of a larger field of scientific inquiry.

a higher toll on older bodies. Since 1958,

You can look at each topic individually, or you

NIA’s Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging

can step back to see how they fit together in

(BLSA) has been observing and reporting on

a lattice-work, interwoven to help us better

these kinds of questions. As with any longi-

understand aging processes. Research on aging tudinal study, the BLSA repeatedly evaluates is dynamic, constantly evolving based on new

people over time rather than comparing

discoveries, and so this booklet also keeps an

a group of young people to a group of old

open eye on the future, as today’s research

people, as in a cross-sectional study. Using this

provides the strongest hints of things to come.

approach, BLSA scientists have observed, for

example, that people who have no evidence

What is aging?

of ear problems or noise-induced hearing

loss still lose some of their hearing with

In the broadest sense, aging reflects all the

age—that’s normal. Using brain scans to learn

changes that occur over the course of life.

if cognitive changes can be related to struc-

You grow. You develop. You reach maturity.

tural changes in the brain, BLSA scientists

To the young, aging is exciting—it leads to

discovered that even people who remain

later bedtimes and curfews, and more inde-

healthy and maintain good brain function

pendence. By middle age, another candle

late in life lose a significant amount of brain

seems to fill up the top of the birthday cake.

volume during normal aging.

It’s hard not to notice some harmless cosmetic

However, some changes that we have long

changes like gray hair and wrinkles. Middle

thought of as normal aging can be, in fact,

age also is the time when people begin to

the signs of a potential disease. Take, for

notice a fair amount of physical decline.

example, sudden changes in personality.

Even the most athletically fit cannot escape

A common belief is that people become

these changes. Take marathon runners, for

cranky, depressed, and withdrawn as they get

example. An NIA-funded study found that

older. But an analysis of long-term data from

their record times increased with age—aging

the BLSA showed that an adult’s personality